This brings to mind Rupert Sheldrake's concept of morphic resonance — the ability for patterns and forms to be communicated across space and time through their intrinsic frequency and energy. It is morphic resonance that allows morphic fields to retain a cumulative memory and influence the development and behaviour of systems ranging from molecules and organisms to societies and even planets.

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Nice catch with the Sheldrake. Funny how people like him are under constant defamation from the fossils who cling to the last vestiges of dominance….

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This isn't new. Pattern recognition has always been the only thing that really counted in terms of perception and reality, especially when one considers the role that peer review plays in gatekeeping. That's why I always tell people to open their eyes and find out if the science is backed up by what they can see going on in their immediate surroundings. For example, are the vegetarians in your life really healthy or are they constantly sick and show signs of premature aging? If your answer is the latter then you can assume the science that suggests this is a healthy diet is a load of bs.

Also, I would argue that the real shift isn't in "moving from seeking external validation to actively sculpting reality." The real shift is in understanding that perception isn't reality. I say this as a farmer who deals with reality every day. And everyone else also deals with reality on a daily basis, including those who spend most of their waking hours looking at screens instead of interacting with reality, and who are therefore no longer capable of recognizing what is real and what is perception.

These days, the only way most people who live in high-tech societies "sculpt" reality is by mowing their lawn or having children. Perception is what must be "sculpted" if you want to change the status quo so more people can afford lawns (or farmsteads) and children.

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This is brilliant, and definitely requires a few times through. We are, indeed, in a time of pattern recognition, especially as we begin to see the world in terms of energy movement (welcome to the Age of Aquarius!).

One thing I'd be curious about is how the author suggests avoiding the trap of seeing patterns based on conditioning. An example is that many people see in nature a pattern of hierarchy, competition and dominance. I believe their perception is based on a millennium (or more) of colonialism and control, and that when you closely observe nature you are more likely to see a pattern of cooperation, even among predators and prey, albeit over a larger window of time.

I'd also note that the shift the author talks about will be helped by understanding symbols, correspondences, and learning to trust non-verbal/non-rational knowing (e.g. intuition).

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"The ones who win see the pattern before the proof arrives. The ones who lose wait for permission to see."

I liked this enough to improve it with brevity. There is a lot of meaning bound up here.

"Winners see the pattern before proof arrives. Losers wait for permission to see."

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A deep dive into a field like statistics will reveal the epistemological problem: nothing of consequence in the real world is repeatable. The idea of controlled conditions is ultimately a fiction. This plays out in areas like drug development, where it is known that a clinical trial represents very artificial conditions which can never capture the total picture of benefit and risk in the real-world clinic.

At the risk of veering into weird territory: it is possible to individually and personally test the effects of a body of methods which I will call "sorcery". Nothing illegal or terribly immoral, just various established means of projecting ones intentions into the external reality field. After a fixed period of time you can actually evaluate if the application of these methods improved your life. Confirmation bias? Sure. But ultimately the important question is not "did action X really cause effect Y?", but rather, "did my life get better"? I propose that for individuals of reasonably good moral character and adequate impulse control, the answer would usually be "yes".

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This needs multiple reads. But my bet is the Deep State knew this already and have been hard at work using it for their psyops and shenanigans for a while now.

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While I agree with the sentiment, I think we are long past "The End of Scientific Validation" and well on to returning to the scientific method as a neutral arbiter. I have extensive scientific training but also considerable experience in financial analysis and identification of people skills. This forage into the pastures of 'woke dreams' has been a wake-up call to commonsense. Many, many voices have emerged where few had uttered a squeak before. This is rejuvenating societal mores. It has exploded the sensibilities of the value of the 'Golden Rule' and doctrines of fairness we long took for granted.

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I’ll be reading this a few times through….one of the most interesting things I’ve read in a long time and feels important to grok. Also lines up very neatly with the experience of trying to navigate through our shared “reality” the last few years, where attempts to rationally walk in the direction of shared conclusions just doesn’t work anymore.

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R.Anton Wilson’s ‘Reality Tunnel’ comes to mind

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An astonishing post. You just helped me recognise an understanding that's been emergent in my consciousness for some time without quite being formulated. Thank you!

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“Science is over... It no longer controls the boundaries of the real. Its role as an arbiter of truth was always an illusion, but now that illusion is shattered beyond repair.”

Science – not when used as a method of legitimate inquiry but morphed into a modern version of a false religion – is indeed over for the sane and grounded among us. For those who reject the truth of our existential spiritual reality and the truths further revealed by cutting-edge quantum physics – today’s ‘The Science’ (!) shall remain for the deluded their Golden Calf upon which they will happily sacrifice their souls and better judgment... and in effect, surrender their own humanity to the lure of a false doctrine that celebrates a false reality and denies basic fundamentals of our Existence.

“Can this be measured?... Can this be repeated?... Can this be published?”

These are all false, conjured, human-made contrivance measures of truth and relevance. The best things in Life like love, sacrifice, brotherhood, fellowship, mentorship, striving to be better, lust for life... these and more can never be measured or quantified or even fully contained within human cognition. These are the things that are both truly who and what we are as Divine beings... while also serving as the things that are beyond us which we can never fully grasp. Only in the fullness of Divinity itself can these things be fully embodied and embraced.

“Stop asking what is true.”

Ah yes. That is the most Holy Grail for the Disciples of the False. If you never seek what is true... then you can never be proven false. It is only through and by the measuring stick of Truth that you can identify and discern the lies and the false.

“In the old system, proof came first, then belief.”

In today’s modern false religion of 'The Science'... belief always precedes proof. Then you find evidence (or conjure it up) of the ‘proof’ and ‘truth’ you have already declared to be so and you vigorously ignore everything else that falls outside the false boundaries of your erroneously-declared dogmas and doctrines of what is ‘true’.

This is a writing of a False Gospel with the goal of leading as many as possible away from the path of honest discovery and self-reflection.

“Control no longer means forcing obedience. It means engineering the perceptual field so only certain thoughts and actions feel possible.”

This is the tried-and-true method of mind-warping, psy-ops, and brainwashing. The false prophets and fallen institutions of our Age use these techniques for one reason: They work. People fall for it – too many of us, anyway. This is one meaning for ‘Getting Out Of The Dark Cave’. Stop falling for false images and get into the light and start seeing bare truth Reality.

“The winners are the ones structuring perception itself.”

They of course are not real winners. They are winners only in a twisted sense of being like a person who swindles you out of all your money. The Swindler gets all the loot (and makes a fool of you) - but they are anything but a winner.

“You don’t need to fight the existing control grid. You just need to generate a field strong enough to overwrite it.”

This is known as calling upon our own Divine nature and power and our own human agency. Freedom from any kind of delusion or control by another is always at hand for anyone and everyone who wants it. You simply choose this – and make it so.

The Game – the real Game – is found in recognizing who and what you truly are. You are not a flawed human being put on this Earth to be used and abused by someone else (or your own self). You are a piece of Divinity manifested on Planet Earth to know and feel what it’s like to face epic spiritual and self-identity challenges and to hit upon the right answer.

And there is only One Answer. That’s the real Game. And when you learn and embrace that answer – that’s when you Win.

And then it’s time for Another Game in another cosmic realm. With new challenges and new opportunities.

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Interesting article. The counter current to the statements made, which are valid is more dogma, more ideology and more nefarious tricks applied to reinforce the old ways. While the end of this episode may be bright, there is a long dark road leading through a tunnel first. And the light in the tunnel is not the exit, but the locomotive coming our direction.

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Your most coherent friend is incoherent. This is some Deepak Chopra - level gibberish. The galactic energy of the universe crystal realizes all that could be in the spiritual eternity of your soul, maaaan. How big was the bong rip before he vomited this one out?

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I'll pass the comment to Mark, but I'd argue you may be demonstrating his point - defaulting to a Chopra pattern match is exactly the kind of perceptual tunneling he describes. When ideas don't fit our existing frameworks, we rush to categorize them as nonsense rather than examining the pattern itself.

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My thoughts, for now. More re-reading ahead, just to be more sure. But - "Truth was always a perceptual effect"? "Don't ask what's true"? Water boils at 100C at sea level. That's true, and it's a damn good thing we know it's true. No need to bring patterns into it.

Scientific validation is the last prop of a dying age? Sure, science as practiced has been greed and agenda-driven for decades and you can't trust any of it. But the scientific method itself is the best thing we have. Sorcery? Religion? Intuition? Not really seeing much alternative here.

My wife and I saw through the scamdemic from the beginning, March 2020. It was friggin' obvious. And yes, part of seeing through it was patterns. NOTHING made sense, except for the purposes of wealth redistribution, freedom eradication, expanding control, and breaking the spirit of the public. The fact >90% were so clueless as to enthusiastically hop right on showed they didn't have any spirit to start with, though. Yes, patterns exist, and recognizing them is useful.

As opposition to an establishment narrative forms, of course those in charge will try to sideline the upstarts any way they can. Controlled opposition, redirection, sure those techniques are used. And there are striking patterns to observe and look for elsewhere.

But the idea it's all about superimposing patterns you think you see across everything to deduce all reality is a stretch, to put it mildly.

I sometimes imagine the architects of the scamdemic saying among themselves "can you believe those morons actually fell for this?" I imagined the author having similar thoughts as I read this piece.

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Agree , incoherent drivel , quoting the Superman movie - really ? Still this is comic book level “philosophising


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Be careful or Immanuel Kant will smite you.

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I'm wondering how this fits with Josh's arguments in Capturing the Counterculture (which was a very intriguing article)?

While pretending to be about 'the science' or 'the evidence,' haven't the powers-that-be already been engaging in pattern architecture that corrals people into a particular view or set of behaviors? The 'nudge' approach in behavioral economics and its choice 'architecture' to shape public perceptions and behavior has been heavily applied by the US for a while now, and the UK government had a Nudge Unit. I suspect there's been lip service to scientific validation, but academics are too quirky and independent to ever leave anything in their hands.

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Yes! They're intrinsically linked. My piece - and, much of my writing lately - examines a specific manifestation while Mark (who aside from being my friend since we were 8, is part of my "study group") is viewing the larger pattern.

The capture of counterculture shows exactly how perceptual fields are shaped not through direct control but through environmental architecture. They didn't need to disprove countercultural ideas - they just needed to create an environment where those ideas manifested in predictable, manageable ways. The nudge approach is another perfect example. The point is our reality has been carefully crafted - and now the veneer is coming off.

What we're seeing may not merely be a shift from scientific validation to pattern architecture, but from covert to overt pattern manipulation. The methods were always there - now they're just visible to those who know where to look

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Interesting! I'd already read Dave McGowan's book and looked at some of Mike Williams' videos while doing research for some posts about sixties rock groups. I'm now doing a series on protest songs and another writer recently wrote a post asking where have all the protest songs gone. So this has been very useful in thinking that through and preparing a post to respond to it.

I should add that I worked in international development for a while and knew people in USAID. It's fascinating watching what's happening. Never thought I'd see something like this.

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Thank you Mark and Josh. My sense is that it doesn't make sense to fight back against a system which is poorly understood. What are some examples of next generation perception management systems (i.e. mechanisms of control)? Do systems exist which are more sophisticated than the standard algorithimic boost/deboost of Internet content? Is the panopticon obsolete?

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I believe there has to be some incentives for scientists to perform validation on other people's work. And this incentive has to be non-trivial.

When I was in graduate school 40+ years ago, it was a routine "job" for graduate students to review papers dispatched to professors for journal/conference review. I claim all the graduate students I knew did decent jobs in gating the quality of the papers. At least initially. I myself had rejected maybe 20+ submissions to all sorts of journals and conferences. I was in a subfield of EECS where most research work was done by computer simulations, and could be validated by somebody trying the same methodology using one's own programs (but then you had to write that program first). However, full duplication of other people's work took a lot of time. One cannot get his master's degree doing such validation. My professor matched the papers dispatched to him to my fellow graduate students based on how closely our research paradigms matched a given paper. Most of the time, rejecting a bad paper was easy. But once the papers described a scheme too complicated or submitters were from "highly regarded institutions", then rejection took some moral courage and sometimes hard facts/results to present to the professor. Professor may override the recommendation from the graduate students (usually to let a paper pass.) When one is busy about implementing one's own innovative ideas to get one's degree, there is simply not enough time or reward to research to validate or reject a submitted paper. If this was the case for graduate students in a highly quantitative field centered around computer simulation, guess how difficult it is for a professor in a biology/medicine-related field to spare time to carefully read and analyze or

even duplicate somebody else's paper and find arguments to reject. Eventually the number of conferences and journals grows like weeds to allow enough graduate students to get their degrees. and here I am only talking about professors and graduate students who did try to pay the due diligence. There is no guarantee of any kind for all or most professors to do things this way, especially when research grants are at risk.

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