The words 'Thank you' don't even come close to my deep gratitude to you for composing this essay revealing in such concise detail the many layers of what happened during the past five years. During these years, I have avoided sending any enlightening essays on Covid to people who swallowed the Koo-Aid mainly because I didn't know where to start. It seemed so monumental to catch them up to speed that I felt they wouldn't be able to wholly comprehend it. But this piece says it all so amazingly. I will finally be sending this to family and friends so they can finally see clearly and catch up. Thank you, Joshua, for waking the world up.
As we approach the fifth anniversary of the start of the Covid horror I've been keeping an eye out for an article that would bring together all its many themes into a comprehensive synopsis. I've wanted this so I could martial the data in my own mind, but more especially so I could present the evidence in a succinct form to any waverers from the official narrative who might be willing to look at it.
This is the article. Outstanding from beginning to end, written with contained passion and eloquence. Thank you Joshua Stylman!
Lessons learned from C19 scam: 1/ You can't trust the government. They will throw the Constitution out the window whenever it suits them. 2/ You can't fully trust medical professionals, in or out of the hospital, for "healthcare" has truly been turned into an industry designed to make money, not care for your health. Do your own research! 3/ Mainstream media is your enemy, dishonorable, the biggest spreader of falsehoods. 4/ YOU CAN'T CURE STUPID! No matter how much data I provided some people, they just blindly went along with whatever they were told, with a shrug of their shoulders or a "pooh-pooh" eye-roll dismissal of me. 5/ Shedding is real. I've experienced it three times. 6/ Look out for your own well-being, as most likely no one else will.
You are so right about everything in your comment. I was diagnosed with CLL right at the start of Covid, and since I had no symptoms and my counts were low, after a couple more visits to the oncologist, I starting doing my own research into CLL. I learned I have a very indolent type that will likely need no treatment. That doctor would never have told me that! I never went back to him and starting getting my own blood tests at a local lab. After 5 years, I'm doing great, and haven't seen a doctor in over 3 1/2 years. Ivermectin, Fenbendazole, and DMSO have brought my blood counts down lower than they were at diagnosis. Oh, and I was shed on twice, by people who told me and my husband we really needed to get the vax. Neither of us has EVER had Covid!
Boosted my immune system immediately with Quercetin, Zinc, NAC and Vit D3. I have heard that nicotine blocks the receptors, but I had none on hand. Took 48 hours, but then I felt fine. I continue to take those immune boosters regularly, because so many are jabbed and I can't exactly ask people. The first shedding I was subject to was from being in an unusually crowded store with poor air circulation. The other two times were from being too near two different friends who had been boosted as well. Now, I avoid close contact with individuals (unless I know they are not jabbed) and crowded areas period. I just hope enough people have wised up regarding these scams.
This was one of the most comprehensive and accurate assessments of what happened during Covid and what must be done to turn things around, that I have ever read. I hope it is shared far and wide and that those who most need to read it, will. Thank you.
Thank you, Joshua. This was a profound bringing together of all that happened since 2020. Just reading it reminded me that nothing has fundamentally changed. The mechanisms are still in place and functioning. The gullible masses are still prone to propaganda and "nudging". Like you, I was remorselessly persecuted on social media for daring to suggest the vaccine injured and dead was a new holocaust and that the persecution of an "infectious" minority was comparable to Germany in the 1930s.
The fracture of society in 2020 was horrifically clear to those of us awake to see. I've been feeling alienated ever since, a world gone mad around me. To hear people repeat mainstream narratives over and over is still disturbing, once you know. It's been such a well-orchestrated mind capture, it's almost beyond belief. But somehow, it's meant to be this way, a mass sorting process of those able to live in truth and those not.
I have learned. I will never trust our government, the media or the healthcare industry again. Ever. In fact- now my eyes are opened and I will never feel the patriotism and pride of being an American ever again. That makes me saddened, quite frankly. But never again.
Fauci's creation of the virus in Wuhan and the mRNA death jab mandates were the worst crimes in human history. We need to keep those crimes FRONT AND CENTER at all times, no matter what, until justice is finally served:
This is one of the most comprehensive and well written pieces I've read, summing up the psychology behind the events of COVID and mandates, which prompted starkly disparate realities depending on one's point of view. The reality and point of view with true staying power is constantly emerging, with the carnage of countless thousands of deaths and destroyed lives providing damning testimony. Great wrongs were enacted upon the prudently non-compliant and those injured by the shots. When will the performative virtue crowd who enthusiastically discriminated against far better informed friends, family, neighbors and colleagues admit they were wrong, seek forgiveness and make restitution?
This post is extremely enlightening and represents an important compendium/compilation of the macro-level sociological and psychological methods employed by globalist perpetrators of the entire COVID narrative/crime against humanity. I am grateful to the author for providing this work. There are a few assertions I disagree with such as: “The public was never told they were participating in what amounts to the largest medical experiment in human history.” If by "experiment", the author means that the overall goal/result was in doubt, I think that is false. One way in which it might be true that the public was participating in a medical experiment is that there may have been certain features being tested such as dose-response effects based on varying the type and concentration of multiple toxic and undisclosed substances. Health and wellness were clearly not the goal, however.
In retrospect the obvious intent of the COVID operation was depopulation and the creation of a global totalitarian order with absolute control of humanity (decades of white papers, practice events and public pronouncements by globalists advocated for much of what transpired, proving it was planned and not authentic/organic). Admittedly, COVID was a beginning step in a multi-pronged approach.
Another area in which I probably disagree with the author is with respect to the mRNA/spike protein issue. The entire mRNA/spike protein piece is likely a red herring meant to draw attention away from the actual toxic ingredient(s) since there are too many independent analyses done of vial contents which failed to disclose any mRNA or DNA (no nitrogen or phosphorus). The possibility of that occurring by chance alone seems vanishingly small. The implications are profound. If there was no mRNA or DNA present, there could be no spike protein produced, and all such claims are rendered false. Toxicity from GFN's seems increasingly like a better explanation for all the disease and deaths that have resulted (see Dr Pablo Campra's work for example, It cannot be accidental that it remains one topic that is almost completely censored from public discussion.
Your Covid times recap is hard to read, I don't see many people you describe in this recap doing any reflection or showing any curiosity about the events that happened most have just moved on. They formed their opinion early and don't want to hear any evidence to the contrary.
People get mean when it comes to survival (which is how this debacle was packaged). Folks easily forget the Golden Rule and are quick to judge, rather than be interested in learning why someone disagrees, when it comes to (perceived) life and death.
It is wonderful that the truth is building about the Covid mess.
For me, it is a sad time to look back at. I was no longer allowed to see and help care for my second dad, who was bedridden with late stage dementia.
How many times can a man turn his head, and pretend that he just doesn't see?
It is dreadful what fear, or love of money, will cause a person to deny.
That is what happened, what we lived through, and how we suffered during the chaos of the last 5 years. Thank you so very much for such an eloquent and totally exact synopsis.
Now, what we have to do is apply the same playbook rules to Bird Flu. It's the same scenario but affecting food supply this time. Control the food and control the people. Don't fall for it. Get involved and write, call, email your representative and let them know that you know what they are doing. Don't let complacency take you down the same path as Civid did.
Scott Adams called it the Two Movies phenomenon. Even though he was on the wrong side of reality during the pandemic, what you have outlined is a vital understanding of the way the system worked. Reconciling it means dismantling its roots; funding streams, misused legal mechanisms, removing abusive people in power... but it also means finding an inner will, an inner backbone, the innate curiosity to understand what is real and what is not. People exist in a fog of their own choosing, drifting through the world as if they had no control over anything. The phrase "wake up" may have been over-used, and it almost cost me the relationship with my own brother, but it is a struggle to find a better analogy.
Sorry that you were duped, but glad that eloquent voices like yours are now shining light on these enormous issues. We often get tired of writing about it, and frustrated by not having more reach, so THANK YOU for putting your skills to the task.
I have shared this article with both of our sons, my husband, my siblings. I will share it as much as I can because understanding what was done to us is the only way to prevent it from happening again. Thank you for this well written summary of how the greatest crime against humanity was committed.
I too was duped and took the vaccine. I’m lucky to be alive after suffering myocarditis after the first vaccine, Moderna. I have permanent heart damage but am lucky to be alive.
The words 'Thank you' don't even come close to my deep gratitude to you for composing this essay revealing in such concise detail the many layers of what happened during the past five years. During these years, I have avoided sending any enlightening essays on Covid to people who swallowed the Koo-Aid mainly because I didn't know where to start. It seemed so monumental to catch them up to speed that I felt they wouldn't be able to wholly comprehend it. But this piece says it all so amazingly. I will finally be sending this to family and friends so they can finally see clearly and catch up. Thank you, Joshua, for waking the world up.
Wow - excellent synopsis!!
This is an astonishing piece of work, Josh. I will pass it far and wide.
I agree with it all -- and heh, that rarely happens! :-)
So eloquent... so tragic. And we saw it all unfolding...
As we approach the fifth anniversary of the start of the Covid horror I've been keeping an eye out for an article that would bring together all its many themes into a comprehensive synopsis. I've wanted this so I could martial the data in my own mind, but more especially so I could present the evidence in a succinct form to any waverers from the official narrative who might be willing to look at it.
This is the article. Outstanding from beginning to end, written with contained passion and eloquence. Thank you Joshua Stylman!
Lessons learned from C19 scam: 1/ You can't trust the government. They will throw the Constitution out the window whenever it suits them. 2/ You can't fully trust medical professionals, in or out of the hospital, for "healthcare" has truly been turned into an industry designed to make money, not care for your health. Do your own research! 3/ Mainstream media is your enemy, dishonorable, the biggest spreader of falsehoods. 4/ YOU CAN'T CURE STUPID! No matter how much data I provided some people, they just blindly went along with whatever they were told, with a shrug of their shoulders or a "pooh-pooh" eye-roll dismissal of me. 5/ Shedding is real. I've experienced it three times. 6/ Look out for your own well-being, as most likely no one else will.
You are so right about everything in your comment. I was diagnosed with CLL right at the start of Covid, and since I had no symptoms and my counts were low, after a couple more visits to the oncologist, I starting doing my own research into CLL. I learned I have a very indolent type that will likely need no treatment. That doctor would never have told me that! I never went back to him and starting getting my own blood tests at a local lab. After 5 years, I'm doing great, and haven't seen a doctor in over 3 1/2 years. Ivermectin, Fenbendazole, and DMSO have brought my blood counts down lower than they were at diagnosis. Oh, and I was shed on twice, by people who told me and my husband we really needed to get the vax. Neither of us has EVER had Covid!
How do you manage the shedding issue? Nicotene?
Boosted my immune system immediately with Quercetin, Zinc, NAC and Vit D3. I have heard that nicotine blocks the receptors, but I had none on hand. Took 48 hours, but then I felt fine. I continue to take those immune boosters regularly, because so many are jabbed and I can't exactly ask people. The first shedding I was subject to was from being in an unusually crowded store with poor air circulation. The other two times were from being too near two different friends who had been boosted as well. Now, I avoid close contact with individuals (unless I know they are not jabbed) and crowded areas period. I just hope enough people have wised up regarding these scams.
Thanks for the info! I’ll have to look into the NAC.
# 6 is so true--no one is motivated to care for my self as much as I am
This was one of the most comprehensive and accurate assessments of what happened during Covid and what must be done to turn things around, that I have ever read. I hope it is shared far and wide and that those who most need to read it, will. Thank you.
This deserves the Nobel Prize for Literature. Truly the best, most comprehensive reality-based documentation of the last 5 years.
And to that end, I stand, clap, and shout as loudly as able: "Bravo, Bravo"
Thank you, Joshua. This was a profound bringing together of all that happened since 2020. Just reading it reminded me that nothing has fundamentally changed. The mechanisms are still in place and functioning. The gullible masses are still prone to propaganda and "nudging". Like you, I was remorselessly persecuted on social media for daring to suggest the vaccine injured and dead was a new holocaust and that the persecution of an "infectious" minority was comparable to Germany in the 1930s.
The fracture of society in 2020 was horrifically clear to those of us awake to see. I've been feeling alienated ever since, a world gone mad around me. To hear people repeat mainstream narratives over and over is still disturbing, once you know. It's been such a well-orchestrated mind capture, it's almost beyond belief. But somehow, it's meant to be this way, a mass sorting process of those able to live in truth and those not.
I have learned. I will never trust our government, the media or the healthcare industry again. Ever. In fact- now my eyes are opened and I will never feel the patriotism and pride of being an American ever again. That makes me saddened, quite frankly. But never again.
Thanks for a great essay. We are in a state of constant Psy-ops staged by 1) globalists and 2) our govt.
Question everything!!!
Thank you for writing this!
Fauci's creation of the virus in Wuhan and the mRNA death jab mandates were the worst crimes in human history. We need to keep those crimes FRONT AND CENTER at all times, no matter what, until justice is finally served:
Nothing else is nearly as important.
This is one of the most comprehensive and well written pieces I've read, summing up the psychology behind the events of COVID and mandates, which prompted starkly disparate realities depending on one's point of view. The reality and point of view with true staying power is constantly emerging, with the carnage of countless thousands of deaths and destroyed lives providing damning testimony. Great wrongs were enacted upon the prudently non-compliant and those injured by the shots. When will the performative virtue crowd who enthusiastically discriminated against far better informed friends, family, neighbors and colleagues admit they were wrong, seek forgiveness and make restitution?
This post is extremely enlightening and represents an important compendium/compilation of the macro-level sociological and psychological methods employed by globalist perpetrators of the entire COVID narrative/crime against humanity. I am grateful to the author for providing this work. There are a few assertions I disagree with such as: “The public was never told they were participating in what amounts to the largest medical experiment in human history.” If by "experiment", the author means that the overall goal/result was in doubt, I think that is false. One way in which it might be true that the public was participating in a medical experiment is that there may have been certain features being tested such as dose-response effects based on varying the type and concentration of multiple toxic and undisclosed substances. Health and wellness were clearly not the goal, however.
In retrospect the obvious intent of the COVID operation was depopulation and the creation of a global totalitarian order with absolute control of humanity (decades of white papers, practice events and public pronouncements by globalists advocated for much of what transpired, proving it was planned and not authentic/organic). Admittedly, COVID was a beginning step in a multi-pronged approach.
Another area in which I probably disagree with the author is with respect to the mRNA/spike protein issue. The entire mRNA/spike protein piece is likely a red herring meant to draw attention away from the actual toxic ingredient(s) since there are too many independent analyses done of vial contents which failed to disclose any mRNA or DNA (no nitrogen or phosphorus). The possibility of that occurring by chance alone seems vanishingly small. The implications are profound. If there was no mRNA or DNA present, there could be no spike protein produced, and all such claims are rendered false. Toxicity from GFN's seems increasingly like a better explanation for all the disease and deaths that have resulted (see Dr Pablo Campra's work for example, It cannot be accidental that it remains one topic that is almost completely censored from public discussion.
Your Covid times recap is hard to read, I don't see many people you describe in this recap doing any reflection or showing any curiosity about the events that happened most have just moved on. They formed their opinion early and don't want to hear any evidence to the contrary.
So very well done. Thank you.
People get mean when it comes to survival (which is how this debacle was packaged). Folks easily forget the Golden Rule and are quick to judge, rather than be interested in learning why someone disagrees, when it comes to (perceived) life and death.
It is wonderful that the truth is building about the Covid mess.
For me, it is a sad time to look back at. I was no longer allowed to see and help care for my second dad, who was bedridden with late stage dementia.
How many times can a man turn his head, and pretend that he just doesn't see?
It is dreadful what fear, or love of money, will cause a person to deny.
That is what happened, what we lived through, and how we suffered during the chaos of the last 5 years. Thank you so very much for such an eloquent and totally exact synopsis.
Now, what we have to do is apply the same playbook rules to Bird Flu. It's the same scenario but affecting food supply this time. Control the food and control the people. Don't fall for it. Get involved and write, call, email your representative and let them know that you know what they are doing. Don't let complacency take you down the same path as Civid did.
Scott Adams called it the Two Movies phenomenon. Even though he was on the wrong side of reality during the pandemic, what you have outlined is a vital understanding of the way the system worked. Reconciling it means dismantling its roots; funding streams, misused legal mechanisms, removing abusive people in power... but it also means finding an inner will, an inner backbone, the innate curiosity to understand what is real and what is not. People exist in a fog of their own choosing, drifting through the world as if they had no control over anything. The phrase "wake up" may have been over-used, and it almost cost me the relationship with my own brother, but it is a struggle to find a better analogy.
Sorry that you were duped, but glad that eloquent voices like yours are now shining light on these enormous issues. We often get tired of writing about it, and frustrated by not having more reach, so THANK YOU for putting your skills to the task.
I have shared this article with both of our sons, my husband, my siblings. I will share it as much as I can because understanding what was done to us is the only way to prevent it from happening again. Thank you for this well written summary of how the greatest crime against humanity was committed.
I too was duped and took the vaccine. I’m lucky to be alive after suffering myocarditis after the first vaccine, Moderna. I have permanent heart damage but am lucky to be alive.