Too many livelihoods and stock portfolios rely on the status quo to have change come from the top down. This battle must be won at the individual level. Bill Gates wasn’t the one forcing us to wear a mask at the grocery store or enforcing the BS behind a badge. Those were our neighbors.
We can’t outsource the battle to Trump or politicians or MFM doctors. Support actions they do that are aligned and give no quarter to traitors. Not easy…
Hannah Arendt's work on the banality of evil feels more relevant than ever. There's also this powerful anonymous essay called 'Monster' that I came across in 2021 that captures a similar sentiment - about how the most concerning aspects of authoritarianism often come from ordinary people enforcing conformity, not just top-down mandates.
I agree completely that real change has to come from a groundswell of individuals willing to think independently and stand up for what they believe. No leader or institution can do this for us - it has to start with regular people choosing to question the status quo and support each other in maintaining their autonomy.
The real enemy isn't the one you can see, but the one who looks normal. You don't know they're the enemy until you step out of line. There are millions of people like this, they're everywhere. Scratching their surface reveals a monster. What makes the monster really terrifying is they think they are being reasonable. The reasonable person will oppress you, take away your freedom to speak, imprison you, and watch you slowly die because they believe you are being unreasonable – you either don't believe what they believe or you simply question it. Your individuality is at odds with their reasonableness.
Don't be scared of the dictator, the dictator creates resistance, people fight back – you'll have allies. But you should be very scared of the normal person, they don't create resistance because their views are the zeitgeist; only a troublemaker or uninformed idiot would disagree with their reasonable views. The monster will take away your rights because your views are faulty. You need to be re-educated before you can participate in normal society where normal and reasonable people live.
When you start thinking for yourself you instantly become a threat to normal people, they can see you don't give a shit about their lives and their beliefs. They think you're the monster, which is laughable as you have no interest in controlling people or telling them how they should live. If you are young and wild you need to protect your freedom. Leave other people alone, but if they try to control or dominate you, fight like a fucking tiger. They can't control you.
As you progress you will meet other people like you, not because they look like you but they think like you – individuals of all colours and races who value freedom over slavery. The don't give a damn about the zeitgeist or what society expects - just like you. All they care about is creating something, improving their lives and the lives of their tribe. This may be in art, sport, business, farming – whatever, it doesn't matter. Some may be rich, some may be poor – they've rejected the rat race, conformity and living like a trapped zombie. Just like you.
The real enemy is your next-door neighbour. Beneath the surface of millions of normal looking people is a monster. A 'reasonable' monster. A monster who knows what's good for you.
This nailed it for my experience during C19. Even though I’m a chiropractor and somewhat used to opposition, bringing up vax issues, gain of function, etc. has been an interesting time.
TY! The Jones Plantation "If you place a man in physical chains he will see he is enslaved but if you replace the physical chains with mental ones, most will never see they are still enslaved. Once you convince a man he is free, there is no end to the abuse he will endure and even defend in the name of freedom. Even if some body comes along, like Samuel, and tries to tell them the truth about a situation they won't believe him.
We can step in and shut them down to maintain law and order. The crowd, the crowd they'll cheer as we punish the trouble maker, the threat to the freedom they IMAGINE they have. Most people will never understand the system that controls them b/c deep, deep down inside of them they don't want to. It's easier to just go along with the crowd, believe the lies, deny obvious truth right in front of their face."
Thanks for this! I have a complete mind shift. I have never thought about this being about medical freedom, but you are right. This is our fight for freedom for good health and from government over-reach and big pharma tyranny. I keep saying healthcare is broken, but I should be thinking about how we can break free and have true healing healthcare!
Josh, After the Bowden/Means/Kruse piece, this was the article screaming to be written. I have been looking each day to see who would jump on it...I should not be surprised it is you. This will turn out to be the Medical Freedom question of this administration.
Totally agree. The time for polite discord ended when people started dying. This is war and the fuck if we should be “nice” to anyone who is allowing more kids to be harmed or killed. Pick a side and God have mercy on you because none of us ever will.
Josh, this Kruse/Bowden/Means interaction was needed in order to lay down some markers on the field and to send up a red flare about professional interlopers sent in to limit the damage to Big Pharma by focusing attention on the edges and deflecting us from their baby: the mRNA platform.
I was angry that Jack did not slow down and prove the covid vaccines are unavoidably harmful by doing a minute and a half on how the First Principles in immunology proves the mRNA platform is pathogenic by design.
Calley Means is obviously clueless that the shot sets up a pseudo infection that the immune system will react to in the same way as a true viral infection with some consequences coming from the viral clearance activity of the white blood cells.
If you transfect heart tissue and it starts presenting virus proteins on the membranes of Cardio Myocytes, the white blood cells will come destroy every spike presenting heart cell without mercy… leaving foci of necrotic damage behind… and since heart damage is permanent the damage done to the heart from each booster is cumulative.
Dammit! If Jack had PROVEN the shots are harmful with a clear step by step through the microbiology from injection to heart damage, there is no way Mr. Means could have looked reasonable by simply saying he was against the mandates.
No dumbass! We are being killed by these shots. The damage to the heart is the tip of the iatrogenic iceberg, with viral clearance doing Host Cell Destruction whever the 20 billion lipids in the shot land. Also Host Cell Destruction is only one mechanism of damage unleashed by the mRNA shots.
It was a huge missed opportunity to put the slick professional on the back foot right out of the gate and to provide a clear education on the fatal flaw of the mRNA platform as a technology to the audience as well.
I've cornered many many mRNA cheerleaders with PhDs in relevant fields who realize they should have known better once we get to white blood cells stamping out “infected” host cells. From there 2+2 on covid vaccine damage is undeniable.
This is an excellent technical breakdown of why the mRNA platform is inherently harmful. You're absolutely right - the mechanism of damage is clear and undeniable once you understand the basic immunology (Peter Breggin's book was my on-ramp to this topic). The fact that Means deflects to "mandates" while ignoring the fundamental pathogenicity of the platform itself is telling.
While I understand the frustration with Kruse not walking through the step-by-step biology, he accomplished something important: exposing the pattern of (witting or unwitting) controlled opposition trying to redirect focus from the catastrophic damage already done. Your point about the cumulative heart damage from each booster being just "the tip of the iatrogenic iceberg" is particularly crucial - this isn't just about mandates, it's about a fundamentally destructive technology being deployed at global scale.
Existential indeed. It's the time of reckoning. Every person working in Western medicine will face their own shadow in the coming months. And not just medicine. Every field--liberal arts, the humanities, all of it. I'm an ex-clinical psychologist; my field is corrupt to the core. They all are. They're colonialist projects, and they have to go.
Means just appeared on the scene (with his sister) out of nowhere -- no one had any idea who he was until he appeared, fully developed, on Tucker of all places. Irrespective of what he thinks he believes, this just screams of a carefully planned operation held in reserve and dropped in when the time came. And he carefully says nothing offensive and mostly things with which most would agree -- but the issue remains what he does not say -- and as the three hours showed, refuses to say.
Jay B. also is in the "move forward and don't worry about retribution" camp, although I believe he thoroughly understands the situation -- he is just not the type for that kind of confrontation.
So there will be an interesting contest. As all have noticed, RFK Jr. uttered not a word about vaccines except that "we should look at all the data" after he joined the Trump organization. The question is whether this is tactical and all begins to change after confirmation, or whether it is strategic (controlled by someone, known or unknown) and just continues down this path.
Excellent observation about the pattern recognition. The rapid emergence of polished voices with immediate mainstream access should *always* raise questions. And you're right - the boundaries they maintain, the lines they won't cross, often tell us more than what they actually say.
The RFK Jr. situation presents a fascinating test case. The shift in messaging post-Trump alliance could indeed be tactical positioning before confirmation (understanding the need to navigate institutional barriers) or evidence of deeper control (another example of the second matrix at work). The coming months will be revealing. As more people wake up to what happened, anything less than a full reckoning will create major waves.
I think Trump and RFK Jr are being careful before Inauguration Day. Don’t let the enemy know what your plan is. I do pray we eliminate the current health structure as Kruse mentions.
Thanks for addressing this. I was in the dark about the Means siblings being possible controlled opposition, but after that podcast, it seems entirely plausible. Dr. Bowden asked the right questions. After the past 4 years were talking about seed oils? 😳 I think the message they foisted onto the scene is a limited hangout meant to redirect people away from mRNA harms and blame everything on food, pesticides... brilliant strategy, but we must not let them get away with it.
At least we need the 1986 vaccine injury protection act repealed, prep act repealed, school mandates for all childhood vaccines removed, all mandates removed, and medical freedom written into the constitution, end drug ads on TV/magazines and no more propagandizing Americans. 🙏
Only things I'd add are help for the vax injured and their families and a reckoning for the leaders across the world who betrayed their citizens. Nuremberg 2025.
After watching Tucker Carlson’s recent fauning interview with known crypto currency fraud and con man Roger Ver, I scratch my head over Carlson’s authenticity. He may just be an honest broker. But if so, he’s being naively used like a cheap condom by some very bad actors.
As I have posted elsewhere: remove the vaccine injury liability protection legislation and the entire vaccinology phenomena will disappear. All that will remain will be the damage that the vaccines have created and that is where our focus, inspired by notions of medical freedom, should be directed.
40 plus years in the health freedom movement I’ve been watching this BS By BS I mean - we fight like hell to get the critical information to the forefront - toxins, processed food & vaccines are the causes of chronic illnesses in our kids. Then divisiveness & finger pointing set in. Instead of continuing on a positive trajectory, we’re forced to take several steps back.
We have a chance to make a real difference here to create a freer, saner & healthier world for our kids & grandkids. id suggest we figure out a way to put our kids & their health & wellbeing first, try on a little humility & patience & make shit happen!
Thank you for your decades of hard work in the health freedom movement. Your persistence and dedication have helped paved the way for where we are now. And to be clear - I'm not pointing fingers at anyone here. I just believe we need to keep our eyes on the whole prize, not just pieces of it.
I can’t help feeling that some are being too short sighted and unrealistic. Real food is the first step on the ladder of awareness for a lot of people on their ‘medical freedom’ journey. As you said, it’s also a good first base for building consensus on the fact that the current system doesn’t work very well. There are also 4 years to go and if MAHA comes out with all guns blazing on the vax issue before building consensus on the lower hanging fruit, they won’t get the confirmations or public assent to get things done.
I deeply value your perspective and agree that food awareness is often a crucial gateway to larger medical freedom understanding. You make excellent strategic points about building consensus and the long game.
But here's my concern: we have people being injured right now and others who desperately need help. Even more troubling, parents - including a few people close to me - are still injecting their children because their doctors are telling them it's safe. The shots are still being pushed, the injuries are still being denied, and the window of public awareness we're seeing may not stay open.
This isn't about MAHA needing to lead with vaccines - it's about whether those of us in the public sphere should stay quiet about it. Politicians may need to carefully calibrate their message, but the rest of us have a different role. We can't wait.
I'd argue we need both: MAHA building broader coalitions through food sovereignty AND independent voices keeping the vaccine injury crisis in focus.
We're not just building for the future - we're trying to stop active harm in the present. Different roles, different timelines, both necessary.
Sure, I agree that activists should still push for vaccine safety (which would mean lobbying for withdrawal of unsafe products). I just can't see the point of haranguing someone like Calley Means in interviews when it's pretty obvious that this is a pointless and, if anything, would be more likely to jeopardise MAHA's potential effectiveness than aid it. I totally agree that you need lots of prongs of action and there's never a single magic bullet solution. Incidentally, another reason I appreciate the MAHA approach starting with food and environmental toxins, alongside requiring proper placebo-controlled studies for vaccines (which will have the same end effect that the activists want, just in the 'discovery learning' model, not the 'we get to tell you how it's all fucked' model) is that, certainly in Australia, I think it would be fair to say that a lot of vax injured people don't even realise that's a potential cause of their sickness. They think they are just unlucky, or have long Covid.
That's one of the most insidious things about all this - people not even knowing they've been harmed. i.e.: they know they're sick, but haven't mentally linked it to likely potential causes, and there are no diagnostics to confirm for them either way because the industry can't even conceive that certain products could cause such harm.
Appreciate your insight on the tactics. And yes, different approaches can work together synergistically. But this is deeply personal for so many of us - personally, I have friends whose kids are now seeing cardiologists, others battling cancer and neurological issues. Most of them don't even realize why. So while I understand the strategic value of the long game, I can't focus solely on that. These are real people - family, friends, children - suffering right now who need immediate help and recognition. That's why I believe we need to address both immediate needs and long-term change simultaneously.
The woman doctor is lecturing Calley on what he is ethically obligated to talk about. Nope. There is room for people to pick their big thing and run with it. I understand her concern with the vaxes, but she has no business telling others what to focus on. What, has the health freedom movement already turning into a Party with a party line? Screw that.
The issue isn't about enforcing a "party line" - it's about recognizing patterns of controlled opposition and managed narratives. When unprecedented numbers of people are sick and dying, and the evidence of harm is overwhelming, choosing to focus exclusively on safer topics like food sovereignty (while important) fits a familiar template of redirecting attention away from urgent threats to institutional power.
This isn't about telling people what to focus on - it's about understanding how movements get captured through partial truths and carefully maintained boundaries. Dr. Bowden isn't demanding adherence to a party line; she's pointing out how institutional damage control often works by redirecting genuine concerns toward more manageable channels.
The medical freedom movement needs to be able to discuss these patterns openly if it hopes to make a difference and offer everyone the idea of informed consent.
I think you and I are on the same wavelength regarding watching for manipulative strategies. Glad I found your stack.
What caught my attention is Dr Mary's tack: trying to guilt trip Calley. "You are ethically obligated" to do as I say. Nope.
(I am saying that as someone who otherwise agrees with her position in terms of needing to tackle the kid jabs.)
Personally, the food is far more of an issue for me than vaccines at my stage in life. So I hope lots of people do run with this issue. There is plenty of room in the movement for all sorts of foci, no? Else we'll be wasting energies on fighting allies who are not "pure" enough.
Appreciate your thoughtful response and glad you found the blog too. While I agree that movements need multiple focus areas and shouldn't waste energy on purity tests, I stand by my analysis in the piece.
The data shows an acute crisis - people are being injured and dying en masse right now. This isn't about guilt-tripping or enforcing a party line. It's about recognizing how institutional damage control works by redirecting attention from urgent threats toward more manageable channels.
From my perspective, Dr. Bowden wasn't just making an ethical appeal - she was effectively exposing how movements get captured by allowing partial truths to substitute for full accountability. When we have unprecedented casualties and clear evidence of harm, focusing exclusively on prevention while avoiding accountability fits a familiar pattern of controlled opposition.
This isn't about fighting allies - it's about being clear-eyed about what's at stake and what's required to make real change.
Thank you! I don't know any of them. I will listen to the whole thing with greater care.
But what I see now is Dr Mary guilt tripping the other guy. I don't like manipulation, even if for a good cause. Questionable means have a way of turning into unwelcome ends.
I am coming from looking at the larger picture. Too many movements taken over by the "Only one truth, ours" people. And incessant "vetting the correct cadres" as the communists of my childhood would say.
What's needed right now -- if I may -- is for all our voices to be heard.
Too many livelihoods and stock portfolios rely on the status quo to have change come from the top down. This battle must be won at the individual level. Bill Gates wasn’t the one forcing us to wear a mask at the grocery store or enforcing the BS behind a badge. Those were our neighbors.
We can’t outsource the battle to Trump or politicians or MFM doctors. Support actions they do that are aligned and give no quarter to traitors. Not easy…
Hannah Arendt's work on the banality of evil feels more relevant than ever. There's also this powerful anonymous essay called 'Monster' that I came across in 2021 that captures a similar sentiment - about how the most concerning aspects of authoritarianism often come from ordinary people enforcing conformity, not just top-down mandates.
I agree completely that real change has to come from a groundswell of individuals willing to think independently and stand up for what they believe. No leader or institution can do this for us - it has to start with regular people choosing to question the status quo and support each other in maintaining their autonomy.
The real enemy isn't the one you can see, but the one who looks normal. You don't know they're the enemy until you step out of line. There are millions of people like this, they're everywhere. Scratching their surface reveals a monster. What makes the monster really terrifying is they think they are being reasonable. The reasonable person will oppress you, take away your freedom to speak, imprison you, and watch you slowly die because they believe you are being unreasonable – you either don't believe what they believe or you simply question it. Your individuality is at odds with their reasonableness.
Don't be scared of the dictator, the dictator creates resistance, people fight back – you'll have allies. But you should be very scared of the normal person, they don't create resistance because their views are the zeitgeist; only a troublemaker or uninformed idiot would disagree with their reasonable views. The monster will take away your rights because your views are faulty. You need to be re-educated before you can participate in normal society where normal and reasonable people live.
When you start thinking for yourself you instantly become a threat to normal people, they can see you don't give a shit about their lives and their beliefs. They think you're the monster, which is laughable as you have no interest in controlling people or telling them how they should live. If you are young and wild you need to protect your freedom. Leave other people alone, but if they try to control or dominate you, fight like a fucking tiger. They can't control you.
As you progress you will meet other people like you, not because they look like you but they think like you – individuals of all colours and races who value freedom over slavery. The don't give a damn about the zeitgeist or what society expects - just like you. All they care about is creating something, improving their lives and the lives of their tribe. This may be in art, sport, business, farming – whatever, it doesn't matter. Some may be rich, some may be poor – they've rejected the rat race, conformity and living like a trapped zombie. Just like you.
The real enemy is your next-door neighbour. Beneath the surface of millions of normal looking people is a monster. A 'reasonable' monster. A monster who knows what's good for you.
This nailed it for my experience during C19. Even though I’m a chiropractor and somewhat used to opposition, bringing up vax issues, gain of function, etc. has been an interesting time.
TY! The Jones Plantation "If you place a man in physical chains he will see he is enslaved but if you replace the physical chains with mental ones, most will never see they are still enslaved. Once you convince a man he is free, there is no end to the abuse he will endure and even defend in the name of freedom. Even if some body comes along, like Samuel, and tries to tell them the truth about a situation they won't believe him.
We can step in and shut them down to maintain law and order. The crowd, the crowd they'll cheer as we punish the trouble maker, the threat to the freedom they IMAGINE they have. Most people will never understand the system that controls them b/c deep, deep down inside of them they don't want to. It's easier to just go along with the crowd, believe the lies, deny obvious truth right in front of their face."
Thanks for this! I have a complete mind shift. I have never thought about this being about medical freedom, but you are right. This is our fight for freedom for good health and from government over-reach and big pharma tyranny. I keep saying healthcare is broken, but I should be thinking about how we can break free and have true healing healthcare!
Josh, After the Bowden/Means/Kruse piece, this was the article screaming to be written. I have been looking each day to see who would jump on it...I should not be surprised it is you. This will turn out to be the Medical Freedom question of this administration.
Totally agree. The time for polite discord ended when people started dying. This is war and the fuck if we should be “nice” to anyone who is allowing more kids to be harmed or killed. Pick a side and God have mercy on you because none of us ever will.
Josh, this Kruse/Bowden/Means interaction was needed in order to lay down some markers on the field and to send up a red flare about professional interlopers sent in to limit the damage to Big Pharma by focusing attention on the edges and deflecting us from their baby: the mRNA platform.
I was angry that Jack did not slow down and prove the covid vaccines are unavoidably harmful by doing a minute and a half on how the First Principles in immunology proves the mRNA platform is pathogenic by design.
Calley Means is obviously clueless that the shot sets up a pseudo infection that the immune system will react to in the same way as a true viral infection with some consequences coming from the viral clearance activity of the white blood cells.
If you transfect heart tissue and it starts presenting virus proteins on the membranes of Cardio Myocytes, the white blood cells will come destroy every spike presenting heart cell without mercy… leaving foci of necrotic damage behind… and since heart damage is permanent the damage done to the heart from each booster is cumulative.
Dammit! If Jack had PROVEN the shots are harmful with a clear step by step through the microbiology from injection to heart damage, there is no way Mr. Means could have looked reasonable by simply saying he was against the mandates.
No dumbass! We are being killed by these shots. The damage to the heart is the tip of the iatrogenic iceberg, with viral clearance doing Host Cell Destruction whever the 20 billion lipids in the shot land. Also Host Cell Destruction is only one mechanism of damage unleashed by the mRNA shots.
It was a huge missed opportunity to put the slick professional on the back foot right out of the gate and to provide a clear education on the fatal flaw of the mRNA platform as a technology to the audience as well.
I've cornered many many mRNA cheerleaders with PhDs in relevant fields who realize they should have known better once we get to white blood cells stamping out “infected” host cells. From there 2+2 on covid vaccine damage is undeniable.
This is an excellent technical breakdown of why the mRNA platform is inherently harmful. You're absolutely right - the mechanism of damage is clear and undeniable once you understand the basic immunology (Peter Breggin's book was my on-ramp to this topic). The fact that Means deflects to "mandates" while ignoring the fundamental pathogenicity of the platform itself is telling.
While I understand the frustration with Kruse not walking through the step-by-step biology, he accomplished something important: exposing the pattern of (witting or unwitting) controlled opposition trying to redirect focus from the catastrophic damage already done. Your point about the cumulative heart damage from each booster being just "the tip of the iatrogenic iceberg" is particularly crucial - this isn't just about mandates, it's about a fundamentally destructive technology being deployed at global scale.
Awakening From The Empire Propaganda 04:11 mins
Jack Kruse speaks the truth bluntly and honestly. This is a well written piece. Reposted. Thanks.
Defense against the dark arts, lesson 256. :-D
Yes to all of this! Another great post.
You are kind, thanks Ann.
Happy holidays to you and your family.
Existential indeed. It's the time of reckoning. Every person working in Western medicine will face their own shadow in the coming months. And not just medicine. Every field--liberal arts, the humanities, all of it. I'm an ex-clinical psychologist; my field is corrupt to the core. They all are. They're colonialist projects, and they have to go.
Well put. So is Calley Means controlled opposition, or is that very theory the product of controlled opposition?
Reasonable question. I'd bet the former though after watching the 3 hour conversation, I'm not sure if he even knows it.
Means just appeared on the scene (with his sister) out of nowhere -- no one had any idea who he was until he appeared, fully developed, on Tucker of all places. Irrespective of what he thinks he believes, this just screams of a carefully planned operation held in reserve and dropped in when the time came. And he carefully says nothing offensive and mostly things with which most would agree -- but the issue remains what he does not say -- and as the three hours showed, refuses to say.
Jay B. also is in the "move forward and don't worry about retribution" camp, although I believe he thoroughly understands the situation -- he is just not the type for that kind of confrontation.
So there will be an interesting contest. As all have noticed, RFK Jr. uttered not a word about vaccines except that "we should look at all the data" after he joined the Trump organization. The question is whether this is tactical and all begins to change after confirmation, or whether it is strategic (controlled by someone, known or unknown) and just continues down this path.
Excellent observation about the pattern recognition. The rapid emergence of polished voices with immediate mainstream access should *always* raise questions. And you're right - the boundaries they maintain, the lines they won't cross, often tell us more than what they actually say.
The RFK Jr. situation presents a fascinating test case. The shift in messaging post-Trump alliance could indeed be tactical positioning before confirmation (understanding the need to navigate institutional barriers) or evidence of deeper control (another example of the second matrix at work). The coming months will be revealing. As more people wake up to what happened, anything less than a full reckoning will create major waves.
I think Trump and RFK Jr are being careful before Inauguration Day. Don’t let the enemy know what your plan is. I do pray we eliminate the current health structure as Kruse mentions.
Thanks for addressing this. I was in the dark about the Means siblings being possible controlled opposition, but after that podcast, it seems entirely plausible. Dr. Bowden asked the right questions. After the past 4 years were talking about seed oils? 😳 I think the message they foisted onto the scene is a limited hangout meant to redirect people away from mRNA harms and blame everything on food, pesticides... brilliant strategy, but we must not let them get away with it.
At least we need the 1986 vaccine injury protection act repealed, prep act repealed, school mandates for all childhood vaccines removed, all mandates removed, and medical freedom written into the constitution, end drug ads on TV/magazines and no more propagandizing Americans. 🙏
Only things I'd add are help for the vax injured and their families and a reckoning for the leaders across the world who betrayed their citizens. Nuremberg 2025.
Yes! Of course. The vaccine injured should be acknowledged and cared for without doubt. What has happened to millions is a disgrace.
After watching Tucker Carlson’s recent fauning interview with known crypto currency fraud and con man Roger Ver, I scratch my head over Carlson’s authenticity. He may just be an honest broker. But if so, he’s being naively used like a cheap condom by some very bad actors.
No he isn't. He's just a fallible human like the rest of us. Most of the stuff he does is awesome.
“Fallible News and Opinion.” Pretty much what I was getting at.
"Fallible News and Opinion" as contrasted with CBS et al "Truthy and Correct News and Opinion"? Hah. Yeah, I know which I prefer! :-)
As I have posted elsewhere: remove the vaccine injury liability protection legislation and the entire vaccinology phenomena will disappear. All that will remain will be the damage that the vaccines have created and that is where our focus, inspired by notions of medical freedom, should be directed.
Exactly. The fact that we even debate 'vaccine hesitancy' while manufacturers enjoy blanket immunity is peak absurdity. No other industry gets to:
- Force their product on the public
- Face zero liability for damages
- Have critics censored
- Keep their trial data hidden for decades
Remove the immunity shield and watch how fast 'safe and effective' turns into 'pending further review.'
This is so well done!!! 🙌
That means a lot coming from you, Toby.
40 plus years in the health freedom movement I’ve been watching this BS By BS I mean - we fight like hell to get the critical information to the forefront - toxins, processed food & vaccines are the causes of chronic illnesses in our kids. Then divisiveness & finger pointing set in. Instead of continuing on a positive trajectory, we’re forced to take several steps back.
We have a chance to make a real difference here to create a freer, saner & healthier world for our kids & grandkids. id suggest we figure out a way to put our kids & their health & wellbeing first, try on a little humility & patience & make shit happen!
Thank you for your decades of hard work in the health freedom movement. Your persistence and dedication have helped paved the way for where we are now. And to be clear - I'm not pointing fingers at anyone here. I just believe we need to keep our eyes on the whole prize, not just pieces of it.
I can’t help feeling that some are being too short sighted and unrealistic. Real food is the first step on the ladder of awareness for a lot of people on their ‘medical freedom’ journey. As you said, it’s also a good first base for building consensus on the fact that the current system doesn’t work very well. There are also 4 years to go and if MAHA comes out with all guns blazing on the vax issue before building consensus on the lower hanging fruit, they won’t get the confirmations or public assent to get things done.
Hi Rebekah.
I deeply value your perspective and agree that food awareness is often a crucial gateway to larger medical freedom understanding. You make excellent strategic points about building consensus and the long game.
But here's my concern: we have people being injured right now and others who desperately need help. Even more troubling, parents - including a few people close to me - are still injecting their children because their doctors are telling them it's safe. The shots are still being pushed, the injuries are still being denied, and the window of public awareness we're seeing may not stay open.
This isn't about MAHA needing to lead with vaccines - it's about whether those of us in the public sphere should stay quiet about it. Politicians may need to carefully calibrate their message, but the rest of us have a different role. We can't wait.
I'd argue we need both: MAHA building broader coalitions through food sovereignty AND independent voices keeping the vaccine injury crisis in focus.
We're not just building for the future - we're trying to stop active harm in the present. Different roles, different timelines, both necessary.
Sure, I agree that activists should still push for vaccine safety (which would mean lobbying for withdrawal of unsafe products). I just can't see the point of haranguing someone like Calley Means in interviews when it's pretty obvious that this is a pointless and, if anything, would be more likely to jeopardise MAHA's potential effectiveness than aid it. I totally agree that you need lots of prongs of action and there's never a single magic bullet solution. Incidentally, another reason I appreciate the MAHA approach starting with food and environmental toxins, alongside requiring proper placebo-controlled studies for vaccines (which will have the same end effect that the activists want, just in the 'discovery learning' model, not the 'we get to tell you how it's all fucked' model) is that, certainly in Australia, I think it would be fair to say that a lot of vax injured people don't even realise that's a potential cause of their sickness. They think they are just unlucky, or have long Covid.
Case in point:
That's one of the most insidious things about all this - people not even knowing they've been harmed. i.e.: they know they're sick, but haven't mentally linked it to likely potential causes, and there are no diagnostics to confirm for them either way because the industry can't even conceive that certain products could cause such harm.
Appreciate your insight on the tactics. And yes, different approaches can work together synergistically. But this is deeply personal for so many of us - personally, I have friends whose kids are now seeing cardiologists, others battling cancer and neurological issues. Most of them don't even realize why. So while I understand the strategic value of the long game, I can't focus solely on that. These are real people - family, friends, children - suffering right now who need immediate help and recognition. That's why I believe we need to address both immediate needs and long-term change simultaneously.
Yep, I get it.
Oh, I know you do :-)
Thanks Josh! Good analysis! I haven’t watched the Bowden/means/Kruse convo - can someone give me the TLDR version ?
Thanks. The best summary I can offer is with this quick exchange:
Calley: "Jack, let's have some love here."
Jack: "Nope, not gonna happen."
The woman doctor is lecturing Calley on what he is ethically obligated to talk about. Nope. There is room for people to pick their big thing and run with it. I understand her concern with the vaxes, but she has no business telling others what to focus on. What, has the health freedom movement already turning into a Party with a party line? Screw that.
The issue isn't about enforcing a "party line" - it's about recognizing patterns of controlled opposition and managed narratives. When unprecedented numbers of people are sick and dying, and the evidence of harm is overwhelming, choosing to focus exclusively on safer topics like food sovereignty (while important) fits a familiar template of redirecting attention away from urgent threats to institutional power.
This isn't about telling people what to focus on - it's about understanding how movements get captured through partial truths and carefully maintained boundaries. Dr. Bowden isn't demanding adherence to a party line; she's pointing out how institutional damage control often works by redirecting genuine concerns toward more manageable channels.
The medical freedom movement needs to be able to discuss these patterns openly if it hopes to make a difference and offer everyone the idea of informed consent.
I think you and I are on the same wavelength regarding watching for manipulative strategies. Glad I found your stack.
What caught my attention is Dr Mary's tack: trying to guilt trip Calley. "You are ethically obligated" to do as I say. Nope.
(I am saying that as someone who otherwise agrees with her position in terms of needing to tackle the kid jabs.)
Personally, the food is far more of an issue for me than vaccines at my stage in life. So I hope lots of people do run with this issue. There is plenty of room in the movement for all sorts of foci, no? Else we'll be wasting energies on fighting allies who are not "pure" enough.
Appreciate your thoughtful response and glad you found the blog too. While I agree that movements need multiple focus areas and shouldn't waste energy on purity tests, I stand by my analysis in the piece.
The data shows an acute crisis - people are being injured and dying en masse right now. This isn't about guilt-tripping or enforcing a party line. It's about recognizing how institutional damage control works by redirecting attention from urgent threats toward more manageable channels.
From my perspective, Dr. Bowden wasn't just making an ethical appeal - she was effectively exposing how movements get captured by allowing partial truths to substitute for full accountability. When we have unprecedented casualties and clear evidence of harm, focusing exclusively on prevention while avoiding accountability fits a familiar pattern of controlled opposition.
This isn't about fighting allies - it's about being clear-eyed about what's at stake and what's required to make real change.
Thank you! I don't know any of them. I will listen to the whole thing with greater care.
But what I see now is Dr Mary guilt tripping the other guy. I don't like manipulation, even if for a good cause. Questionable means have a way of turning into unwelcome ends.
I am coming from looking at the larger picture. Too many movements taken over by the "Only one truth, ours" people. And incessant "vetting the correct cadres" as the communists of my childhood would say.
What's needed right now -- if I may -- is for all our voices to be heard.