A theory that explains the Challenger explosion was advanced by an author named John Coleman. He claimed that some elites met and decided that the broad psychological effect of the space program was to produce an untoward optimism about the ability of technology to solve future problems. Since that optimism was incompatible with the sense of doom needed to advance population control plans and related ideas such as climate change, there had to be a highly public failure of the space program. I've been unable to track down traces of this meeting, although many of his other claims are sourced.
The Challenger rocket was actually named by a vote of all the schoolchildren in America as I very clearly remember. Teachers were encouraged to show the launch in the classroom. What are the odds that just exactly that one launch overtly pushed into school classrooms, with a teacher on board, would be the one that catastrophically failed? The Challenger explosion was sufficiently traumatic to produce memories that last a lifetime. Such trauma-based mind control may also have had its origin in Nazi scientists imported for projects less in the public eye than the space program.
You can see the sense of doom perpetuated in many forms of programming. Nature shows, for example, are often almost diabolically pessimistic and portray every single animal as on the edge of starvation no matter how far that is from the reality of the video content.
I appreciate you sharing Coleman's perspective - it adds another fascinating dimension to the Challenger narrative. Your observation about the timing is striking: a nationwide campaign to get children watching, a teacher onboard, and then catastrophic failure with millions of young witnesses. I can still recall watching it unfold in my classroom as if it were yesterday. The psychological impact was profound and lasting.
Coleman's work on Tavistock and the Committee of 300 opened many doors in my own research journey as well. His insights on how collective trauma shapes public consciousness align perfectly with the patterns I've observed across multiple events.
Your point about nature programming is spot-on too - there's a consistent manufacturing of doom across media that seems designed to condition specific responses. This broader pattern of reality engineering deserves its own deep dive.
Thanks again for these valuable connections - they reinforce how the Challenger event fits into larger systems of psychological influence.
I also want to add that watching through Bond movies has been very instructive. There are many, many interesting ideas put into the mouths of the villains.
There was also the Columbia disaster in 2003. There is much more to this story, having the only Israeli astronaut and an evangelical command pilot. Who is Columbia you ask? According to the Masons (who are traced to Babylon) "Columbia is only the latest name given to a goddess who is older than recorded history and can be traced in her modern form to the early Egyptian dynasties. She has been known throughout history variously as Inanna and Ishtar by the Sumerians, Kali by the Hindus, Freya by the Norse and most notably as Isis by the ancient Egyptians. She is the goddess of love, wisdom, warfare and destiny and is venerated by all cultures as the mother of civilization."https://blog.philosophicalsociety.org/2020/07/03/columbia-an-american-goddess/ Still think America was founded as "Christian"?
You mention nature shows, but look at most of the Disney movies and tell me why there is always a death of one or both parents, usually at the beginning or close to it. Other children’s movies do it as well, but none so often as Disney. It’s something I’ve questioned for years.
Josh, You make my head hurt. I watched the moon landing "live" when it happened -- one of those seminal life points like when JFK got shot. As I was explaining in a meeting the other day dealing with why the JFK/RFK/Epstein files are just not simply released, what if the world learned that the entire moon effort was a fraud? What would that do to the American psyche? Economics? Might just be to big a pill for anyone, even Trump et al, to swallow. I have no idea what the truth is -- it is learning that no one else does either is what is the scary part.
Dr. K, Making your head hurt is quickly becoming my primary motivation for writing these pieces! 😁
Seriously though, I really appreciate you sharing your experience of watching the moon landing "live" - those watershed moments do become part of our personal and collective identity. And that's precisely what makes questioning them so uncomfortable.
I have the Challenger explosion engrained into my brain in the same way. These mass events - both the endearing ones like the moon landing, concerts, and sports, or the traumatizing ones (JFK, 9/11, Challenger) - have been a big focus area of mine. They create shared consciousness in a moment but also breed some collective understanding that shapes us in profound ways. The Challenger was the first big one for my generation - OJ Simpson is probably next. I've done a huge dive on that and am convinced there's far more to that story but I'll save that for another day.
You've hit on something profound - the potential implications of certain truths being revealed might simply be too destabilizing for society to process, regardless of who's in power. Whether it's JFK, Epstein, or the moon landing, there may be revelations that would fundamentally alter how citizens see themselves and their place in the world.
This is really the point. Our society works because of our collective understanding and shared reality. This may be why the veneer feels like it's coming off now - we no longer have that social contract to agree on what's "fact." The fragmentation of media, the rise of distrust in institutions, and the exposure of previously hidden patterns have all contributed to this breakdown.
I don't claim to have all the answers either (or really, any of them). What drives me is a simple aversion to being lied to, combined with the observation that the more aggressively certain narratives are protected, the more likely they contain something absolutely enormous. If these are just "conspiracy theories," why the extreme measures to silence basic questioning?
Anyway, I always value your perspective, even when it makes both our heads hurt.
Ole Dammegard, who believes the first assassination attempt on Trump was a staged event, pointed out that the blood on his cheek was in the shape of the NASA symbol. I don't know what to think but Dammegard's presentation style does make me laugh.
Psyops all the way down. I've seen some of these puzzle pieces, but the timeline and the bigger picture... well, I feel a little sick about it. Is there any piece of history that isn't tainted with the slimy film of globalist or occult manipulation?
A patient was speaking to me the other day about a secret her father was forced to keep for most of his life as a survivor of the HMT Rohna attack during the WWII. "A WWII transport ship equipped with non-functioning lifeboats and inadequate lifebelts was sunk by one of the first radio-guided missiles ever used in war. 1,015 U.S. soldiers were killed in the attack that remains the greatest loss of life at sea in the history of any U.S. war. Uncovered classified documents reveal that neglect and oversight contributed to the large number of casualties. The government deflected responsibility by declaring the disaster classified indefinitely while ordering all survivors to remain silent. The casualty families were stonewalled and most of them went to their own graves never knowing what happened; their boys just never came home." https://www.rohnaclassified.com
I'm so over the secrets and lies. And so grateful for regular people who are just interested in being human and telling the truth. Thank you for being one of them.
There are hard technical problems behind why the Apollo moon story was not possible. As you can tell from my Diamonds are Forever avatar, I am deeply interested in this topic:
For many years, NASA did an effective job deceiving and brainwashing and manipulating and indoctrinating me. I’m grateful to have woken up to the reality of (military grade) psychological operations.
Josh, you are yanking at the foundational supports of my fragile framework holding the fragments of my meager context together. You should have a disclaimer at the beginning of your articles warning readers of sudden, and sometimes violent changes of mindset, with associated feelings of being untethered.
“NASA's foundations are intertwined with controversial figures.”
NASA is famously known outside of NASA-controlled and apologist circles as the place of, ‘Never A Straight Answer’. If you want a real answer about anything... NASA is one of the last places you’d want to go.
NASA effectively is a secret society – that is, a group and belief-system deliberately made of Hidden-ness. Keep what you know and what you’re really doing a secret to the outside World. Create a semi-believable cover story of what you supposedly are about while keeping the truth of your purposes and aims and beliefs well hidden away just for the insiders and true-believers. One could also call this a big cult with their own doctrines and dogmas and behavior-control systems in place to rule the faithful.
Like Freemasonry and the Knights Templar – even the Roman Catholic Church – these organizations maintain one appearance to the outside and embody quite another reality from the inside.
In fact, it was a bit amazing to see the widespread media coverage of the child and sexual abuse scandals of the Catholic Church that were not restricted to one small area of the World but proved to be pervasive and omnipresent just about everywhere the Catholics had a presence. That means we got to see a bit of the true inside – and inside that They had hidden well for perhaps centuries.
Connections between NASA and Disney are numerous. They both exist to peddle fantasies to People of the World and they work to convince us that their empty conjurings are real and true. But like any good story – one has to suspend belief to play that game and make that faux reality seem like a true one. But that’s the point. You must to sever your mind and spirit from Reality itself and sell your soul to the devil of someone else’s fantasies and the mental conjurings of others who concoct things out of their own minds and for their own aims and purposes.
We – the People of the World – are lied to so much and so often that we have almost lost the ability to sense that anymore. We have sadly become so acclimated to that perverse state. And that is exactly what The Conjurers in all their guises want. They don’t want us looking for truth or seeking truth or craving truth. They want us to give up and let Them program us into whatever dehumanized life forms They want us to be. They want us to accept Lies as True... and the Truth a thing that is not useful or desirable any more. In fact, we humans can become addicted to lies and fantasies. We get to a point where we prefer the lies to truth and we want our addiction to be regularly fed with more lies.
Much is already well-known by the Insiders about the truth of human space exploration (or not)... and the existence of life forms from elsewhere in our Universe. But They don’t want us to know anything of that. In short, They want us 'Dumb, Happy, and Dumb'. And as stated... that kind of thinking finds plenty of resonance within the human family itself. 'Don’t bother me with the true... Feed me plenty of lies' – harmless and otherwise.
The Truth is challenging – and too many of us don’t want to be challenged. Many prefer the safety and happiness and laziness of the Lie, the Fantasy.
The human desire for the Lie and Fantasy can be described by the Dark Cave analogy. We grow up in darkness. We are taught little but fantasies by those around us in our circle of life... and of course by State Corporate Media. Our eyes (and minds) get accustomed to darkness. The Light that rudely comes into the cave from outside threatens and disturbs us. And so we stay in safety and cowardly retreat within the darkness and dampness of The Cave from which we might fight ever so hard never to escape from.
One the one hand... the more one thinks about everything it must take for humans to get to the Moon in the late 1960s with the rustic technology that existed then makes it hard to think we actually got there. And then on the other hand... there are well-placed sources that claim that we already had astronauts that have technologies at their disposal that are generations ahead of what is known today by the public. Can both these things be true? Yes. The 1969 Moon landing could be a well-placed Disney-ish fantasy production while a real and very highly-advanced space program could also have already existed doing all kinds of exotic things.
The bottom line? We have to expand our minds. We have to silence our biases and stop thinking that what we know today and right at this moment has to be the truth. We have to take the courageous leap of realizing that we may in fact know almost nothing about the truth of what goes on today. We have to start with a fresh and clean and blank slate and then use all the tools available to us to start to build and form a foundation of beliefs and 'truths' that have convinced us without a doubt that are real and worthy.
Everyone has a story to tell. A big problem in our World today and in the human condition itself is that so few of these stories are worthy of our time – and even less so, worthy of our belief. For where your mind... is where you place your spirit.
Will that be in the darkness of The Cave? Or in the light of truth and the real? That's our choice today and always.
We have a relative working as an engineer at NASA. The few times we have talked he is very evasive. He is working on new generation space suits. Discussion never really gets past the point of toilet and bodily function innovation. LOL.
The craziest piece of the moon landing story was the supposed video format conversions. This doesn't get as much press as things like no stars or dust or heat transfer in the space suits.
The lunar television images were first beamed to NASA's radio base at Honeysuckle Creek space tracking station near Canberra Australia where they were recorded in PAL format. But PAL format can't be displayed on American television screens, so the "live" lunar goings on had to be converted to NTSC video format before being beamed to the USA for the enjoyment of the television viewing audience.
Then all the original PAL video tapes left in Australia were accidentally "destroyed". Oops.
Thank you for sharing this fascinating insight about the PAL/NTSC conversion issue and the "accidentally destroyed" original tapes. That's yet another curious detail that adds to the pattern of conveniently missing evidence.
I also want to thank you for your excellent research on the connection between the moon landing and fiat currency implementation. Fadi kindly pointed out that you were the original source for this analysis, and I've updated my piece to properly credit your work. These economic connections you identified provide crucial context for understanding NASA's role beyond just space exploration.
Your research has been invaluable in helping many of us understand these broader patterns. Looking forward to more of your insights.
Everybody needs a mission. Even if the mission isn't real. So long as there is belief in the mission, then its mission accomplished for the Philosopher Kings. It was always about the ICBMs. The Apollo 11 Show was just the great big yellow smiley face stuck onto the insanity of nuclear weapons.
That's a brilliant way to frame it - "the great big yellow smiley face stuck onto the insanity of nuclear weapons."
Whether the mission is *real* becomes almost secondary to its function in organizing collective consciousness and behavior. The psychological operation may have been the primary deliverable all along.
Thanks again for your insights - they've added significant depth to my understanding of this period.
Thank you for compiling such an interesting sequence of clips. Also thank you for making the connection between the moon landings and the final abandonment of the gold standard, it's quite interesting.
I'd like to offer a different angle on the question of what the firmament really is, as I have some expertise (acquired via childhood exposure) in an arcane field widely dismissed by the conventional narrative: astrology. While modern astrology (which has ancient roots in both the West and the East) may acknowledge the physical interpretations we now commonly accept as true (i.e. rocks orbiting the sun), it is decidedly a geocentric theory and offers a very different interpretation of the meanings of the various orbits, perhaps suggesting a cosmic order that is now denied in conventional society. As an aside, both ancient and modern astrology connect to the roots of magical systems adjacent to Crowley/Parsons as well as Freemasonry (again, personal knowledge but it's readily discoverable with just a few mouse clicks away from Google).
Without trying to convince anyone, I offer an interesting tidbit, John Michael Greer's predictions of what Trump's second term would look like. It was published on January 11th, 9 days before Trump took office: https://www.patreon.com/posts/us-presidential-119787448 Now compare his predictions to what has taken place since January 20th. Perhaps Greer has inside knowledge, or perhaps is merely an astute observer of politics and student of history? Maybe. But based on my knowledge of the subject, Greer's published predictions on January 11th represent an exhaustive survey of the features of the chart he cast, the rationale for each prediction representing technically accurate interpretations of the features. He did this as well for the 2020 inauguration: https://www.patreon.com/posts/2021-chart-118845009 (although in the retrospective he admits to making certain mistakes by overlooking the war signals). In my own experience, comprehensive technical interpretation of natal charts reveals deep insight into the psychology of the person represented by the natal chart, far beyond the banal interpretations found in (e.g.) newspaper horoscope readings.
Again, I offer this not as an attempt to convince anybody, rather to suggest that what we know and have known about the firmament may have been intentionally obfuscated. Also, I remind you again that *technical* astrology (not the kind you find in newspapers) connects to the secret societies to which this post alludes.
I love this. I started studying Joytish astrology ( ancient Indian(India)) astrology when Trump was first elected in 2016. All I can say is that the powers that be know astrology well. I was studying through Covid and it was all there. All in the charts. In my experience it is an uncanny reflection of both what is going on at large and in my personal life.
Watch in awe as they fail to "return to the moon" in the coming years. I mean c'mon, it they did it 50 years ago we should have a goddamn hotel there by now!
How would you make money on the Moon? There's no air to breathe. No water to drink. No carbon dioxide to support plant live, so there's no way to grow food there.
We didn't go back because we got what we needed at the time. Now that the Cold War is over, we don't need to prove anything to anybody.
One of the astronauts said it was all fake - the moon landing and the picture from space of earth.
As for the "...is NASA selling us a story about space, or something much bigger…" its getting ready us for the fake Lord - the Antichrist.
and while you're at it throw in a few aliens too.
I do not believe in this kerfuffle, never believed in aliens or spaceships, they are all made by the clowns in secret labs and bunkers.
Ron Reagan was involved in the creation of the satellite in about 1983 area. It was weaponized with a laser for defense, but a worker who I know said they knew of it well before the public and it was not for defense at all. The men involved were sworn to secrecy.
There is a dome and the earth flat, and the black holes are where the lights go out. No falling into an abyss like they would have you believe. Its all created to either keep you calm so when sh*t happens, you wont be concerned. The other side of the coin, they create panic on specific things - its all to get to do as they want you to do and they use fear or apathy to get it.
Black holes - does a room in your house disappear when the light goes out, never to be seen again? No, its still there but no light is working.
I concur that these two references are the single (double?) best resources on this subject that any honest effort to debunk or refute must address. And predictably, they never do.
Dave McGowan, author of Moondoggie, was a real force of nature with an excellent sense of humor and discerning judgement. All of his work is worth slowly digesting. The Lincoln Assassination work and "Programed to Kill" about the serial killer phenom are particularly compelling and novel.
His fresh reports from the Boston Bombing and 9/11 are especially great time capsules.
Though the most popular among his works, I find his Laurel Canyon work to be the most conjectural at times, if for no other reason than he appears unaware and unsympathetic to those ensconced in the creative process. He also seems to frequently overestimate the thematic motives and aspirational continuity that exists between successful fathers and their sons. Sometimes there's coherence & uniformity, but in my experience, a successful child more likely dissents from the father & things are rarely straight forward.
It's great you can share that link to American Moon. YT makes it impossible to find through searches. All you readers reading this, don't miss this opportunity to save that link and set aside time to watch the 3 hour doc while you can.
Interesting info! Some definitely new to me. I became aware of the fraud about 4 years ago, probably about the time a lot of other people did too. It’s just so discouraging figuring out how much we’ve been lied to. And it’s so much work to try and figure out what the exact truth actually is.
And it seems that this sort of thing usually comes down to massive amounts of money being involved. How much has nasa and other space programs received since their inception?
I visited the 911 memorial and it was extremely sad. During the propaganda film, someone yelled out, “liar!”. Seems like there was a few other grumbles too. I bet most of the audience was thinking the same thing because no one complained. If people believed the film, I suspect a fight probably would have broke out. But everyone just let it go.
With the growing level of awareness of the past deceptions, it seems that society still just keeps walking into the next trap. I hate to be ‘black-pilled’ but it doesn’t seem like we can ever get out of this pattern. Hopefully I’m wrong.
We lost a whole generation of technicians during Vietnam. Millions of people got college degrees in easy subjects to avoid the draft. We're paying for it now because so very many people lack the basic thinking skills one gets by picking up tools and building something. A thing you did yourself, you cannot deny building, because you remember doing it.
That is what's called empirical knowledge. It commands us to call it true because we witnessed how we proved it true. As long as we hide in the dark with our eyes shut, we remain ignorant.
Interesting theory. My dad is a Vietnam vet. He fully believes everything the government tells him. My husband builds things, he also fully believes the government, except when I’m able to convince him otherwise. He doesn’t want to talk about the moon landing.
But, I do see your point. The people wise to the covid scam were on average, not degree holders. There’s some kind of injury to the critical thinking ability of the human mind in universities going on.
I personally think industries have captured the institutions to turn graduates into laborers that serve the machine, which is an unholy alliance between private sector industry and government, which is traditionally known as fascism.
That and mass media algorithms that can tailor psy-ops for almost everyone on the planet.
My dad builds stuff btw. I think it would just be too painful to realize that all the death and destruction wasn’t for a good cause. He believes that the government is fundamentally good and fights for “freedom”. To believe otherwise would cause an existential crisis of epic proportions in someone who was willing to sacrifice everything and who saw friends pay the ultimate sacrifice.
The problem is that both propositions are true. We have a constitutional government that knows its legal limits. And hiding behind it we have an oligarchy that would be easier to cope with, if it were only motivated by a desire for more money. The trouble with oligarchs is that very often they have some other ideology to promote, and they will act unpredictably.
The Fascist principle, "Nulli tutti Stati" (Nothing except the State) proclaimed by Mussolini, had a private sector in name only. If his government wasn't up to a war just yet, they'd instruct one of their corporations to commit the crime. A healthy private sector is competitive and offers choices. Generally it's the honest people who sell their assets and flee the rising Fascism. What's left are the crooks who continue bleeding the society dry, and then appear foolish after it all collapses. I've a neighbor here in Tempe who teaches Middle School. Her papa fled Mussolini's dictatorship in Italy and the Mexican government took him in as a refugee. He lived out his days in Sonora, as a woodcrafter and cabinet maker. She married an aircraft mechanic who is a US citizen and that got her on the express route to US citizenship. Her brother, who followed papa in learning the woodworking trade, is now partnered with her husband in a fix-and-flip business, rehabilitating housing here in the Phoenix area. It's different for him to run a business in two countries, but it gives his artistic side an outlet. Italy's loss was both Sonora and Arizona's gain.
That's probably about the time I began to take the idea it could have been faked seriously as well. I have also read somewhere that NASA is really a surveillance operation.
Surveillance, money laundering, psychological operations, the possibilities are endless. The only possibility not on the table is man going to the moon, since they “lost the technology”. That cracks me up every time I think about it. Did someone put it in a garbage bag and set it by the dumpster on accident?
It’s actually a very serious crime so I shouldn’t laugh but it’s just so dumb that it’s actually funny.
A theory that explains the Challenger explosion was advanced by an author named John Coleman. He claimed that some elites met and decided that the broad psychological effect of the space program was to produce an untoward optimism about the ability of technology to solve future problems. Since that optimism was incompatible with the sense of doom needed to advance population control plans and related ideas such as climate change, there had to be a highly public failure of the space program. I've been unable to track down traces of this meeting, although many of his other claims are sourced.
The Challenger rocket was actually named by a vote of all the schoolchildren in America as I very clearly remember. Teachers were encouraged to show the launch in the classroom. What are the odds that just exactly that one launch overtly pushed into school classrooms, with a teacher on board, would be the one that catastrophically failed? The Challenger explosion was sufficiently traumatic to produce memories that last a lifetime. Such trauma-based mind control may also have had its origin in Nazi scientists imported for projects less in the public eye than the space program.
You can see the sense of doom perpetuated in many forms of programming. Nature shows, for example, are often almost diabolically pessimistic and portray every single animal as on the edge of starvation no matter how far that is from the reality of the video content.
I appreciate you sharing Coleman's perspective - it adds another fascinating dimension to the Challenger narrative. Your observation about the timing is striking: a nationwide campaign to get children watching, a teacher onboard, and then catastrophic failure with millions of young witnesses. I can still recall watching it unfold in my classroom as if it were yesterday. The psychological impact was profound and lasting.
Coleman's work on Tavistock and the Committee of 300 opened many doors in my own research journey as well. His insights on how collective trauma shapes public consciousness align perfectly with the patterns I've observed across multiple events.
Your point about nature programming is spot-on too - there's a consistent manufacturing of doom across media that seems designed to condition specific responses. This broader pattern of reality engineering deserves its own deep dive.
Thanks again for these valuable connections - they reinforce how the Challenger event fits into larger systems of psychological influence.
I also want to add that watching through Bond movies has been very instructive. There are many, many interesting ideas put into the mouths of the villains.
HIghly recommended (the real James Bond)...
It's in many other movies too. E.T., Close Encounters, etc. for example.
There was also the Columbia disaster in 2003. There is much more to this story, having the only Israeli astronaut and an evangelical command pilot. Who is Columbia you ask? According to the Masons (who are traced to Babylon) "Columbia is only the latest name given to a goddess who is older than recorded history and can be traced in her modern form to the early Egyptian dynasties. She has been known throughout history variously as Inanna and Ishtar by the Sumerians, Kali by the Hindus, Freya by the Norse and most notably as Isis by the ancient Egyptians. She is the goddess of love, wisdom, warfare and destiny and is venerated by all cultures as the mother of civilization."https://blog.philosophicalsociety.org/2020/07/03/columbia-an-american-goddess/ Still think America was founded as "Christian"?
You mention nature shows, but look at most of the Disney movies and tell me why there is always a death of one or both parents, usually at the beginning or close to it. Other children’s movies do it as well, but none so often as Disney. It’s something I’ve questioned for years.
I remember watching it in class. 2nd grade.
Very astutely stated!
Josh, You make my head hurt. I watched the moon landing "live" when it happened -- one of those seminal life points like when JFK got shot. As I was explaining in a meeting the other day dealing with why the JFK/RFK/Epstein files are just not simply released, what if the world learned that the entire moon effort was a fraud? What would that do to the American psyche? Economics? Might just be to big a pill for anyone, even Trump et al, to swallow. I have no idea what the truth is -- it is learning that no one else does either is what is the scary part.
Dr. K, Making your head hurt is quickly becoming my primary motivation for writing these pieces! 😁
Seriously though, I really appreciate you sharing your experience of watching the moon landing "live" - those watershed moments do become part of our personal and collective identity. And that's precisely what makes questioning them so uncomfortable.
I have the Challenger explosion engrained into my brain in the same way. These mass events - both the endearing ones like the moon landing, concerts, and sports, or the traumatizing ones (JFK, 9/11, Challenger) - have been a big focus area of mine. They create shared consciousness in a moment but also breed some collective understanding that shapes us in profound ways. The Challenger was the first big one for my generation - OJ Simpson is probably next. I've done a huge dive on that and am convinced there's far more to that story but I'll save that for another day.
You've hit on something profound - the potential implications of certain truths being revealed might simply be too destabilizing for society to process, regardless of who's in power. Whether it's JFK, Epstein, or the moon landing, there may be revelations that would fundamentally alter how citizens see themselves and their place in the world.
This is really the point. Our society works because of our collective understanding and shared reality. This may be why the veneer feels like it's coming off now - we no longer have that social contract to agree on what's "fact." The fragmentation of media, the rise of distrust in institutions, and the exposure of previously hidden patterns have all contributed to this breakdown.
I don't claim to have all the answers either (or really, any of them). What drives me is a simple aversion to being lied to, combined with the observation that the more aggressively certain narratives are protected, the more likely they contain something absolutely enormous. If these are just "conspiracy theories," why the extreme measures to silence basic questioning?
Anyway, I always value your perspective, even when it makes both our heads hurt.
Don't fall for this guy he's a total f****** troll he thinks he knows everything when you f****** have information that's factual he goes away poof
Agreed. I’m really thinking we live in a Truman show.
If you're new here, I used Truman as an allegory for this piece:
Ole Dammegard, who believes the first assassination attempt on Trump was a staged event, pointed out that the blood on his cheek was in the shape of the NASA symbol. I don't know what to think but Dammegard's presentation style does make me laugh.
Clearly SOME do know, but keep secrets, but for how long?
We have the truth. It is clearly in a King James Bible, preserved and exposing these lies since the beginning.
Just published my expose of it... https://risingdawn360.substack.com/p/club-of-rome-grants-trump-the-kingdom
See here for my story including FE: https://risingdawn360.substack.com/p/four-corners-of-the-earth-rediscovered
Oh now we're an expert on moon landings dark
Hey everybody this guy's a f****** troll he's going to tell you all about the 16th amendment what else is he an expert on?
Hey dark can you tell us all the mysteries of the universe while you're at it you f****** piece of s*** f*** you
Psyops all the way down. I've seen some of these puzzle pieces, but the timeline and the bigger picture... well, I feel a little sick about it. Is there any piece of history that isn't tainted with the slimy film of globalist or occult manipulation?
A patient was speaking to me the other day about a secret her father was forced to keep for most of his life as a survivor of the HMT Rohna attack during the WWII. "A WWII transport ship equipped with non-functioning lifeboats and inadequate lifebelts was sunk by one of the first radio-guided missiles ever used in war. 1,015 U.S. soldiers were killed in the attack that remains the greatest loss of life at sea in the history of any U.S. war. Uncovered classified documents reveal that neglect and oversight contributed to the large number of casualties. The government deflected responsibility by declaring the disaster classified indefinitely while ordering all survivors to remain silent. The casualty families were stonewalled and most of them went to their own graves never knowing what happened; their boys just never came home." https://www.rohnaclassified.com
I'm so over the secrets and lies. And so grateful for regular people who are just interested in being human and telling the truth. Thank you for being one of them.
There are hard technical problems behind why the Apollo moon story was not possible. As you can tell from my Diamonds are Forever avatar, I am deeply interested in this topic:
Film is damaged by vacuum and radiation:
Heat shield technology is not advanced enough to protect humans from reentry from lunar orbit:
For many years, NASA did an effective job deceiving and brainwashing and manipulating and indoctrinating me. I’m grateful to have woken up to the reality of (military grade) psychological operations.
Find out what NASA really does read Cathy O'Brien and Mark Phillips book ‘Trance Formation of America”
I have that book, but I must not have been ready for the revelations in it about NASA.
Josh, you are yanking at the foundational supports of my fragile framework holding the fragments of my meager context together. You should have a disclaimer at the beginning of your articles warning readers of sudden, and sometimes violent changes of mindset, with associated feelings of being untethered.
“NASA's foundations are intertwined with controversial figures.”
NASA is famously known outside of NASA-controlled and apologist circles as the place of, ‘Never A Straight Answer’. If you want a real answer about anything... NASA is one of the last places you’d want to go.
NASA effectively is a secret society – that is, a group and belief-system deliberately made of Hidden-ness. Keep what you know and what you’re really doing a secret to the outside World. Create a semi-believable cover story of what you supposedly are about while keeping the truth of your purposes and aims and beliefs well hidden away just for the insiders and true-believers. One could also call this a big cult with their own doctrines and dogmas and behavior-control systems in place to rule the faithful.
Like Freemasonry and the Knights Templar – even the Roman Catholic Church – these organizations maintain one appearance to the outside and embody quite another reality from the inside.
In fact, it was a bit amazing to see the widespread media coverage of the child and sexual abuse scandals of the Catholic Church that were not restricted to one small area of the World but proved to be pervasive and omnipresent just about everywhere the Catholics had a presence. That means we got to see a bit of the true inside – and inside that They had hidden well for perhaps centuries.
Connections between NASA and Disney are numerous. They both exist to peddle fantasies to People of the World and they work to convince us that their empty conjurings are real and true. But like any good story – one has to suspend belief to play that game and make that faux reality seem like a true one. But that’s the point. You must to sever your mind and spirit from Reality itself and sell your soul to the devil of someone else’s fantasies and the mental conjurings of others who concoct things out of their own minds and for their own aims and purposes.
We – the People of the World – are lied to so much and so often that we have almost lost the ability to sense that anymore. We have sadly become so acclimated to that perverse state. And that is exactly what The Conjurers in all their guises want. They don’t want us looking for truth or seeking truth or craving truth. They want us to give up and let Them program us into whatever dehumanized life forms They want us to be. They want us to accept Lies as True... and the Truth a thing that is not useful or desirable any more. In fact, we humans can become addicted to lies and fantasies. We get to a point where we prefer the lies to truth and we want our addiction to be regularly fed with more lies.
Much is already well-known by the Insiders about the truth of human space exploration (or not)... and the existence of life forms from elsewhere in our Universe. But They don’t want us to know anything of that. In short, They want us 'Dumb, Happy, and Dumb'. And as stated... that kind of thinking finds plenty of resonance within the human family itself. 'Don’t bother me with the true... Feed me plenty of lies' – harmless and otherwise.
The Truth is challenging – and too many of us don’t want to be challenged. Many prefer the safety and happiness and laziness of the Lie, the Fantasy.
The human desire for the Lie and Fantasy can be described by the Dark Cave analogy. We grow up in darkness. We are taught little but fantasies by those around us in our circle of life... and of course by State Corporate Media. Our eyes (and minds) get accustomed to darkness. The Light that rudely comes into the cave from outside threatens and disturbs us. And so we stay in safety and cowardly retreat within the darkness and dampness of The Cave from which we might fight ever so hard never to escape from.
One the one hand... the more one thinks about everything it must take for humans to get to the Moon in the late 1960s with the rustic technology that existed then makes it hard to think we actually got there. And then on the other hand... there are well-placed sources that claim that we already had astronauts that have technologies at their disposal that are generations ahead of what is known today by the public. Can both these things be true? Yes. The 1969 Moon landing could be a well-placed Disney-ish fantasy production while a real and very highly-advanced space program could also have already existed doing all kinds of exotic things.
The bottom line? We have to expand our minds. We have to silence our biases and stop thinking that what we know today and right at this moment has to be the truth. We have to take the courageous leap of realizing that we may in fact know almost nothing about the truth of what goes on today. We have to start with a fresh and clean and blank slate and then use all the tools available to us to start to build and form a foundation of beliefs and 'truths' that have convinced us without a doubt that are real and worthy.
Everyone has a story to tell. A big problem in our World today and in the human condition itself is that so few of these stories are worthy of our time – and even less so, worthy of our belief. For where your mind... is where you place your spirit.
Will that be in the darkness of The Cave? Or in the light of truth and the real? That's our choice today and always.
We have a relative working as an engineer at NASA. The few times we have talked he is very evasive. He is working on new generation space suits. Discussion never really gets past the point of toilet and bodily function innovation. LOL.
Very intelligent and insightful comment!
When our illusions are shattered what is left is a far more cruel reality without hope. Excellent train of thoughts, Mr. Stylman.
We have a great hope: https://risingdawn360.substack.com/p/club-of-rome-grants-trump-the-kingdom
Wow! Just wow!
The craziest piece of the moon landing story was the supposed video format conversions. This doesn't get as much press as things like no stars or dust or heat transfer in the space suits.
The lunar television images were first beamed to NASA's radio base at Honeysuckle Creek space tracking station near Canberra Australia where they were recorded in PAL format. But PAL format can't be displayed on American television screens, so the "live" lunar goings on had to be converted to NTSC video format before being beamed to the USA for the enjoyment of the television viewing audience.
Then all the original PAL video tapes left in Australia were accidentally "destroyed". Oops.
Thank you for sharing this fascinating insight about the PAL/NTSC conversion issue and the "accidentally destroyed" original tapes. That's yet another curious detail that adds to the pattern of conveniently missing evidence.
I also want to thank you for your excellent research on the connection between the moon landing and fiat currency implementation. Fadi kindly pointed out that you were the original source for this analysis, and I've updated my piece to properly credit your work. These economic connections you identified provide crucial context for understanding NASA's role beyond just space exploration.
Your research has been invaluable in helping many of us understand these broader patterns. Looking forward to more of your insights.
You're welcome.
Everybody needs a mission. Even if the mission isn't real. So long as there is belief in the mission, then its mission accomplished for the Philosopher Kings. It was always about the ICBMs. The Apollo 11 Show was just the great big yellow smiley face stuck onto the insanity of nuclear weapons.
That's a brilliant way to frame it - "the great big yellow smiley face stuck onto the insanity of nuclear weapons."
Whether the mission is *real* becomes almost secondary to its function in organizing collective consciousness and behavior. The psychological operation may have been the primary deliverable all along.
Thanks again for your insights - they've added significant depth to my understanding of this period.
Sorry for being given credit to the fiat currency connection. I corrected it in my comment.
Thank you for compiling such an interesting sequence of clips. Also thank you for making the connection between the moon landings and the final abandonment of the gold standard, it's quite interesting.
I'd like to offer a different angle on the question of what the firmament really is, as I have some expertise (acquired via childhood exposure) in an arcane field widely dismissed by the conventional narrative: astrology. While modern astrology (which has ancient roots in both the West and the East) may acknowledge the physical interpretations we now commonly accept as true (i.e. rocks orbiting the sun), it is decidedly a geocentric theory and offers a very different interpretation of the meanings of the various orbits, perhaps suggesting a cosmic order that is now denied in conventional society. As an aside, both ancient and modern astrology connect to the roots of magical systems adjacent to Crowley/Parsons as well as Freemasonry (again, personal knowledge but it's readily discoverable with just a few mouse clicks away from Google).
Without trying to convince anyone, I offer an interesting tidbit, John Michael Greer's predictions of what Trump's second term would look like. It was published on January 11th, 9 days before Trump took office: https://www.patreon.com/posts/us-presidential-119787448 Now compare his predictions to what has taken place since January 20th. Perhaps Greer has inside knowledge, or perhaps is merely an astute observer of politics and student of history? Maybe. But based on my knowledge of the subject, Greer's published predictions on January 11th represent an exhaustive survey of the features of the chart he cast, the rationale for each prediction representing technically accurate interpretations of the features. He did this as well for the 2020 inauguration: https://www.patreon.com/posts/2021-chart-118845009 (although in the retrospective he admits to making certain mistakes by overlooking the war signals). In my own experience, comprehensive technical interpretation of natal charts reveals deep insight into the psychology of the person represented by the natal chart, far beyond the banal interpretations found in (e.g.) newspaper horoscope readings.
Again, I offer this not as an attempt to convince anybody, rather to suggest that what we know and have known about the firmament may have been intentionally obfuscated. Also, I remind you again that *technical* astrology (not the kind you find in newspapers) connects to the secret societies to which this post alludes.
I love this. I started studying Joytish astrology ( ancient Indian(India)) astrology when Trump was first elected in 2016. All I can say is that the powers that be know astrology well. I was studying through Covid and it was all there. All in the charts. In my experience it is an uncanny reflection of both what is going on at large and in my personal life.
Watch in awe as they fail to "return to the moon" in the coming years. I mean c'mon, it they did it 50 years ago we should have a goddamn hotel there by now!
How would you make money on the Moon? There's no air to breathe. No water to drink. No carbon dioxide to support plant live, so there's no way to grow food there.
We didn't go back because we got what we needed at the time. Now that the Cold War is over, we don't need to prove anything to anybody.
"We didn't go back because we got what we needed at the time"-- I find this to be the weakest argument.
One of the astronauts said it was all fake - the moon landing and the picture from space of earth.
As for the "...is NASA selling us a story about space, or something much bigger…" its getting ready us for the fake Lord - the Antichrist.
and while you're at it throw in a few aliens too.
I do not believe in this kerfuffle, never believed in aliens or spaceships, they are all made by the clowns in secret labs and bunkers.
Ron Reagan was involved in the creation of the satellite in about 1983 area. It was weaponized with a laser for defense, but a worker who I know said they knew of it well before the public and it was not for defense at all. The men involved were sworn to secrecy.
There is a dome and the earth flat, and the black holes are where the lights go out. No falling into an abyss like they would have you believe. Its all created to either keep you calm so when sh*t happens, you wont be concerned. The other side of the coin, they create panic on specific things - its all to get to do as they want you to do and they use fear or apathy to get it.
Black holes - does a room in your house disappear when the light goes out, never to be seen again? No, its still there but no light is working.
Riveting reading ! I thought I knew a lot on this but obviously did not....
We've been psyoped.
Wagging the Moondoggie
The "wag the dog" aspect shows how nearly every Apollo mission seems timed to align with escalation or bad news coming out of Vietnam.
Another good primer for NASA fakery is American Moon
I concur that these two references are the single (double?) best resources on this subject that any honest effort to debunk or refute must address. And predictably, they never do.
Dave McGowan, author of Moondoggie, was a real force of nature with an excellent sense of humor and discerning judgement. All of his work is worth slowly digesting. The Lincoln Assassination work and "Programed to Kill" about the serial killer phenom are particularly compelling and novel.
His fresh reports from the Boston Bombing and 9/11 are especially great time capsules.
Though the most popular among his works, I find his Laurel Canyon work to be the most conjectural at times, if for no other reason than he appears unaware and unsympathetic to those ensconced in the creative process. He also seems to frequently overestimate the thematic motives and aspirational continuity that exists between successful fathers and their sons. Sometimes there's coherence & uniformity, but in my experience, a successful child more likely dissents from the father & things are rarely straight forward.
It's great you can share that link to American Moon. YT makes it impossible to find through searches. All you readers reading this, don't miss this opportunity to save that link and set aside time to watch the 3 hour doc while you can.
Funny, I was just about to add a comment suggesting both of those.
I watched that. I also watched the “moon landing” while my husband was in Marine boot camp. Compelling evidence IMHO.
Interesting info! Some definitely new to me. I became aware of the fraud about 4 years ago, probably about the time a lot of other people did too. It’s just so discouraging figuring out how much we’ve been lied to. And it’s so much work to try and figure out what the exact truth actually is.
And it seems that this sort of thing usually comes down to massive amounts of money being involved. How much has nasa and other space programs received since their inception?
I visited the 911 memorial and it was extremely sad. During the propaganda film, someone yelled out, “liar!”. Seems like there was a few other grumbles too. I bet most of the audience was thinking the same thing because no one complained. If people believed the film, I suspect a fight probably would have broke out. But everyone just let it go.
With the growing level of awareness of the past deceptions, it seems that society still just keeps walking into the next trap. I hate to be ‘black-pilled’ but it doesn’t seem like we can ever get out of this pattern. Hopefully I’m wrong.
We lost a whole generation of technicians during Vietnam. Millions of people got college degrees in easy subjects to avoid the draft. We're paying for it now because so very many people lack the basic thinking skills one gets by picking up tools and building something. A thing you did yourself, you cannot deny building, because you remember doing it.
That is what's called empirical knowledge. It commands us to call it true because we witnessed how we proved it true. As long as we hide in the dark with our eyes shut, we remain ignorant.
Interesting theory. My dad is a Vietnam vet. He fully believes everything the government tells him. My husband builds things, he also fully believes the government, except when I’m able to convince him otherwise. He doesn’t want to talk about the moon landing.
But, I do see your point. The people wise to the covid scam were on average, not degree holders. There’s some kind of injury to the critical thinking ability of the human mind in universities going on.
I personally think industries have captured the institutions to turn graduates into laborers that serve the machine, which is an unholy alliance between private sector industry and government, which is traditionally known as fascism.
That and mass media algorithms that can tailor psy-ops for almost everyone on the planet.
My dad builds stuff btw. I think it would just be too painful to realize that all the death and destruction wasn’t for a good cause. He believes that the government is fundamentally good and fights for “freedom”. To believe otherwise would cause an existential crisis of epic proportions in someone who was willing to sacrifice everything and who saw friends pay the ultimate sacrifice.
The problem is that both propositions are true. We have a constitutional government that knows its legal limits. And hiding behind it we have an oligarchy that would be easier to cope with, if it were only motivated by a desire for more money. The trouble with oligarchs is that very often they have some other ideology to promote, and they will act unpredictably.
The Fascist principle, "Nulli tutti Stati" (Nothing except the State) proclaimed by Mussolini, had a private sector in name only. If his government wasn't up to a war just yet, they'd instruct one of their corporations to commit the crime. A healthy private sector is competitive and offers choices. Generally it's the honest people who sell their assets and flee the rising Fascism. What's left are the crooks who continue bleeding the society dry, and then appear foolish after it all collapses. I've a neighbor here in Tempe who teaches Middle School. Her papa fled Mussolini's dictatorship in Italy and the Mexican government took him in as a refugee. He lived out his days in Sonora, as a woodcrafter and cabinet maker. She married an aircraft mechanic who is a US citizen and that got her on the express route to US citizenship. Her brother, who followed papa in learning the woodworking trade, is now partnered with her husband in a fix-and-flip business, rehabilitating housing here in the Phoenix area. It's different for him to run a business in two countries, but it gives his artistic side an outlet. Italy's loss was both Sonora and Arizona's gain.
Very well said!
That's probably about the time I began to take the idea it could have been faked seriously as well. I have also read somewhere that NASA is really a surveillance operation.
Surveillance, money laundering, psychological operations, the possibilities are endless. The only possibility not on the table is man going to the moon, since they “lost the technology”. That cracks me up every time I think about it. Did someone put it in a garbage bag and set it by the dumpster on accident?
It’s actually a very serious crime so I shouldn’t laugh but it’s just so dumb that it’s actually funny.
They also lost the original tapes of the landing somehow.
They sure loose a lot of important stuff. haha! Someone, please send them a labeling tool.
Maybe they accidentally taped a children's birthday party over it.
Probably. It happens to the best of us.