For decades you could see US culture being reshaped by the ways men are portrayed on TV, and in movies and commercials. We are being told over and over by bad example than men are weak, passive, stupid, foolish, indecisive, and worthy of derision by spouses, friends and family members. These portrayals send the message that men should be ashamed of themselves and quietly surrender their strength, wisdom, and leading roles in the family. Nothing against women, or strong women; but men should embrace strong, positive male roles. Both sexes, both partners in marriage can be clear, strong and positive in outlook. It is the networks and entertainment bosses who approve these deleterious images.
Instead of patronizing such shows, programming that shapes male passivity should be shown as unworthy by viewer abandonment, as a clear waste of funding by advertisers. Certainly there are better things to do with our time anyways: that's why we used to call it the "Boob Tube." I truly admired our next door neighbor and his family when, during the so-called pandemic, they parked their vehicles on the street and turned their two-car garage into workout space.
Makes sense - shows like The Simpsons really set that template of the bumbling dad that's played out endlessly since (don't even get me started on Grandpa Simpson). You're hitting on something important - it's not about pitting anyone against each other. Kids especially need to see strong, capable role models of both genders. That garage gym example really brings it home - taking action instead of just absorbing whatever's on screen.
The exceptional media genre to that emasculating rule is organized crime. Surprise surprise lol. The two tv series that are widely regarded as the best shows of all-time -- The Sopranos and Breaking Bad (personally I'll take Northern Exposure) -- are both based on strong men operating outside of the long arm of the law. Which just goes to show how civilization functions as a structural emasculator of men. The media stuff is just adding positive feedback loop of cosmetic insult to structural injury. Any man willing to make a phone call to the police for any reason IS pathetic and self-emasculating, for example, and that's probably 99pc of men. Welcome to civilization, huh?
"For indeed he was a wonder to me then and always, not for his looks nor for anything that he did, but for the silent power of what he was, the power gathered up in him, as tremendous as a great mountain on the sky, that you couldna measure nor name, but only feel. A man, it was."
Good article. Growing up i always worked. It taught me how to understand the mechanics of life. The simplicity of mowing a lawn teaches critical thinking by requiring you to envision how to do it in the simplest manner.
My point of saying that as it relates is we develop skills on our abilities. We have to use our imagination to do that. And today's society children become limited due to idolizing those with advanced ability vs what it takes to achieve.
Yep. I also worked from my pre-teen years and it completely shaped who I am. You make an excellent point about how even simple tasks like mowing a lawn build critical thinking and problem-solving skills. The contrast between learning through direct experience versus passive admiration of others' achievements is stark.
What’s going these days is not hidden or subtle. It is frontal, in our faces, assaulting and violating. It is the attack on the Human Family and the natural divinely-inspired order of social functioning and cohesive and mutually-beneficial integration among human beings.
The Attack on Men is about gutting the male role, perverting it and draining all power from it. It is about putting out a false front of purported ‘equality’ between the sexes in order to confuse and foul the roles for men and women that in the main have worked well for the human family ever since cave men went out to find food and his woman made a livable home while tending to their young.
Now, I am not saying that women should not have the right and ability to do and be absolutely anything they want. This is part of our human birthright period – and another aspect of natural law to allow all persons to be what they choose. No, this is a recognition of the attack on the human family that the Dark State has been waging on men and woman and the family at least since the phony Women’s Lib movement of the ‘60s which was part of The Dark Sider’s plan of weaponization against men and perverting the health of the family order.
But there is a deeper and more sinister layer to all this. What is the real goal here? What is the Master Plan of this attack and assault on men (and women)? This always goes back to just about every undertaking that the Dark Side and their lackey’s in government and social-engineering forces like anti-social media are all about: THEY WANT TO BE OUR GODS. They want all power. They want our weakness and serfdom. They want us confused and powerless. They do not want any other ‘competing gods’ out there. They simply and completely want to be the sole gods over Society and the human family.
Taking power away from men and convincing women that their true happiness and fulfillment will be outside of their homestead and away from their role as mentor and nurturer of the family is the end-game. Through this sick plan is how Government and the Dark Side become the gods of the Planet that They foolishly believe They are. The Bible would call this part of the ‘False gods’ that emerge throughout the Ages that the holy book has long warned us of.
There is a reason why men have traditionally been called the Head of the Family. Someone has to lead. Someone has to set the tone. Someone has to set an example for his spouse and children.
So if Men are the ‘Head’ of the family... what does that make women? Women are the HEART of the family. Women are who and what makes a Home a Home. Women have the love and tenderness needed in the family – not born of weakness or servitude but of strength and foundation-setting. Men and women work together not as rivals but as team-mates and help-mates and create an atmosphere of love and good purpose which is the template for all members of the family.
Like the four legs on a table... the leadership and agency of men is one of the necessary legs of a nurturing and ordered society. That the man treats his woman as an equal partner with respect and caring is another of these legs. That children care for, respect and learn from good parents is another leg. And the final leg is the freedom given to all parties to be free to be the person that they want to be – with the full love and support of all other members of the family.
All together, this creates a tall and orderly and proudly-standing table of Family. And a grand collection of such tables is the creation of a healthy and prosperous Society.
And that’s why men are under assault. Knock out that first leg... and all the others will then follow.
And then, the false gods of this World succeed in creating their hellscape of false power and control over our Planet with bad intent and devoid of heart and good purpose.
Normally I wouldn't read such a lengthy comment, but you just kept hitting the nail on the head over and over. The disconnect between men and women is truly heart breaking and so bad, like much of the past few years, I wouldn't have even imagined it if you had told me. Until a single income for a regular skilled job is enough to provide for a family again, I don't see much changing. Best of luck to you and thank you for your thoughts!
I appreciate the depth of thought you've put into this. You can infer where I stand on these matters. Being aware of different perspectives and their underlying frameworks helps us better understand the full picture. The key is maintaining that awareness while engaging with various viewpoints - which is what I aim to do here, observing and understanding rather than simply reacting or letting it consume my identity.
Atlas Shrugged is one of my favorite books, in particular because sometimes it was like reading poetry. Josh, you are one of my new favorite writers. I'd give you money but I'm broke AF. When that book comes out though, I'm buying. Thanks for taking the time and sharing your talents. I used to work for Burke Energy out of the Brewster office. You probably got my junk mail 😅
I know, I'm just saying you're that good. "Shut up and take my money!" Lol Your writing and ability to explain is rare and sorely needed. I've been shadow banned a long time and know what it's like to feel demoralized. Just showing you some love ✊🙏
"Supervised dependency". What an on-point description! If you think of a Venn diagram, then "supervised dependency" becomes a superset holding many, many elements of social engineering. My fave villain, planned obsolescence, would be one of the circles within supervised dependency. So would QR codes. So would missing owner's manuals. So would computer answering machines. So would expensive Apple hardware lacking so much as an On/Off switch label. The list goes on of all the smaller circles that stand within the superset of "supervised dependency." Somewhere in intel agency training manuals on social engineering there is discussion of this concept. The guidance is undoubtedly something akin to, "Keep 'em coming to the system for every other breath." Would love to see that discussion exposed.
I've really noticed in the last few years when watching sports highlights (English football, NFL etc) just how much time is devoted to showing players and spectators celebrating, compared to live action and replay of important moments.
Yeah I used to play basketball so I still watch a few NBA game highlights of the couple teams with players that interest me and over the last 5-10 years it's like the players on the bench have replaced the cheerleaders. It's hilarious, if they're not jumping off the bench and celebrating a made basket or whatever 25 times a game they're doing something wrong. And the players themselves are always hamming it up like they are mimicking the video game versions of themselves; a matrix within a matrix. A nobody can make the first free throw of two without having to leave the free throw line to touch hands with every teammate before shooting the second one, as if he might fall to pieces in a puddle of tears without the positive reinforcement.
It's a media coverage decision to edit a game down to 50% hugging and celebrating with key moment slow mo replays (European Soccer), end zone dance routines and posturing after completing more than 10 yards for fresh downs (NFL).
Crowd shots are typically of nerves or celebration, usually choosing shots of people festooned in team colors overacting for the cameras....
Yeah totally! The crowd, too! And then there's the miraculous head turn ear shot, and all that blood, and the fight! fight! fight!, and the iwo jima photo op, and the speeding bullet in mid-flight! And the shutter that was faster than a speeding bullet...well, almost! And the effeminate Everyman patsy that choked the gimme shot. And the old destroying of his corpse, like bin Laden! And Joe Rogan marveling at how well his ear healed during the interview, without a hint of irony. And then endorsing him the day before the election! And Russell Brand be like, you were way late on that endorsement, Joey baby, I got Christened three months ago! I just love it all man!
Although you seem to be directing this article toward men, you’re forgetting that you and every other person in the health freedom movement is standing on the shoulders of the OGs — the warrior moms. Without them, there would be no CHD, no RFK Jr as HHS director, no Brownstone Institute. Their bravery, their willingness to show their faces, their decades of dedicated research, their speaking out in face of hatred and namecalling and censorship — all rooted in their fathomless love for all children — IS the original “code.” Look to them, and you’ll find fierceness and strength and humility and deep knowledge and wisdom. Just what is needed in a society of onlookers.
Restacked. The part I loved most, because it ties into my lonely crusade against "professional conservative" participation in suppressing the covid-harms story, was this: “But true masculinity has never been solely about physical strength. History's greatest exemplars of masculine virtue weren't just men of action - they were men of principle, wisdom, and moral courage. …the common thread was having an unwavering code - the willingness to stand firm on conviction even when it carries personal cost. Consider how many men today silently acquiesce to policies they know are wrong, embrace narratives they privately doubt, or submit to institutional pressures that violate their conscience. During COVID, we watched as men who understood the importance of natural immunity, outdoor exercise, and community bonds nevertheless enforced policies that harmed their neighborhoods and families. They chose institutional compliance over moral courage, career safety over civic duty, majority approval over personal conviction.”
For more on the sports-viewing angle, there's a good little chapter in Christopher Lasch's 1979 "The Culture of Narcissism."
Spectator here. In the past I have built and made and had family. Awhile back I noticed our species standards had deteriorated below tolerance levels, so now I maintain distance from both the ranchers 𝙖𝙣𝙙 the cattle.
People deserve to receive the consequences they create or tolerate, and I have no plans to stand in their way.
Your ranchers/cattle metaphor is quite apt. While circumstances and capacity for engagement vary for each person depending on their appetite, life circumstances, etc, I appreciate you taking the time to share your thoughts here - that itself is a form of participation rather than pure spectatorship :-)
Another excellent piece. However I would love to clarify what you mean by "Like the fiat currency that replaced real money". The way I see it all money is fiat money because even when gold was used as money it had to be declared so by some authiority and it had to be stamped at a value higher than its commodity price or people would just melt it down and trade bullion. The Stanford Encyclopedia says there are two monetary theories, one is the Commodity Theory where a commodity is used for money (never worked very well), and the second is the Credit Theory of money where credit is used for money, our current system. Both of these systems have historically been private systems controlled by the wealthy. So, what is real money? It is money issued publicly as money, not a commodity, not a debt, but permanently circulating asset money created and issued by a duly elected government. That is what Lincoln's greenbacks were, debt-free public money and in the short period in which it were issued, debt began to disappear in the economy and the interest rates went down. Money creation is the governing factor, acknowedged 3000 years ago as the most vital prerogative of democratic self-governance. We the 99% are paying interest, accumulated capital costs, to the wealthy 1% with every transaction, 50% of the price on average.
Thanks for this thoughtful perspective on monetary theory. While we could debate when exactly currency became fiat or whether gold represents sounder money than USD (I believe it does, despite price manipulation by powerful interests), the core issue remains the same: the current monetary system is artificial, constraining and is a form of modern slavery. Sound money is certainly a crucial tool for liberation, but that's precisely why my piece emphasizes how we can't effectively pursue such freedom while remaining passive spectators in our own lives. We need engaged, active participants to create real change, not armchair theorists distracted by endless entertainment.
Wow, thank you for sharing your story and perspective with such courage. I used to think reports like this sounded out there and/or rare, but I've learned there are many survivors coming forward with similar accounts. The new legislation regarding ritual abuse punishments that you referenced shows growing awareness and action on these issues.
I aim to stay focused on constructive solutions while acknowledging the reality of what survivors have experienced. Your emphasis on both exposing abuse and creating positive alternatives resonates in a profound way. Thanks again, Anastasia.
For decades you could see US culture being reshaped by the ways men are portrayed on TV, and in movies and commercials. We are being told over and over by bad example than men are weak, passive, stupid, foolish, indecisive, and worthy of derision by spouses, friends and family members. These portrayals send the message that men should be ashamed of themselves and quietly surrender their strength, wisdom, and leading roles in the family. Nothing against women, or strong women; but men should embrace strong, positive male roles. Both sexes, both partners in marriage can be clear, strong and positive in outlook. It is the networks and entertainment bosses who approve these deleterious images.
Instead of patronizing such shows, programming that shapes male passivity should be shown as unworthy by viewer abandonment, as a clear waste of funding by advertisers. Certainly there are better things to do with our time anyways: that's why we used to call it the "Boob Tube." I truly admired our next door neighbor and his family when, during the so-called pandemic, they parked their vehicles on the street and turned their two-car garage into workout space.
Makes sense - shows like The Simpsons really set that template of the bumbling dad that's played out endlessly since (don't even get me started on Grandpa Simpson). You're hitting on something important - it's not about pitting anyone against each other. Kids especially need to see strong, capable role models of both genders. That garage gym example really brings it home - taking action instead of just absorbing whatever's on screen.
The exceptional media genre to that emasculating rule is organized crime. Surprise surprise lol. The two tv series that are widely regarded as the best shows of all-time -- The Sopranos and Breaking Bad (personally I'll take Northern Exposure) -- are both based on strong men operating outside of the long arm of the law. Which just goes to show how civilization functions as a structural emasculator of men. The media stuff is just adding positive feedback loop of cosmetic insult to structural injury. Any man willing to make a phone call to the police for any reason IS pathetic and self-emasculating, for example, and that's probably 99pc of men. Welcome to civilization, huh?
"For indeed he was a wonder to me then and always, not for his looks nor for anything that he did, but for the silent power of what he was, the power gathered up in him, as tremendous as a great mountain on the sky, that you couldna measure nor name, but only feel. A man, it was."
Mary Webb - Precious Bane 1920
yes! yes! yes! thank you for that. and for being that kind of Gwyneth.
Yup. Sally boys is what the governing elite desire. But, in the end they probably created more men than Sally boys.
I've never heard that term before - I wonder if it comes before or after soy boy.
Used to mean unexperienced ship hand more than 200yrs ago but has evolved. Now soy-boy and Sally-boy both mean effeminate men.
Beautifully said. Thank you!
Good article. Growing up i always worked. It taught me how to understand the mechanics of life. The simplicity of mowing a lawn teaches critical thinking by requiring you to envision how to do it in the simplest manner.
My point of saying that as it relates is we develop skills on our abilities. We have to use our imagination to do that. And today's society children become limited due to idolizing those with advanced ability vs what it takes to achieve.
Yep. I also worked from my pre-teen years and it completely shaped who I am. You make an excellent point about how even simple tasks like mowing a lawn build critical thinking and problem-solving skills. The contrast between learning through direct experience versus passive admiration of others' achievements is stark.
What’s going these days is not hidden or subtle. It is frontal, in our faces, assaulting and violating. It is the attack on the Human Family and the natural divinely-inspired order of social functioning and cohesive and mutually-beneficial integration among human beings.
The Attack on Men is about gutting the male role, perverting it and draining all power from it. It is about putting out a false front of purported ‘equality’ between the sexes in order to confuse and foul the roles for men and women that in the main have worked well for the human family ever since cave men went out to find food and his woman made a livable home while tending to their young.
Now, I am not saying that women should not have the right and ability to do and be absolutely anything they want. This is part of our human birthright period – and another aspect of natural law to allow all persons to be what they choose. No, this is a recognition of the attack on the human family that the Dark State has been waging on men and woman and the family at least since the phony Women’s Lib movement of the ‘60s which was part of The Dark Sider’s plan of weaponization against men and perverting the health of the family order.
But there is a deeper and more sinister layer to all this. What is the real goal here? What is the Master Plan of this attack and assault on men (and women)? This always goes back to just about every undertaking that the Dark Side and their lackey’s in government and social-engineering forces like anti-social media are all about: THEY WANT TO BE OUR GODS. They want all power. They want our weakness and serfdom. They want us confused and powerless. They do not want any other ‘competing gods’ out there. They simply and completely want to be the sole gods over Society and the human family.
Taking power away from men and convincing women that their true happiness and fulfillment will be outside of their homestead and away from their role as mentor and nurturer of the family is the end-game. Through this sick plan is how Government and the Dark Side become the gods of the Planet that They foolishly believe They are. The Bible would call this part of the ‘False gods’ that emerge throughout the Ages that the holy book has long warned us of.
There is a reason why men have traditionally been called the Head of the Family. Someone has to lead. Someone has to set the tone. Someone has to set an example for his spouse and children.
So if Men are the ‘Head’ of the family... what does that make women? Women are the HEART of the family. Women are who and what makes a Home a Home. Women have the love and tenderness needed in the family – not born of weakness or servitude but of strength and foundation-setting. Men and women work together not as rivals but as team-mates and help-mates and create an atmosphere of love and good purpose which is the template for all members of the family.
Like the four legs on a table... the leadership and agency of men is one of the necessary legs of a nurturing and ordered society. That the man treats his woman as an equal partner with respect and caring is another of these legs. That children care for, respect and learn from good parents is another leg. And the final leg is the freedom given to all parties to be free to be the person that they want to be – with the full love and support of all other members of the family.
All together, this creates a tall and orderly and proudly-standing table of Family. And a grand collection of such tables is the creation of a healthy and prosperous Society.
And that’s why men are under assault. Knock out that first leg... and all the others will then follow.
And then, the false gods of this World succeed in creating their hellscape of false power and control over our Planet with bad intent and devoid of heart and good purpose.
Normally I wouldn't read such a lengthy comment, but you just kept hitting the nail on the head over and over. The disconnect between men and women is truly heart breaking and so bad, like much of the past few years, I wouldn't have even imagined it if you had told me. Until a single income for a regular skilled job is enough to provide for a family again, I don't see much changing. Best of luck to you and thank you for your thoughts!
I appreciate the depth of thought you've put into this. You can infer where I stand on these matters. Being aware of different perspectives and their underlying frameworks helps us better understand the full picture. The key is maintaining that awareness while engaging with various viewpoints - which is what I aim to do here, observing and understanding rather than simply reacting or letting it consume my identity.
Atlas Shrugged is one of my favorite books, in particular because sometimes it was like reading poetry. Josh, you are one of my new favorite writers. I'd give you money but I'm broke AF. When that book comes out though, I'm buying. Thanks for taking the time and sharing your talents. I used to work for Burke Energy out of the Brewster office. You probably got my junk mail 😅
Thank you and glad you're enjoying the Substack. To be clear, I'm just here venting and sharing thoughts, I'm not asking for money, haha.
I know, I'm just saying you're that good. "Shut up and take my money!" Lol Your writing and ability to explain is rare and sorely needed. I've been shadow banned a long time and know what it's like to feel demoralized. Just showing you some love ✊🙏
"Supervised dependency". What an on-point description! If you think of a Venn diagram, then "supervised dependency" becomes a superset holding many, many elements of social engineering. My fave villain, planned obsolescence, would be one of the circles within supervised dependency. So would QR codes. So would missing owner's manuals. So would computer answering machines. So would expensive Apple hardware lacking so much as an On/Off switch label. The list goes on of all the smaller circles that stand within the superset of "supervised dependency." Somewhere in intel agency training manuals on social engineering there is discussion of this concept. The guidance is undoubtedly something akin to, "Keep 'em coming to the system for every other breath." Would love to see that discussion exposed.
I've really noticed in the last few years when watching sports highlights (English football, NFL etc) just how much time is devoted to showing players and spectators celebrating, compared to live action and replay of important moments.
Fascinating - watching the watchers. How meta.
Yeah I used to play basketball so I still watch a few NBA game highlights of the couple teams with players that interest me and over the last 5-10 years it's like the players on the bench have replaced the cheerleaders. It's hilarious, if they're not jumping off the bench and celebrating a made basket or whatever 25 times a game they're doing something wrong. And the players themselves are always hamming it up like they are mimicking the video game versions of themselves; a matrix within a matrix. A nobody can make the first free throw of two without having to leave the free throw line to touch hands with every teammate before shooting the second one, as if he might fall to pieces in a puddle of tears without the positive reinforcement.
I'm blame it on girls volleyball!
It's a media coverage decision to edit a game down to 50% hugging and celebrating with key moment slow mo replays (European Soccer), end zone dance routines and posturing after completing more than 10 yards for fresh downs (NFL).
Crowd shots are typically of nerves or celebration, usually choosing shots of people festooned in team colors overacting for the cameras....
Bread and circuses
Yeah totally! The crowd, too! And then there's the miraculous head turn ear shot, and all that blood, and the fight! fight! fight!, and the iwo jima photo op, and the speeding bullet in mid-flight! And the shutter that was faster than a speeding bullet...well, almost! And the effeminate Everyman patsy that choked the gimme shot. And the old destroying of his corpse, like bin Laden! And Joe Rogan marveling at how well his ear healed during the interview, without a hint of irony. And then endorsing him the day before the election! And Russell Brand be like, you were way late on that endorsement, Joey baby, I got Christened three months ago! I just love it all man!
Although you seem to be directing this article toward men, you’re forgetting that you and every other person in the health freedom movement is standing on the shoulders of the OGs — the warrior moms. Without them, there would be no CHD, no RFK Jr as HHS director, no Brownstone Institute. Their bravery, their willingness to show their faces, their decades of dedicated research, their speaking out in face of hatred and namecalling and censorship — all rooted in their fathomless love for all children — IS the original “code.” Look to them, and you’ll find fierceness and strength and humility and deep knowledge and wisdom. Just what is needed in a society of onlookers.
Restacked. The part I loved most, because it ties into my lonely crusade against "professional conservative" participation in suppressing the covid-harms story, was this: “But true masculinity has never been solely about physical strength. History's greatest exemplars of masculine virtue weren't just men of action - they were men of principle, wisdom, and moral courage. …the common thread was having an unwavering code - the willingness to stand firm on conviction even when it carries personal cost. Consider how many men today silently acquiesce to policies they know are wrong, embrace narratives they privately doubt, or submit to institutional pressures that violate their conscience. During COVID, we watched as men who understood the importance of natural immunity, outdoor exercise, and community bonds nevertheless enforced policies that harmed their neighborhoods and families. They chose institutional compliance over moral courage, career safety over civic duty, majority approval over personal conviction.”
For more on the sports-viewing angle, there's a good little chapter in Christopher Lasch's 1979 "The Culture of Narcissism."
Spectator here. In the past I have built and made and had family. Awhile back I noticed our species standards had deteriorated below tolerance levels, so now I maintain distance from both the ranchers 𝙖𝙣𝙙 the cattle.
People deserve to receive the consequences they create or tolerate, and I have no plans to stand in their way.
Your ranchers/cattle metaphor is quite apt. While circumstances and capacity for engagement vary for each person depending on their appetite, life circumstances, etc, I appreciate you taking the time to share your thoughts here - that itself is a form of participation rather than pure spectatorship :-)
Thanks, I'm still working on a cure for my hypocrisy. In the meantime, I'm enjoying your perspective on events.
Another excellent piece. However I would love to clarify what you mean by "Like the fiat currency that replaced real money". The way I see it all money is fiat money because even when gold was used as money it had to be declared so by some authiority and it had to be stamped at a value higher than its commodity price or people would just melt it down and trade bullion. The Stanford Encyclopedia says there are two monetary theories, one is the Commodity Theory where a commodity is used for money (never worked very well), and the second is the Credit Theory of money where credit is used for money, our current system. Both of these systems have historically been private systems controlled by the wealthy. So, what is real money? It is money issued publicly as money, not a commodity, not a debt, but permanently circulating asset money created and issued by a duly elected government. That is what Lincoln's greenbacks were, debt-free public money and in the short period in which it were issued, debt began to disappear in the economy and the interest rates went down. Money creation is the governing factor, acknowedged 3000 years ago as the most vital prerogative of democratic self-governance. We the 99% are paying interest, accumulated capital costs, to the wealthy 1% with every transaction, 50% of the price on average.
Thanks for this thoughtful perspective on monetary theory. While we could debate when exactly currency became fiat or whether gold represents sounder money than USD (I believe it does, despite price manipulation by powerful interests), the core issue remains the same: the current monetary system is artificial, constraining and is a form of modern slavery. Sound money is certainly a crucial tool for liberation, but that's precisely why my piece emphasizes how we can't effectively pursue such freedom while remaining passive spectators in our own lives. We need engaged, active participants to create real change, not armchair theorists distracted by endless entertainment.
Thank you thank you thank you! I wrote this post to try to highlight what some men are doing...I'm delighted to find this article!
Scroll to the bottom of article for the highlight of men in action!
Wow, thank you for sharing your story and perspective with such courage. I used to think reports like this sounded out there and/or rare, but I've learned there are many survivors coming forward with similar accounts. The new legislation regarding ritual abuse punishments that you referenced shows growing awareness and action on these issues.
I aim to stay focused on constructive solutions while acknowledging the reality of what survivors have experienced. Your emphasis on both exposing abuse and creating positive alternatives resonates in a profound way. Thanks again, Anastasia.
You are very welcome!! I read from and we spoke of your article yesterday in our Seattle protest at the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, which we believe is highly corrupt. Thank you for the inspiration! Keep up the great writing! or here