Part of the evil genius behind this coordinated context curation is that many, if not most of the control system is funded by those being controlled. We pay with our money. We pay with our health. We pay with our children feeding their brains with the very same curated consciousness that you outline so well. And we do this all for a little bit of comfort and a few shiny things.

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We pay with our energy. We pay with our lives, that get consumed by the system whether we like it or not.

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I think David Icke, that nutter from England, was on to perception control in 1990’s and no one paid attention except to ban him from speaking and attacking his person.

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Comprehensive review. While it was done to all other societies through decades, it is news to the society where the funding originates from. What goes around comes around or when the chicken come home to roost comes to one's mind.

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Thank you Joshua for an excellent description of the artificial reality that the federal government has been creating, and hoping that we all would adopt. I so appreciate your deep insight into the architecture of this artificial reality system!

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This is something I am going to have to read more than one time. You have an incredible way with words.

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We are living in a Hall of Mirrors. #1: Get Grounded.

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Agreed with a nod to Thomas Pynchon. https://hxlibraries.substack.com/p/san-narciso-1984/comments

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You're a truly gifted writer and thinker. Expressing what many of us were on the verge of realizing. Thank you.

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Very nice. I'm glad I took those behavioral psych 101 electives in the early 80's. It made the current shenanigans easy to see.

Now ask why?

Has humanity gotten so artificial they've forgotten they are creatures of a nature? Cities and suburbs of man made materials, right angles, straight lines, artificial lights, and glass. Lots of glass. Odd smells.

Man made mobility, communication, entertainment, entertainment as spectacle, sports as spectacle. Step right up for cakes and circuses.

I think I'll go for a very long walk now. With my dog, through the woods and fields. In the rain you can almost taste the oak and the birch. No need for a watch, the sky will do. The phone stays, the keychain compass won't fail.

When humans lose nature, you lose balance in mind and body. You're riding the seesaw aloneI. I guess we're learning how depravity such imbalance can cause.

But this one is both nature and culture. This reckoning has to be seen through to completion.

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Perfect article. Sharing it with my friends. Thank you so much. If you write a book, I'll buy it.

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Thanks, Joshua. Some profound insights and reminders here...

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A line that jumped out at me: "The same digital systems that enable mass surveillance could empower individual sovereignty." The reality is each of us must take control of what we are willing to accept as truth. We do that and assess information with critical thinking and we have empowered our individual sovereignty. It is as simple and as difficult, one in the same. Once one questions if things we are told are the truth then the world is no longer a 'Truman construct".

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Interesting read. But accepting what you say as true (or at least a rational and plausible connection of the dots), and assuming that you are not part of the same apparatus, why does this exist, and how did it come to exist?

You state that your research points to something more nefarious. What is that something? Legitimately interested. Avarice is a usual suspect, but far too banal to qualify as nefarious.

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Appreciate the thoughtful comment. I’m just a guy trying to make sense of the patterns I’ve been documenting, publicly and privately, over the last few years. Could I be wrong? Of course. But at a certain point, when the same patterns repeat across history, across industries, across institutions, it’s hard to argue it’s all just a coincidence.

As for something more nefarious - what’s the worst thing you can imagine? Because history suggests it’s probably worse than that. Look at someone like Jimmy Savile - protected for decades, given knighthoods, access to children’s hospitals, all while committing horrific crimes. That level of impunity isn’t an accident; it’s structural. And it’s not isolated.

Neither are wars. Or, economic despair. The deeper you go, the more it becomes clear: these aren’t just tragic inevitabilities of human existence. They are designed, managed, and, in many cases, necessary for those who benefit from controlled crisis. Control over perception means control over reality itself. And once you see how it all fits together, it weighs heavy.

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The ruling elite survive and thrive from human sacrifice, especially child sacrifice.

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They used to have a word for it......SIN. It really isn't that complicated. Read the 8th Chapter of John. Jesus was all over this.

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What do you make of Isaiah 45:7? "I form the light, and create darkness; I make peace, and create evil; I, the Lord, do all these things."

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It is actually better to not know all the details nor the depth of it all. Proverbs contain the wisdom of endless numbers of humans who lived before. One travels the world and realizes that the proverbs are more or less, similar. "Blessed are the ignorant" is true.

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Well it has a name. It is called Powers that be. The Human universe is their world and the ways of how to gain, hold, expand and exercise power have not changed, they have evolved and adjusted. The Powers that be, pick, they do not like to be picked. They invent things, choose what is financed, who is promoted. And there is huge competition among those with ambition to get picked. This is the way of this world. Got nothing to do with any race, gender or for that matter, nationality. For most people, for far too many, the truth is too pessimistic to accept. So, there are easy ways that are available and the grand majority of humans pick "the low hanging fruit", choose the "easy way". The easy way is to accept the system for what it is, do as one is told and find solace or amusement in distractions. One can also be religious. Recently someone reminded me how Rockefeller was a church going Baptist. What is church going, what is religion - in many cases, it is NETWORKING and public relations for the masses, in case the masses are believers. So, it is rather simple.

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Non-human entities feed off the "loosh" from lower frequencies and need The System for their survival. We're here to take back what they've stolen from humanity and they're attempting to drive the final nail into the coffin to enslave humanity forever. That's what we're in the midst of. Even though Andrew Tate would like you to think that the matrix is just trying to keep you from having a 4th Bugatti and 7th siliconed baby-mama.

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Hungarian flag? There are no favelas in Hungary dumbass.

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"The ultimate liberation isn't just seeing through the deception - it's maintaining our essential humanity in a world of tightly controlled perception."

An inoculating prescription worth considering, might be "take two Emerson essays and a Solzhenitsyn, and call me in the morning."

No pressure, Mr. Stylman, but your readers are patiently waiting while the book writes itself, one essay at a time.

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Thanks for the generous comparison. I've dipped into both authors as a researcher but should probably take your prescription and read them cover to cover.

If there's a book writing itself, it's doing a better job of keeping track of where it's going than I am. I'm just trying to make sense of patterns as they emerge, thinking out loud and hoping others find it useful. Glad to hear it's resonating with you.

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“No pressure….” 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

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Josh, So intertwined I had to read it twice and it is extensive. Well considered and well composed. The precise response is still unclear, but perhaps it evidences itself as more of the depth of the morass is revealed. This is a mountain of “ugh” with which to deal — might be good to pen a piece with some actionable specifics as to what mere mortals can do in response that is aligned with this discovery. Not all of us are as deep thinkers as you. But keep it up…essay by essay you are peeling off the veils. Nicely done.

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Question everything, including oneself. Review. Revise...


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Thanks for the thoughtful feedback, Dr. K.

You're right about needing actionable specifics - that challenge of finding practical responses is actually what led to my follow-up piece today. While seeing the pattern is step one, the harder question is how to maintain sovereignty while these systems evolve. I'm particularly interested in how local communities are building resilience, and would love to hear examples of what's working on the ground. Like you said, essay by essay we're all trying to make sense of this together.

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"My research over the past few years points to far more nefarious activities yet to be revealed - operations so heinous that many will simply refuse to process them."

What could be more nefarious than the engineering of systems of perception?

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Mass murder, just as a for-instance. First thing that springs to mind re nefarious ….

The ‘health’ bureaucrats running the medical system in 🇨🇦 Canada 🇨🇦 now routinely ask folks waiting for a hip replacement if they really wouldn’t just prefer taking the easy way out. Instead of waiting years for the operation.

No fuss, no muss is the lure… and an exit available on an expedited basis.

It’s called MAID (Medical Assistance in Dying). Its introduction positioned it as an humane measure of last resort.

Now, of course, criteria are constantly being broadened. Of course.

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