Thank you 👏👏👏 for this detailed breakdown! I'm thankful some countries are stopping giving MNRA shots. USA is the Pusher, the Drug Dealer of this poison! I do not see this changing in USA because our government does -not- care- about- its- people! And frankly most of the Republicans that have been there for 10 years+ they're making money in the same game too! Truth hurts!
JS - "The addiction to status (e.g., signaling compliance to maintain professional or social standing)."
Just to pick one of many astute observations in your post, this is my favorite today. This in addition to the addiction being strongest to the most educated. I observe this in my own family, and though I have said I have the best education money (and time) can buy, I have not become addicted.
When all the mainstream (aka fake) media report the same exact words, we know they are being directed by the man (cabal) behind the curtain. At which point we can accept the narrative or turn to other sources. I choose the latter, with Taibbi, Rufo, Kotkin, Childers, and now Stylman. I do read Reich to keep in touch with the progressive's locked up line.
Thanks for the flattering words and the vote of confidence. I'm truly humbled by the comparison, though I feel I'm still on the path and learning every day. Regardless, it's an honor to be mentioned alongside such insightful thinkers.
Regarding the phenomenon you're describing: Mockingbird Media never died, it only got stronger and more insidious.
Unfortunately…Allegiance to a group trumps rationality and common sense. Who’s buttering and providing the bread matters most for survival in an environment. Few have their own cows and grow their own wheat…exchanging a mind for matter.
Brilliant. Thank you for this and all you share. The more “intelligent” you are, the more you need to decondition!
I have always been a pattern recognizer which is now being associated with “autism spectrum disorder” - what I find perfectly ironic is that many of us like myself who are “on the spectrum” had these heightened awarenesses/pattern recognition abilities heightened due to not just genetics or trauma but the heavy metals in our food/medicine etc, where the poison has led to more obsessive pattern recognizers/ problem solvers (the opposite of what these poisons were intended for lol) -
Increasing I think the more toxins we are exposed to, the more sick we become, the more heightened some of our pattern recognition and subtle perceptions become (for our own survival and survival of the species)
Conversely some people become more oblivious and disconnected.
But basically I have faith that the tides are turning and we pattern recognizers will bring balance back to this planet before they are able to digitize consciousness. 🙏🏻 🧩 🤗
I dig your take on this. It's an interesting idea that those toxins might've backfired - instead of dulling minds, they've helped create super-observant pattern spotters in some folks. Kind of poetic how trying to control people can create the opposite effect.
And you're right - the more of us who see these patterns clearly, whether we're neurodivergent or just waking up, the harder it gets to keep the wool pulled over everyone's eyes. Keep spotting those patterns :-)
Basic childhood patterning makes clear that consciousness cannot be digitized.
There's the patterning we do by thinking and then there's the patterning we do by Feel. The two are in dynamic symbiosis. The highest level of patterning is achieved when operating on Feel after having mastered thinking; all the learning that went into the mastery builds that subconscious reservoir of Feel.
Feel is the basic instinct of high consciousness. Focus on Feel, sister. It begins with a nutrient dense diet because high consciousness requires more brain activity and the body can't feed that activity until the body is adequately nourished. This I know from experience.
Fascinating - I agree that consciousness totally thrives on that dance between thinking and feeling. Pattern recognition goes way deeper than just mental analysis - it's about trusting that gut-level feel you're talking about. I love that you highlighted the importance of good nourishment to keep our awareness sharp.
We're up against some real challenges to our own awakening/consciousness, especially with things like pineal calcification. We all need to protect our ability to both think clearly and feel deeply. Usually, I'm good at one or the other, haha.
Thanks Josh. Yeah we have to grow out our ability to think and feel clearly, with high nutrition -- which is a years-long loading phase -- and then we have to maintain that peak condition. Greatness never comes for free. It only ever comes from consistent dedication, day in and day out.
I am a different person now from when I started hardcore homesteading 12 years ago. It took 4 years for my supposedly incurable thyroid disease to heal from a nutrient dense diet and country living, and then my thinking and, consequently, feeling, took off, because the bodywork had been completed.
Toxins are never our friend. If toxins have hurt us -- and they have hurt all of us -- then a full healing from that trauma will absolutely unlock that next-level. If we were given the gift of a deep ability to pattern reality, any childhood heavy metals or other toxins through the blood-brain barrier that may have caused traumatic brain injury only served to hinder that gift. A narrowed focus from trauma does not mean an improved focus; on the contrary, Feel comes from breadth of patterning because patterning is lateral thinking. Lateral breadth.
Thanks, Ben - I appreciate your reflections on nutrition and healing. While I know what needs to be done, you're way ahead of me, especially with the homesteading journey.
You're especially right about the metals and consciousness suppression - there may be even more to this story. I've been looking into the concept of the 'Internet of Bodies' and may write something up on it soon. In the meantime, my friend @anntomokorosen has been exploring related topics:
Thanks Josh. Knowing is half the battle. The easy half. :) I was fortunate to get Red Pilled way back in '08, from the financial crisis, at the age of 32, right at the age when I happened to finally be ready to grow the fuck up and take my life into my own hands. So began the journey.
Feel/somatic connection takes a lot more nutrients/minerals/electrolytes.
For me feel came after thought and in some ways thought has been an escape from the feel since we have been trained through sedentary schooling to dissociate from the body so we can be more easily put into Freeze and live in low grade dissociation at all times.
I’m curious what nutrients you find most supportive? For me it is grass fed beef. Thanks!
True - in Brave New World, they'd just pop a soma and call it a day. Who needs electrolytes when you have chemically induced contentment? Not sure whether to leave a smiley face or a crying one after that comment.
Real animal foods supplemented by real plant foods are real human foods. Always have been always will be. Human movements were only ever based on herd movements or fishery seasonality.
Raw goat milk and butter, a mix of raw and cooked (mostly stewed, bone-in) goat and sheep meat and organs and glands, bone broth every day, and mostly non-starchy root veg and greens.
Like you say minerals are absolutely key. As is animal fat because that's where healthy animals, with a surplus of nutrients themselves, store the extra, in concentrates. Especially that inner bodyfat, like around the kidneys and all around the inside of the pelvis and covering the reproductive organs. There is no substitute for dressing out your own animals that you raised yourself or watched being raised.
Thanks! Did you grow up eating that way? I want to figure out a way that I can learn more about the merits of each gland/organ and eat more meat from animals I’m connected to/give a good live. I want to join a Weston A Price chapter. I am a recovering well-intentioned brainwashed vegan so having to do a lot of unlearning 🤮 😂 😭
My pleasure. Nope I was a city kid and grew up on the FDA's low-fat Standard American Diet. Then like you I went well-intentioned vegan for almost all of my twenties which trashed my system in particular because I was a lean, athletic division 1 college basketball player and remained serious about basketball through that period. My former hypothyroidism runs in the family but I was very lucky to get the robust genetics handed down to me and I don't believe I would have gotten thyroid breakdown if I hadn't gone long-term vegan while still trying to improve my basketball game. Bad combination.
The body is so intelligent. The thyroid is key to our metabolism and by limiting the function of my thyroid my body was trying to tell me, through the attendant symptoms, to slow down and not work my body so hard because I was malnourished. So first came the joint pain, muscle fatigue, restless legs, depressed mood. Then later came the lethargy, the chronic sports injuries. If we're not feeding ourselves adequately for our level of activity then eventually the body will start forcing decisions upon us. Instead, not knowing any better, I started taking pills to circumvent that bodily wisdom. Those thyroid pills are just metabolic uppers, and in doing so it forces the body to have to try to do more, micronutrient-wise, with the same inputs, which just amplifies the systemic stress that caused the hypothyroidism in the first place.
That particular intelligent body dynamic is the same as with people who get high blood pressure in middle aged. Their metabolic rate/flow is slowing down more than is healthy because they are malnourished and too inactive. The bloodstream is for cycling all manner of important things related to overall flow. So the brilliant body starts narrowing the diameter of blood vessels so that the rate of flow can increase. That's basic hydraulics. It's a rational, reversible, epigenetic evolutionary adaptation to a disease state -- a healing modality -- but the foolish, disconnected, urban, materialistic allopathic culture can only see raised blood pressure as the disease itself rather that the constructive compensatory healing mechanism that it truly is, so it undoes the healing with blood pressure pills.
Weston Price is good but the clinician Natasha Campbell McBride and her healing GAPS protocol is the best that I'm aware of, bar none, which of course is the exactly the reason why the mainstream has targeted her like it has. She's a genius systems thinker who, along with her own impressive clinical results, pores over the research literature in order connect the nutritional dots. Her books are excellent.
We are what we eat. All of our organs and glands except for our heart and skin are fatty tissues. Liver is optimized for feeding our liver but obviously will feed everything else that needs fat and other liver nutrients. Like feeds like. Raw brain gets me a natural high upstairs. Natural thyroid pills are just ground up pig thyroid and the reason that, beyond being a full-spectrum T-hormone product, they work better than synthetic thyroid pills is because they can offer some nutritional support to the thyroid. Even digested food retains base biochemical integrity and our bodies are just spectacularly complex biochemical patterning and sorting operations. Biology is just an emergent, next-level conscious, self-organizing physics.
Wow, thanks! I am trying to help a friend with getting off thyroid medication - your insight is much appreciated and I’m inspired by your journey from veganism to eating brains! I hope to try raw sheep brain one day (a girl can dream! Haha) but truly thanks! 🧠 🍽️
Allen Dulles, who ran the CIA "Operation Mockingbird", was a CFR director for 40 years. Nearly every CIA director from Dulles to Burns has been a CFR member.
The CFR/CIA nexus you highlight reveals just how deep and longstanding the deception runs - it's unbelievable to most people. While their institutional control is arguably stronger than ever, my sense is that there are finally some cracks appearing in the façade.
This piece raises important questions about how narratives are shaped and sustained by powerful institutions, but I think it’s worth digging deeper into the why behind these patterns. The media’s role in steering public perception isn’t just about outright censorship—it’s often about attention economy. Stories that threaten entrenched interests, like the ones mentioned, are strategically deprioritized because they disrupt the status quo that benefits those in power.
However, what fascinates me most is how quickly these narratives become part of collective reality, as you noted. It’s not just about what is said, but how language is weaponized. Phrases like “Trust the Science™” or “Safe and Effective” are masterclasses in linguistic engineering—using repetition and emotional triggers to instill compliance without critical thought. This phenomenon reminds me of Jonathan Haidt’s exploration of moral psychology: we’re often less rational truth-seekers and more tribal creatures drawn to whatever aligns with our existing beliefs or emotional biases.
That said, while skepticism is crucial, so is intellectual humility. Recognizing controlled narratives should spur us not just to reject mainstream talking points, but also to question whether the counter-narratives we gravitate toward are equally subject to bias. Pattern recognition is powerful, but only when paired with the willingness to question our own assumptions.
I believe the energy of awakening people is often channeled into carefully constructed debates and (often false) dichotomies. Rather than suppressing dissent, those in power seem to redirect it into dialectics that keep us distracted from larger transformations taking shape. While we debate within prescribed frameworks, the deeper shifts in society continue largely unexamined.
I share your thoughts on intellectual humility - I've never been more humbled than in these past few years of peeling back layers of deception. And you make an excellent point about questioning counter-narratives. In fact, I explore this exact dynamic of controlled opposition and managed resistance in my latest essay, as these counter-movements seem designed to keep our energy contained within acceptable guardrails of dissent.
If anyone is interested in hearing more about the five year old non-public Degrowth Agenda (DA) that is driving the consent factory's neverending New Normal that began with the plandemic and continues with the Elite-managed NATO-Ukrainian and Anglo-Zionist wars that are driving this civilization into a carefully planned Big Nuclear Scare that is the central set-piece of the DA, then heading to the link below and running through the comments section and the several subsequent comments sections which I hogged -- through to the New Year's post at which point I had some comments deleted and left because of it -- would be an easy way to get the gist of the DA and the energy situation more generally.
Another excellent piece. This is why I dug into all the 4th IR stuff during Covid... between Covid and George Floyd, I wondered what was going on behind the scenes that wasn't being reported on.
I posted the following in reply to Carlen by mistake but it was meant to be to you, S. Anderson. Cheers.
There is no 4th industrial revolution. Thats just the umbrella misdirection play that gets the manufactured 'resistance' controlled opposition into power globally. Trumps obviously manufactured victory marks the official debut of the retooling at the consent factory. It is a misdirection play in service of continuing to hide the now- 6 year old structural collapse of civilization due to the 2018 arrival of peak global total oil liquids production. Anyone can go and look at the production graphs for themselves; they cannot be faked because the global economy -- letters of credit, investment, etc -- depends on their accuracy. The truth always gets buried two layers deep. Misdirection/deception is the First Art of War. Lets not be those suckers that pride themselves on uncovering Elite misdirection only to fall for the misdirection. tHat would make us the butt of their jokes. OTOH, patterning what they are actually doing brings them immense pleasure because they, too, take great pride in their work which means that the non-public Degrowth Agenda is a secret that they reluctantly keep. fRom their perspective its the greatest secret of all-time and theyre not wrong.
Thanks JS. Patterning is also my thing. I can't tell whether you have patterned yet that the truth of Reality generally lies two layers below the manufactured consent narrative. There's the ruling establishment narrative, the controlled opposition narrative, and then there's the truth.
The clever thing about it is that they can always make sure that the deepest, structural truths are never mainstreamed because whenever they need to retool the political machinery in the consent factory in a major way -- every several decades or so, and as is currently happening -- by way of manufacturing adequate consent for the incoming controlled opposition that is always closer to the socioeconomic truth than the outgoing establishment, they make sure to include misdirection play psyops that lead the incoming controlled opposition away from the deepest, most relevant truths which are always nonpolitical because Reality is nonpolitical.
The most important structural truth of this past decade is that the physical Limits to Growth of this global industrial civilization occurred in 2018 with the occurrence of peak global total oil liquids production. The last peak in the mature. complex systems theory of Peak Oil.
Notice how the politically controlled opposition -- the dissident movement -- that is now becoming the new grassroots populist establishment believes, to a large degree, several patently false consent factory program updates: abiotic oil is true, oil supply is struggling because of woke divestment, the Club of Rome is part of the head of the snake, and the Elites are trying to destroy civilization and depopulate the planet not for any necessary reason but because they're just plain batshit evil.
Patterning the lies of the consent factory is a structuralist endeavor. It begins with patterning the nuts and bolts of Reality itself.
What exactly is civilization? How does the life cycle of any civilization play out? Where is this civilization situated within that life cycle right now?
Divestment is not why global oil production has been collapsing at an average of about 3pc per year starting in 2019. A two-decade collapse in 21st century oil industry exploration and field development is the true reason. Because new, affordable discoveries are really hard to come across now so the oil majors have largely stopped throwing good money after bad, because they have to. All you have to do is go digging for the data on exploration. Divestment is a function of the collapse in exploration: if an industry has no growth prospects then it loses long term investment.
The divestment misdirection psyop serves as part cover for the structural nature of this civilizational collapse that we are 6 years into.
The manufactured divestment narrative cleverly obscures a much simpler truth - we're witnessing the inevitable unwinding of the longest financial expansion in history. What started as a post-WW2 pump is entering its dump phase, and no amount of narrative engineering can hide the fundamental physical and economic limits we're hitting. The bill for decades of artificial growth is indeed coming due. The Club of Rome's plans are central to this plan, indeed.
The so-called awakening ties directly into what my friends and I call The Second Matrix - a deeper layer of systemic deception that I'll be exploring sometime soon as a followup to this one. I'm just wrestling with how deep I want to go (vs just floating the idea).
The Cub of Rome had no plans. It was just an international, interdisciplinary group of ecologically-minded academics who had foresight, and built an accurate systems theory out of that foresight. Were they political people? Sure. Few academics aren't political people. But the psyop that the group was central to a 75-year Rockefellerian masterplan is exactly that - a psyop. Did the Elites sit up and pay attention to this legendary think tank?You damn straight they did.
But you are correct in patterning that the rational response to the Club of Rome's accurate modeling -- that response being a politically necessary degrowth agenda upon reaching the limits to growth -- is also the Elite response that has been playing out *non-publicly* for five years now.
The Degrowth Agenda (DA) always did have to be non-public because public knowledge of structural collapse would immediately result in chaotic collapse.
The primary purpose of the fake-ass plandemic was to destroy global oil demand by 30pc for 1.5 years so as to buy 5 more years to prepare for global financial collapse. If manufactured demand destruction does not stay ahead of geological supply collapse then we have a catastrophic global sovereign bond market collapse.
Appreciate your perspectives here, Ben (even if I'm slow to reply - thanks for your patience).
Yes - covid's multi-layered implementation exemplifies how the cabal never executes single-purpose operations. While managing demand destruction was key, it simultaneously advanced biosurveillance infrastructure, tested compliance systems, and accelerated digital control mechanisms.
Your point about controlled opposition is particularly relevant to what I explored in The Second Matrix ( The surface "evil elites" narrative often functions as a limited hangout preventing deeper structural analysis. Reality involves both the material constraints you've identified AND the coordinated responses by power centers who anticipated these limits.
Your insight about the role of the last few years in demand destruction buying time before financial collapse is intriguing. I'd suggest it's part of an even broader challenge - they need to usher in the new financial paradigm before the masses realize the existing one effectively collapsed long ago. The rapid acceleration toward CBDCs and the great reset agenda seems to support this timeline pressure. What's your take on how much runway remains before this transition becomes unavoidable?
As I've said iny other comments, there is no real push towards CBDCs and The Great Reset. They are the big misdirection play in service of making dissidents think that civilization has longer to run than it actually does; realize that THE last resort of disinformation -- when all other ordinary propaganda has failed to sway dissidents -- is to fuck with the timeline. To push the timeline of collapse out further than it truly is in order to keep as many people unprepared as possible - because unprepared people will be dead people 95-99 times out of 100.
CBDCs and Great Reset are very public disinfo plays. Given what I said above about how the five year old Degrowth Agenda (DA) is and must continue to be strictly non-public, we can know that those twin disinfo plays are not a part of it. The DA can only be patterned indirectly, and that's consistent with all understanding of Elite, esoteric, secret society machinations. They're obviously not gonna serve it up to us on a platter. What they ARE going to do is try and make it seem like the motive for the DA doesn't exist such that we get tricked into passively mispatterning (falsely/poorly reasoning) the DA out of existence.
The greatest trick the proverbial devil ever played was to make them think he didn't exist: they took the inevitable internet explosion of Illuminati theory during the first decade of this century and made the Western neoliberal establishment the fall guy for the Illuminati and molded the neoconservative establishment into the largest base faction of the populist successor establishment. Bait and switch.
In order to see what I see you have to fully internalize the mature phase of the Peak Oil systems theory. I accomplished that not inconsiderable feat 15 years ago, and that is the only way that I was able to journey in a dedicated and methodical and fully-committed fashion -- in parallel with my journey into well-positiined country living -- towards the place where I am now. I have a whole geopolitical prediction framework that I call the HTOE. The Horsetrading Theory of Everything. I make specific predictions such that when people who have heard them see them coming true -- either fully or in close approximation -- they might say to themselves, "he couldn't have done that unless he has actually approximated a non-public Degrowth Agenda that must exist for the structural reasons and Elite motivations that he said, all along, existed." I have been the voice in the wilderness these last few years telling people that they need to relax because their dissident hysteria is slated to become the new political establishment: that their ballot box revolution would be victorious.
I predicted years ago before the war ever started that Russia would reclaim Ukraine under the DA's HTOE because Russia holds legacy responsibility for the aging Soviet nuclear power industry that Ukraine is obviously incapable of dealing with during Collapse. I also predicted that Israel would find itself at war and would be wiped off the map as a Zionist entity because the Elites know that, while Israel was its greatest geopolitical asset during the growth phase of industrial civilization, it flips to becoming its greatest liability to stability during the collapse phase. And so they are now resolving that situation. And the Gaza circumstances, specifically, are a huge dry-run logistical military exercise, by the Elites, in figuring out exactly what it takes to keep a Collapsed metropolitan-scale city alive and submissive on aid rations.
Obviously as we move through Phase 2 of the DA, they need to know what the bare minimums are for rationing and security. That's what the definition of Collapse looks like. And it makes The Great Reset look like child's play. The dissident ain't gonna know what hit em. Just as planned. make America great and healthy lol: that's just the good cop misdirection play to the Great Reset's bad cop misdirection play.
You asked me when. This year. This year the carefully orchestrated Big Nuclear Scare comes that control-demolishes the financial system and creates the causus belli for the global peace accord that create the space for the decommissioning and disposal of the global nuclear power industry such that a potential extinction-level event in the northern hemisphere can be averted. See the parallels to apocalyptic scripture, which was written as a blueprint for managing civilizational collapse in the wake of the triangulated lessons learned from the three Near East civilizational collapses suffered during that particular millenium.
Excellent work!
Thank you 👏👏👏 for this detailed breakdown! I'm thankful some countries are stopping giving MNRA shots. USA is the Pusher, the Drug Dealer of this poison! I do not see this changing in USA because our government does -not- care- about- its- people! And frankly most of the Republicans that have been there for 10 years+ they're making money in the same game too! Truth hurts!
JS - "The addiction to status (e.g., signaling compliance to maintain professional or social standing)."
Just to pick one of many astute observations in your post, this is my favorite today. This in addition to the addiction being strongest to the most educated. I observe this in my own family, and though I have said I have the best education money (and time) can buy, I have not become addicted.
When all the mainstream (aka fake) media report the same exact words, we know they are being directed by the man (cabal) behind the curtain. At which point we can accept the narrative or turn to other sources. I choose the latter, with Taibbi, Rufo, Kotkin, Childers, and now Stylman. I do read Reich to keep in touch with the progressive's locked up line.
Thanks for the flattering words and the vote of confidence. I'm truly humbled by the comparison, though I feel I'm still on the path and learning every day. Regardless, it's an honor to be mentioned alongside such insightful thinkers.
Regarding the phenomenon you're describing: Mockingbird Media never died, it only got stronger and more insidious.
Unfortunately…Allegiance to a group trumps rationality and common sense. Who’s buttering and providing the bread matters most for survival in an environment. Few have their own cows and grow their own wheat…exchanging a mind for matter.
Brilliant. Thank you for this and all you share. The more “intelligent” you are, the more you need to decondition!
I have always been a pattern recognizer which is now being associated with “autism spectrum disorder” - what I find perfectly ironic is that many of us like myself who are “on the spectrum” had these heightened awarenesses/pattern recognition abilities heightened due to not just genetics or trauma but the heavy metals in our food/medicine etc, where the poison has led to more obsessive pattern recognizers/ problem solvers (the opposite of what these poisons were intended for lol) -
Increasing I think the more toxins we are exposed to, the more sick we become, the more heightened some of our pattern recognition and subtle perceptions become (for our own survival and survival of the species)
Conversely some people become more oblivious and disconnected.
But basically I have faith that the tides are turning and we pattern recognizers will bring balance back to this planet before they are able to digitize consciousness. 🙏🏻 🧩 🤗
I dig your take on this. It's an interesting idea that those toxins might've backfired - instead of dulling minds, they've helped create super-observant pattern spotters in some folks. Kind of poetic how trying to control people can create the opposite effect.
And you're right - the more of us who see these patterns clearly, whether we're neurodivergent or just waking up, the harder it gets to keep the wool pulled over everyone's eyes. Keep spotting those patterns :-)
Plus the gullible ones are being whacked by the vax (and other medical insanities).
Sorry to put it so bluntly.
:-) thank you! 🧩
Basic childhood patterning makes clear that consciousness cannot be digitized.
There's the patterning we do by thinking and then there's the patterning we do by Feel. The two are in dynamic symbiosis. The highest level of patterning is achieved when operating on Feel after having mastered thinking; all the learning that went into the mastery builds that subconscious reservoir of Feel.
Feel is the basic instinct of high consciousness. Focus on Feel, sister. It begins with a nutrient dense diet because high consciousness requires more brain activity and the body can't feed that activity until the body is adequately nourished. This I know from experience.
Fascinating - I agree that consciousness totally thrives on that dance between thinking and feeling. Pattern recognition goes way deeper than just mental analysis - it's about trusting that gut-level feel you're talking about. I love that you highlighted the importance of good nourishment to keep our awareness sharp.
We're up against some real challenges to our own awakening/consciousness, especially with things like pineal calcification. We all need to protect our ability to both think clearly and feel deeply. Usually, I'm good at one or the other, haha.
Thanks Josh. Yeah we have to grow out our ability to think and feel clearly, with high nutrition -- which is a years-long loading phase -- and then we have to maintain that peak condition. Greatness never comes for free. It only ever comes from consistent dedication, day in and day out.
I am a different person now from when I started hardcore homesteading 12 years ago. It took 4 years for my supposedly incurable thyroid disease to heal from a nutrient dense diet and country living, and then my thinking and, consequently, feeling, took off, because the bodywork had been completed.
Toxins are never our friend. If toxins have hurt us -- and they have hurt all of us -- then a full healing from that trauma will absolutely unlock that next-level. If we were given the gift of a deep ability to pattern reality, any childhood heavy metals or other toxins through the blood-brain barrier that may have caused traumatic brain injury only served to hinder that gift. A narrowed focus from trauma does not mean an improved focus; on the contrary, Feel comes from breadth of patterning because patterning is lateral thinking. Lateral breadth.
Thanks, Ben - I appreciate your reflections on nutrition and healing. While I know what needs to be done, you're way ahead of me, especially with the homesteading journey.
You're especially right about the metals and consciousness suppression - there may be even more to this story. I've been looking into the concept of the 'Internet of Bodies' and may write something up on it soon. In the meantime, my friend @anntomokorosen has been exploring related topics:
Thank you, Josh. Very grateful to be in good company as all our old illusions unravel.
Thanks Josh. Knowing is half the battle. The easy half. :) I was fortunate to get Red Pilled way back in '08, from the financial crisis, at the age of 32, right at the age when I happened to finally be ready to grow the fuck up and take my life into my own hands. So began the journey.
Thanks for those links.
Totally agree.
Feel/somatic connection takes a lot more nutrients/minerals/electrolytes.
For me feel came after thought and in some ways thought has been an escape from the feel since we have been trained through sedentary schooling to dissociate from the body so we can be more easily put into Freeze and live in low grade dissociation at all times.
I’m curious what nutrients you find most supportive? For me it is grass fed beef. Thanks!
True - in Brave New World, they'd just pop a soma and call it a day. Who needs electrolytes when you have chemically induced contentment? Not sure whether to leave a smiley face or a crying one after that comment.
Yeah, great stuff, agreed, thanks.
Real animal foods supplemented by real plant foods are real human foods. Always have been always will be. Human movements were only ever based on herd movements or fishery seasonality.
Raw goat milk and butter, a mix of raw and cooked (mostly stewed, bone-in) goat and sheep meat and organs and glands, bone broth every day, and mostly non-starchy root veg and greens.
Like you say minerals are absolutely key. As is animal fat because that's where healthy animals, with a surplus of nutrients themselves, store the extra, in concentrates. Especially that inner bodyfat, like around the kidneys and all around the inside of the pelvis and covering the reproductive organs. There is no substitute for dressing out your own animals that you raised yourself or watched being raised.
Thanks! Did you grow up eating that way? I want to figure out a way that I can learn more about the merits of each gland/organ and eat more meat from animals I’m connected to/give a good live. I want to join a Weston A Price chapter. I am a recovering well-intentioned brainwashed vegan so having to do a lot of unlearning 🤮 😂 😭
My pleasure. Nope I was a city kid and grew up on the FDA's low-fat Standard American Diet. Then like you I went well-intentioned vegan for almost all of my twenties which trashed my system in particular because I was a lean, athletic division 1 college basketball player and remained serious about basketball through that period. My former hypothyroidism runs in the family but I was very lucky to get the robust genetics handed down to me and I don't believe I would have gotten thyroid breakdown if I hadn't gone long-term vegan while still trying to improve my basketball game. Bad combination.
The body is so intelligent. The thyroid is key to our metabolism and by limiting the function of my thyroid my body was trying to tell me, through the attendant symptoms, to slow down and not work my body so hard because I was malnourished. So first came the joint pain, muscle fatigue, restless legs, depressed mood. Then later came the lethargy, the chronic sports injuries. If we're not feeding ourselves adequately for our level of activity then eventually the body will start forcing decisions upon us. Instead, not knowing any better, I started taking pills to circumvent that bodily wisdom. Those thyroid pills are just metabolic uppers, and in doing so it forces the body to have to try to do more, micronutrient-wise, with the same inputs, which just amplifies the systemic stress that caused the hypothyroidism in the first place.
That particular intelligent body dynamic is the same as with people who get high blood pressure in middle aged. Their metabolic rate/flow is slowing down more than is healthy because they are malnourished and too inactive. The bloodstream is for cycling all manner of important things related to overall flow. So the brilliant body starts narrowing the diameter of blood vessels so that the rate of flow can increase. That's basic hydraulics. It's a rational, reversible, epigenetic evolutionary adaptation to a disease state -- a healing modality -- but the foolish, disconnected, urban, materialistic allopathic culture can only see raised blood pressure as the disease itself rather that the constructive compensatory healing mechanism that it truly is, so it undoes the healing with blood pressure pills.
Weston Price is good but the clinician Natasha Campbell McBride and her healing GAPS protocol is the best that I'm aware of, bar none, which of course is the exactly the reason why the mainstream has targeted her like it has. She's a genius systems thinker who, along with her own impressive clinical results, pores over the research literature in order connect the nutritional dots. Her books are excellent.
We are what we eat. All of our organs and glands except for our heart and skin are fatty tissues. Liver is optimized for feeding our liver but obviously will feed everything else that needs fat and other liver nutrients. Like feeds like. Raw brain gets me a natural high upstairs. Natural thyroid pills are just ground up pig thyroid and the reason that, beyond being a full-spectrum T-hormone product, they work better than synthetic thyroid pills is because they can offer some nutritional support to the thyroid. Even digested food retains base biochemical integrity and our bodies are just spectacularly complex biochemical patterning and sorting operations. Biology is just an emergent, next-level conscious, self-organizing physics.
Wow, thanks! I am trying to help a friend with getting off thyroid medication - your insight is much appreciated and I’m inspired by your journey from veganism to eating brains! I hope to try raw sheep brain one day (a girl can dream! Haha) but truly thanks! 🧠 🍽️
The CFR network has controlled the US govt and media since WW2. See charts:
Allen Dulles, who ran the CIA "Operation Mockingbird", was a CFR director for 40 years. Nearly every CIA director from Dulles to Burns has been a CFR member.
The matrix is pervasive, but it can be broken.
The CFR/CIA nexus you highlight reveals just how deep and longstanding the deception runs - it's unbelievable to most people. While their institutional control is arguably stronger than ever, my sense is that there are finally some cracks appearing in the façade.
This piece raises important questions about how narratives are shaped and sustained by powerful institutions, but I think it’s worth digging deeper into the why behind these patterns. The media’s role in steering public perception isn’t just about outright censorship—it’s often about attention economy. Stories that threaten entrenched interests, like the ones mentioned, are strategically deprioritized because they disrupt the status quo that benefits those in power.
However, what fascinates me most is how quickly these narratives become part of collective reality, as you noted. It’s not just about what is said, but how language is weaponized. Phrases like “Trust the Science™” or “Safe and Effective” are masterclasses in linguistic engineering—using repetition and emotional triggers to instill compliance without critical thought. This phenomenon reminds me of Jonathan Haidt’s exploration of moral psychology: we’re often less rational truth-seekers and more tribal creatures drawn to whatever aligns with our existing beliefs or emotional biases.
That said, while skepticism is crucial, so is intellectual humility. Recognizing controlled narratives should spur us not just to reject mainstream talking points, but also to question whether the counter-narratives we gravitate toward are equally subject to bias. Pattern recognition is powerful, but only when paired with the willingness to question our own assumptions.
I believe the energy of awakening people is often channeled into carefully constructed debates and (often false) dichotomies. Rather than suppressing dissent, those in power seem to redirect it into dialectics that keep us distracted from larger transformations taking shape. While we debate within prescribed frameworks, the deeper shifts in society continue largely unexamined.
I share your thoughts on intellectual humility - I've never been more humbled than in these past few years of peeling back layers of deception. And you make an excellent point about questioning counter-narratives. In fact, I explore this exact dynamic of controlled opposition and managed resistance in my latest essay, as these counter-movements seem designed to keep our energy contained within acceptable guardrails of dissent.
If anyone is interested in hearing more about the five year old non-public Degrowth Agenda (DA) that is driving the consent factory's neverending New Normal that began with the plandemic and continues with the Elite-managed NATO-Ukrainian and Anglo-Zionist wars that are driving this civilization into a carefully planned Big Nuclear Scare that is the central set-piece of the DA, then heading to the link below and running through the comments section and the several subsequent comments sections which I hogged -- through to the New Year's post at which point I had some comments deleted and left because of it -- would be an easy way to get the gist of the DA and the energy situation more generally.
Feel free to ask any questions you might have.
Another excellent piece. This is why I dug into all the 4th IR stuff during Covid... between Covid and George Floyd, I wondered what was going on behind the scenes that wasn't being reported on.
I posted the following in reply to Carlen by mistake but it was meant to be to you, S. Anderson. Cheers.
There is no 4th industrial revolution. Thats just the umbrella misdirection play that gets the manufactured 'resistance' controlled opposition into power globally. Trumps obviously manufactured victory marks the official debut of the retooling at the consent factory. It is a misdirection play in service of continuing to hide the now- 6 year old structural collapse of civilization due to the 2018 arrival of peak global total oil liquids production. Anyone can go and look at the production graphs for themselves; they cannot be faked because the global economy -- letters of credit, investment, etc -- depends on their accuracy. The truth always gets buried two layers deep. Misdirection/deception is the First Art of War. Lets not be those suckers that pride themselves on uncovering Elite misdirection only to fall for the misdirection. tHat would make us the butt of their jokes. OTOH, patterning what they are actually doing brings them immense pleasure because they, too, take great pride in their work which means that the non-public Degrowth Agenda is a secret that they reluctantly keep. fRom their perspective its the greatest secret of all-time and theyre not wrong.
Well there is AI, and crypto, and blockchain, etc.
Thanks JS. Patterning is also my thing. I can't tell whether you have patterned yet that the truth of Reality generally lies two layers below the manufactured consent narrative. There's the ruling establishment narrative, the controlled opposition narrative, and then there's the truth.
The clever thing about it is that they can always make sure that the deepest, structural truths are never mainstreamed because whenever they need to retool the political machinery in the consent factory in a major way -- every several decades or so, and as is currently happening -- by way of manufacturing adequate consent for the incoming controlled opposition that is always closer to the socioeconomic truth than the outgoing establishment, they make sure to include misdirection play psyops that lead the incoming controlled opposition away from the deepest, most relevant truths which are always nonpolitical because Reality is nonpolitical.
The most important structural truth of this past decade is that the physical Limits to Growth of this global industrial civilization occurred in 2018 with the occurrence of peak global total oil liquids production. The last peak in the mature. complex systems theory of Peak Oil.
Notice how the politically controlled opposition -- the dissident movement -- that is now becoming the new grassroots populist establishment believes, to a large degree, several patently false consent factory program updates: abiotic oil is true, oil supply is struggling because of woke divestment, the Club of Rome is part of the head of the snake, and the Elites are trying to destroy civilization and depopulate the planet not for any necessary reason but because they're just plain batshit evil.
Patterning the lies of the consent factory is a structuralist endeavor. It begins with patterning the nuts and bolts of Reality itself.
What exactly is civilization? How does the life cycle of any civilization play out? Where is this civilization situated within that life cycle right now?
Divestment is not why global oil production has been collapsing at an average of about 3pc per year starting in 2019. A two-decade collapse in 21st century oil industry exploration and field development is the true reason. Because new, affordable discoveries are really hard to come across now so the oil majors have largely stopped throwing good money after bad, because they have to. All you have to do is go digging for the data on exploration. Divestment is a function of the collapse in exploration: if an industry has no growth prospects then it loses long term investment.
The divestment misdirection psyop serves as part cover for the structural nature of this civilizational collapse that we are 6 years into.
The manufactured divestment narrative cleverly obscures a much simpler truth - we're witnessing the inevitable unwinding of the longest financial expansion in history. What started as a post-WW2 pump is entering its dump phase, and no amount of narrative engineering can hide the fundamental physical and economic limits we're hitting. The bill for decades of artificial growth is indeed coming due. The Club of Rome's plans are central to this plan, indeed.
The so-called awakening ties directly into what my friends and I call The Second Matrix - a deeper layer of systemic deception that I'll be exploring sometime soon as a followup to this one. I'm just wrestling with how deep I want to go (vs just floating the idea).
Nice, I look forward to that.
The Cub of Rome had no plans. It was just an international, interdisciplinary group of ecologically-minded academics who had foresight, and built an accurate systems theory out of that foresight. Were they political people? Sure. Few academics aren't political people. But the psyop that the group was central to a 75-year Rockefellerian masterplan is exactly that - a psyop. Did the Elites sit up and pay attention to this legendary think tank?You damn straight they did.
But you are correct in patterning that the rational response to the Club of Rome's accurate modeling -- that response being a politically necessary degrowth agenda upon reaching the limits to growth -- is also the Elite response that has been playing out *non-publicly* for five years now.
The Degrowth Agenda (DA) always did have to be non-public because public knowledge of structural collapse would immediately result in chaotic collapse.
The primary purpose of the fake-ass plandemic was to destroy global oil demand by 30pc for 1.5 years so as to buy 5 more years to prepare for global financial collapse. If manufactured demand destruction does not stay ahead of geological supply collapse then we have a catastrophic global sovereign bond market collapse.
Appreciate your perspectives here, Ben (even if I'm slow to reply - thanks for your patience).
Yes - covid's multi-layered implementation exemplifies how the cabal never executes single-purpose operations. While managing demand destruction was key, it simultaneously advanced biosurveillance infrastructure, tested compliance systems, and accelerated digital control mechanisms.
Your point about controlled opposition is particularly relevant to what I explored in The Second Matrix ( The surface "evil elites" narrative often functions as a limited hangout preventing deeper structural analysis. Reality involves both the material constraints you've identified AND the coordinated responses by power centers who anticipated these limits.
Your insight about the role of the last few years in demand destruction buying time before financial collapse is intriguing. I'd suggest it's part of an even broader challenge - they need to usher in the new financial paradigm before the masses realize the existing one effectively collapsed long ago. The rapid acceleration toward CBDCs and the great reset agenda seems to support this timeline pressure. What's your take on how much runway remains before this transition becomes unavoidable?
As I've said iny other comments, there is no real push towards CBDCs and The Great Reset. They are the big misdirection play in service of making dissidents think that civilization has longer to run than it actually does; realize that THE last resort of disinformation -- when all other ordinary propaganda has failed to sway dissidents -- is to fuck with the timeline. To push the timeline of collapse out further than it truly is in order to keep as many people unprepared as possible - because unprepared people will be dead people 95-99 times out of 100.
CBDCs and Great Reset are very public disinfo plays. Given what I said above about how the five year old Degrowth Agenda (DA) is and must continue to be strictly non-public, we can know that those twin disinfo plays are not a part of it. The DA can only be patterned indirectly, and that's consistent with all understanding of Elite, esoteric, secret society machinations. They're obviously not gonna serve it up to us on a platter. What they ARE going to do is try and make it seem like the motive for the DA doesn't exist such that we get tricked into passively mispatterning (falsely/poorly reasoning) the DA out of existence.
The greatest trick the proverbial devil ever played was to make them think he didn't exist: they took the inevitable internet explosion of Illuminati theory during the first decade of this century and made the Western neoliberal establishment the fall guy for the Illuminati and molded the neoconservative establishment into the largest base faction of the populist successor establishment. Bait and switch.
In order to see what I see you have to fully internalize the mature phase of the Peak Oil systems theory. I accomplished that not inconsiderable feat 15 years ago, and that is the only way that I was able to journey in a dedicated and methodical and fully-committed fashion -- in parallel with my journey into well-positiined country living -- towards the place where I am now. I have a whole geopolitical prediction framework that I call the HTOE. The Horsetrading Theory of Everything. I make specific predictions such that when people who have heard them see them coming true -- either fully or in close approximation -- they might say to themselves, "he couldn't have done that unless he has actually approximated a non-public Degrowth Agenda that must exist for the structural reasons and Elite motivations that he said, all along, existed." I have been the voice in the wilderness these last few years telling people that they need to relax because their dissident hysteria is slated to become the new political establishment: that their ballot box revolution would be victorious.
I predicted years ago before the war ever started that Russia would reclaim Ukraine under the DA's HTOE because Russia holds legacy responsibility for the aging Soviet nuclear power industry that Ukraine is obviously incapable of dealing with during Collapse. I also predicted that Israel would find itself at war and would be wiped off the map as a Zionist entity because the Elites know that, while Israel was its greatest geopolitical asset during the growth phase of industrial civilization, it flips to becoming its greatest liability to stability during the collapse phase. And so they are now resolving that situation. And the Gaza circumstances, specifically, are a huge dry-run logistical military exercise, by the Elites, in figuring out exactly what it takes to keep a Collapsed metropolitan-scale city alive and submissive on aid rations.
Obviously as we move through Phase 2 of the DA, they need to know what the bare minimums are for rationing and security. That's what the definition of Collapse looks like. And it makes The Great Reset look like child's play. The dissident ain't gonna know what hit em. Just as planned. make America great and healthy lol: that's just the good cop misdirection play to the Great Reset's bad cop misdirection play.
You asked me when. This year. This year the carefully orchestrated Big Nuclear Scare comes that control-demolishes the financial system and creates the causus belli for the global peace accord that create the space for the decommissioning and disposal of the global nuclear power industry such that a potential extinction-level event in the northern hemisphere can be averted. See the parallels to apocalyptic scripture, which was written as a blueprint for managing civilizational collapse in the wake of the triangulated lessons learned from the three Near East civilizational collapses suffered during that particular millenium.