Your writing is like a breath of fresh air. And I look forward to reading more. I hope you accumulated considerable wealth giving you time to research, think, and write about our current world. Good for you.
Still the term "convenience" sticks in my brain. You have written about convenience in several posts, as a reason we all get sucked in to devices which may, can, and do provide avenues of government control. I agree that the Internet and our ubiquitous cellphones aid others in creating conditions for control.
Some of your work started with Thomas Edison. On my desk is a cylindrical object, labeled Edison Amberol Record #285, "Stars and Stripes Forever March" by John Philip Sousa (four minutes). This came from my grandmother. She also had a one-cylinder Stickney engine and a washing machine. They bought a Ford Model A car, and she wanted to know "how fast will it go?" Yes, much of what we have and want today is for convenience (time saving?). Television where I can't respond to what I see. Internet emails over Letters to the Editor of our newspapers. Freezers over Ice Boxes. Computers with Microsoft Word over handwritten text, etc. These "conveniences" aren't going away. There will be more to come.
But you are right, they do set us up for control by people whose credentials deprive them of all humility, allowing them to baldly tell us the Border is closed. We need to encourage Federalism among sovereign States, do trial and error at State level, with emulation of successes. We need to discourage central planning at the Federal level (abortion is a good example). Dethrone the Executive and the unelected Federal Bureaucracy. Insist members of Congress agree on legislation benefitting Americans rather than have them determined to win at all costs.
Eliminate professional sports (OK that will be a long time coming). Pass a law to breakup any company or cartel which achieves more than 40% of a defined market. Big corporations and Big Governments have a natural affinity for each other. Witness all the bent knees around the world on the election of Donald Trump. Had he lost, the knees would just bend in the other direction.
Thank you, Bill. You raise an important point about the evolution of convenience technologies. While there's a continuum from early labor-saving devices to modern smart systems, there's also a crucial distinction: washing machines and Model As simply made work easier, while today's *conveniences* often replace fundamental skills and knowledge while collecting data about every interaction. In an ideal world, technology would automate mindless tasks to free us for more creative and meaningful pursuits. Instead, we're seeing it used to enable unprecedented surveillance and control.
Your suggestions about decentralization and breaking up concentrated power align well with resistance to technocratic control. I am convinced that the challenge we face isn't primarily left vs right - it's centralized control vs human agency, regardless of political flavor. Whether it comes through government bureaucracy or corporate power, centralization itself is the threat.
The more we understand these systems, the better equipped we are to maintain our autonomy within them.
Humanist EM Forster's 1909 'The Machine Stops' demonstrates the depth of thought and concerns people were putting into the far off but nascent machine/digital age during the 'New Thought' era.
I'd argue an antidote to digital dystopia is breaking free of dogmatic religions and digital reliance with the emergence of a modern equivalence to the 'New Thought' contemplations, despite some of the strange manifestations, such as Christian Science, that that era begat.
Maybe 'The Truman Show' will become a Christmas holiday staple in the way 'It's a wonderful life' did!
Thanks for this reference. I've heard of "The Machine Stops" but haven't read it - your comment might be the nudge I needed. The parallels you describe are fascinating. And I love the idea of "The Truman Show" becoming holiday viewing.
Heh. The fancy-future folks with their fancy techy meds did not do so well in covid. And we haven't even seen the end of that death spiral. I can see all those wanting to up themselves into the hard drive one way or another end up the same way.
Josh, This is the best overarching summary of the history and the remarkable and very limited family associations that have driven most of what we see. Interestingly, as someone with more-than-passing relations with various old-line royalty (in the true sense) this is generally understood and many of these family actors are also tangentially wired in -- but not a one would ever mention it. But most "ordinary" people just refuse to believe how this is packaged and how it has progressed (because if anything sounds like a conspiracy theory, this would be it) so careful documentation with receipts is the only way to start to bring along the (right-place-to-start) skeptics.
The only weakness in the entire piece is the detail for the history is intricate and persuasive, but the instructions to "fix" things are high level, very generic, and essentially in the "sounds good -- can't see anything exactly to do here so I will keep on doing what I am doing" category. This issue is not specific to you -- it characterizes most people trying to imagine another path. But it needs more heavy duty actionable "do this now" steps to have the kind of impact it should have, I think. Wish I could tell you what they are -- that is why we read deep thinkers like you.
In any case, marvelous piece. Hope it gets picked up and republished -- it merits it.
I should mention that I was actually quite selective in what to include in this piece - as I've previously mentioned, I've been working closely with a team (including some of my closest friends) for the last few years, and it all runs much deeper than what I presented here. Candidly, it took me a while for my jaw to finally close but the connections are ubiquitous and obvious. Nonetheless, all I'm trying to is share a bit of my "map" for anyone else who may be interested in these topics but isn't sure where to start. Rather than ranting over a drink in a bar (as I tried for the last few years) I figured I'd start showing my/our work in writing.
As for your point about the action steps - you're absolutely right. The "what to do about it" piece is something I'm still working to crystallize. I try to be mindful about not being preachy with solutions (especially since I'm typing this on a computer, not exactly living like the Amish!), but I agree that more concrete next steps would strengthen the impact.
Thank you again for the kind words and encouragement.
The research is what takes the real time - years of digging and connecting dots with my inner circle. But once you start seeing the patterns, they stitch together naturally. It's like the pieces of the puzzle just want to come together.
Benz's work is absolutely extraordinary - he's been absolutely vital in helping people understand these mechanisms of control.
I'll definitely check out that Off-Guardian piece - thanks for sharing it. It's encouraging to see more people spotting these patterns and sharing their findings. That's the only way people will start paying attention to them.
Excellent piece. Thanks for bringing all the diverse threads together into this dystopian tapestry and its trajectory. Transgender is merely a step to Transhuman. Klaus even pontificates about a post-human world and a 'bio-digital convergence' as he and his elite friends 'steer humanity into the future.' As if we can't steer ourselves. My sense is the blind obedients in love with their servitude will be greater victims of the human cull. Those of us resisting this nightmare at least stand a better chance. It really is a battle of good against evil.
Thank you so much. You make an important connection - the normalization of technological body modification is indeed a bridge toward their stated transhuman goals. Schwab and others have been quite explicit about their vision of 'bio-digital convergence' and the post-human future they envision. This is a clear step in that progression. While I didn't get into the occult aspects in this piece, there's a direct throughline to Crowley's 'Do What Thou Wilt' - his influence on the Huxleys, Fabians and Tavistock circles adds another layer to this historical web of transcending human limitations.
A great piece but for several inclusions that reverse all of this nonsense. You are one of these as well as Robert Malone, MD, ALilyBit, Jenn McCarthy, Elizabeth Nickson and just go on down a long list of critical thinkers who hav found their voices amplified by the attempt to exert top-down control. There are thousands of us who have had our perceptions elevated to a high level that are now fully alert to the 'great plans' of world dominance they have been working many decades to effect. To know what is happening is to stop it.
Heh, I never thought I'd find myself mentioned in the same breath as Jenny McCarthy AND Dr. Malone - I suppose life can take some unexpected turns :-)
But thank you for these thoughtful words. And, you're right - the more people who understand these systems, the harder they become to implement. Thank you for caring about humanity's future.
I like it. Wish I could write so well but I got dragged into these topics due to something other than expertise. I do music and am an arborist. The only momentum I had by March '20 was skepticism due to a couple years anti-white reparations gibberish and some physical ailments I came to realize our healthcare experts were not up to admitting was outta their league and both agendas wanted to pilfer $ and sanity. I dug for troof. So this is a densely packed crash course on things I've had a lot of exposure to but does me little good frankly. Charlie Robinson has overviewed all of it to name only one source but I see you're also into solutions. Good. What audience do you think is ideal for you? It's time to advance. Spread out. We're off the beaten track so time to bust out the proverbial machete and clear some brush! Get in there! All this talk of technocrats and social planners has me drooling and my eyes are heavy. You want to make a difference and set yourself apart I found some shit in the weeds you might not have written about for those like myself in a consumptive rut and you won't need many big words, really. Who are the trillionaire bloodline families funding all of it? Not Rothschild or Rockefeller either. Keep going. Who do they answer to when there's a glitch in their system? Take us there. Find some way to *bring home* to the average fuk we're trying to recruit what it's like to head up these operations. The creeps in yahts and castles. Parse for us their humanity/psychopathy. If you think we're at war with someone you need to know who they are and what drives them to do what. Names dammit! The hidden. Or if you want to expound on what seems to be a previous reset the world's Fairs, orphans dispersed in droves at that time from who knows where, coveted tech secrets they had/have but didn't reveal. These old stone buildings in US we don't know how to build...The whole point in my view is to survive as humans which is going to require something normies can sink their teeth into and pay attention long enough to think critically about exactly who is doing what. Convince the sleepers something begs their attention. Get in there!
I'm working on a project that I think can demonstrate how filters like circulation numbers that are used by big media can be bypassed in favor of ones that allow news sources to be found based on content.
I would like to invite you to be included in a table of responses to 24 yes/no covid and great reset related questions. If you take one minute per question, that would be 24 minutes, but I bet you could do it in 5.
Note that you can respond with '?' to any question that you don't want to answer.
Your row in the table can be filled out by entering a comment there using the following template with answers of <yes/ yes (see comments) / no / no (see comments) / ?> where any comments can be in the comments section, then I will put your answers in the table.
These questions follow the Open World Assumption:
"The Open World Assumption (OWA) is the assumption that what is not known to be true or false might be true, or absence of information is interpreted as unknown information, not as negative information"
So an assertion of one thing in the list does not negate the assertion of another thing. People will have different interpretations of different things.
Hey Josh. Another well-crafted essay, thanks. However, in my mind you took a big step backwards. In our previous conversations you tacitly acknowledged the energy constraints that this is facing. A simple understanding of complexity theory makes clear that societies in energy decline/collapse cannot add layers of social complexity; they always shed layers of social complexity because complexity is a function of energy surpluses. I talked about all this before and you acknowledged my points.
I also specifically addressed the Club of Rome and Limits to Growth controversy, and concluded that the manufactured consent for repudiating the Club's findings was an obvious Elite psyop, and in your response you did not push back against that. Yet now you act as if that never happened and that the Club's findings themselves are the Elite psyop rather than the repudiation.
Population dynamics are hard science. And they are based on resource dynamics which are also hard science. Pollution dynamics are hard science.Yet you treat these sciences as nothing more than a psyop in service of some nefarious global genocide by the Elites.
How can you have just written "The Second Matrix," and then go on to present the second matrix as reality? In this article you are saying exactly the same thing as every other manufactured dissident, so what exactly IS the second matrix? Do you see what I'm saying?
The truth is always two layers deep, not one.
The final peak of Peak Oil Theory happened in 2018, pretty much exactly like the Club of Rome forecasted, because they based their forecast on an updated version of visionary petroleum geologist M. King Hubbert's forecast. You link Hubbert to the Elites in a convincing way then I'll grant you some leeway in wanting to willfully ignore the six-year-old structural collapse of this civilization. But I bet you can't.
Thanks for the thoughtful critique, Ben - though I'm struck by how you simultaneously advocate for nuanced, multi-layered analysis while presenting your own interpretations as absolute truth. You suggest the "truth is always two layers deep," yet seem quite certain there's only one valid way to interpret the Club of Rome and peak oil theory.
I'm genuinely interested in exploring how resource constraints and energy dynamics interact with technocratic control systems. These aren't mutually exclusive analyses - real physical limitations can exist AND be weaponized by power structures to advance specific agendas. The fact that a problem is genuine doesn't mean its proposed solutions serve public interests.
Your point about energy constraints limiting complex control systems is worth examining. But suggesting I've "taken a big step backwards" because my analysis doesn't perfectly align with your framework seems to contradict your own call for deeper thinking. Perhaps there isn't just one *second matrix* but multiple overlapping systems of control, each adapted to different populations and circumstances?
I'm open to learning more about peak oil theory and would welcome sources you'd recommend. But for someone so concerned with layers of truth and manufactured dissent, you seem remarkably comfortable presenting your interpretation as the One True Reality™. That's quite a neat trick - criticizing others for not seeing past the first layer while insisting your layer is the only valid one. Maybe the real *second matrix* is thinking there's only one second matrix?
Notice that your reply is a strawman argument or, alternatively, attacking the messenger.
Instead of acknowledging that it is self-evident that Reality itself is, in total, a singular, objective phenomenon, and then trying to impersonally assess whether what I am impersonally saying is an accurate patterning of that one Reality, you decided to make the hypothesis that what I said about my patterned assessment has more to say about my psychological motivations rather than the ideas themselves.
Either this civilization has passed its limits to thermodynamic growth or it hasn't. Right? And given that civilization is just a glorified thermodynamic sinks, the very first thing that has to be ascertained, if possible, during times of civilizational upheaval is the current ability of the civilization to continue to sink ever more energy surpluses into the enterprise.
Complexity theory makes abundantly clear that, in times of energy collapse, civilization cannot add social complexity such as yet another layer of technological control because that would require even more energy throughput to build out the added layer while simultaneously maintaining the existing layer. It's just physically impossible. Had they the technological ability 40 years ago then they could have, but they didn't have that ability.
Willful ignorance is a problem of fear. It's fear-based. I'm not saying that's your problem but it is ultimately most peoples' problem, because being willing to see the elephant of Peak Oil in the room -- which takes some months of homework because it is a complex systems theory -- naturally results in a mourning period, because of the inevitability of a structural population collapse. Population explosion always results in population collapse across all species of biological organisms.
Nicole Foss is the all-time greatest analyst in my opinion, but she is not into conspiracy, just structuralism. But that's as it should be for any scientific examination. She's no longer active but you can find video content online and also her series of written primers at The Automatic Earth blog. As I mentioned previously The Honest Sorcerer stack does solid work. Gail Tverberg's Our Finite World blog has a highly active commentariat whose brains you can pick or try to outcompete in the marketplace of ideas and they will rise to the occasion.
Realize that Peak Oil is an affordability analysis and not a purely geological one. About half of the discovered oil will remain in the ground because the civilization has gone broke trying to get the last and worst of the first half of the oil out of the ground. THAT is the primary reason why global finance is fucked right now, they can't charge anymore for a barrel of oil because the marginal consumer can't afford it and all the while the average cost to bring a barrel to market goes up because every barrel gets harder and harder to extract and refine because the easiest fruit to pick is the cheapest fruit to pick, so it gets picked first.
The truth is out there Josh. And it's not about you or me. Let us merely be accurate vehicles for the truth. May the best ideas win.
First, I want to be clear that I never intended to attack you or your ideas. While your initial comment struck me as somewhat dismissive ('big step backwards,' 'manufactured dissident'), that wasn't my intention or approach.
I appreciate the perspective on energy dynamics - and you're right, I'm not an expert in this domain. However, given the documented history of suppressing technological innovations that threaten established power structures (from Stanley Meyer's water-powered car to Tesla's wireless energy transmission to alleged developments in zero point energy), I'm hesitant to accept any singular narrative about energy constraints. The same forces implementing technocratic control systems have actively shaped our energy paradigms for decades.
That said, my essay's core thesis remains relevant regardless of these energy debates. These aren't theoretical systems - central banks worldwide have publicly announced CBDC initiatives (with China already implementing the digital yuan), social credit systems are operational in multiple countries, and biosurveillance networks expanded dramatically during COVID. You may argue these systems can't be fully scaled due to energy constraints (or that they're a Second Matrix psyop entirely), but their development and partial deployment is documented fact, not speculation. The ultimate success or failure of their complete implementation doesn't negate their current existence, the intentions behind them, or the importance of understanding their architecture.
I laid out evidence for how technocratic visions from the early 20th century are manifesting today through specific institutions and technologies. You're welcome to disagree with this analysis or view it as secondary to structural energy constraints. I suspect the reality involves both dynamics - resource limitations AND systematic efforts at centralized control - interacting in complex ways that deserve further exploration.
I'm genuinely interested in better understanding how Peak Oil theory might impact these control systems. But I'd suggest we can examine these intersections without having to position either analysis as the *one true framework* we should consider. Either way, thanks for engaging.
I agree it needs more heavy duty actionable steps but I think those you list are good to begin with, along with spreading the gospel of an understanding of the monetary history, which is the story of power that reveals how our sovereignty was usurped by those who got control of the global monetary system (capitalisme) issuing money as credit/debt, a form of slavery. It is a centripetal force that with technologic control now becomes even more centralized. Reclaiming our sovereignty is reclaiming the power to issue the money, the most vital prerogative of democratic self-governance. As Frederick Soddy wrote in 1934, "To allow it (money) to become a source of revenue to private issuers is to create, first, a secret and illicit arm of the government and, last, a rival power strong enough ultimately to overthrow all other forms of government." This where we are, it seems and yet when their system crashes they come running to the sovereign to bail them out. I think your work as well as the work of others is helping to "lift the veil" on the crimes of the elite to bring about an apocalypse, and end to their world and the beginning of a new paradigm.
Thank you - you're absolutely right about the crucial role of monetary control. While I actually favor moving money outside of centralized control entirely (whether governmental or private), we agree that the current system concentrates dangerous power in private hands. The push for CBDCs represents the perfect fusion of financial and technological control - exactly what we want to prevent.
Your writing is like a breath of fresh air. And I look forward to reading more. I hope you accumulated considerable wealth giving you time to research, think, and write about our current world. Good for you.
Still the term "convenience" sticks in my brain. You have written about convenience in several posts, as a reason we all get sucked in to devices which may, can, and do provide avenues of government control. I agree that the Internet and our ubiquitous cellphones aid others in creating conditions for control.
Some of your work started with Thomas Edison. On my desk is a cylindrical object, labeled Edison Amberol Record #285, "Stars and Stripes Forever March" by John Philip Sousa (four minutes). This came from my grandmother. She also had a one-cylinder Stickney engine and a washing machine. They bought a Ford Model A car, and she wanted to know "how fast will it go?" Yes, much of what we have and want today is for convenience (time saving?). Television where I can't respond to what I see. Internet emails over Letters to the Editor of our newspapers. Freezers over Ice Boxes. Computers with Microsoft Word over handwritten text, etc. These "conveniences" aren't going away. There will be more to come.
But you are right, they do set us up for control by people whose credentials deprive them of all humility, allowing them to baldly tell us the Border is closed. We need to encourage Federalism among sovereign States, do trial and error at State level, with emulation of successes. We need to discourage central planning at the Federal level (abortion is a good example). Dethrone the Executive and the unelected Federal Bureaucracy. Insist members of Congress agree on legislation benefitting Americans rather than have them determined to win at all costs.
Eliminate professional sports (OK that will be a long time coming). Pass a law to breakup any company or cartel which achieves more than 40% of a defined market. Big corporations and Big Governments have a natural affinity for each other. Witness all the bent knees around the world on the election of Donald Trump. Had he lost, the knees would just bend in the other direction.
Thank you, Bill. You raise an important point about the evolution of convenience technologies. While there's a continuum from early labor-saving devices to modern smart systems, there's also a crucial distinction: washing machines and Model As simply made work easier, while today's *conveniences* often replace fundamental skills and knowledge while collecting data about every interaction. In an ideal world, technology would automate mindless tasks to free us for more creative and meaningful pursuits. Instead, we're seeing it used to enable unprecedented surveillance and control.
Your suggestions about decentralization and breaking up concentrated power align well with resistance to technocratic control. I am convinced that the challenge we face isn't primarily left vs right - it's centralized control vs human agency, regardless of political flavor. Whether it comes through government bureaucracy or corporate power, centralization itself is the threat.
The more we understand these systems, the better equipped we are to maintain our autonomy within them.
Compliments. Very comprehensive, well put together overview.
Humanist EM Forster's 1909 'The Machine Stops' demonstrates the depth of thought and concerns people were putting into the far off but nascent machine/digital age during the 'New Thought' era.
I'd argue an antidote to digital dystopia is breaking free of dogmatic religions and digital reliance with the emergence of a modern equivalence to the 'New Thought' contemplations, despite some of the strange manifestations, such as Christian Science, that that era begat.
Maybe 'The Truman Show' will become a Christmas holiday staple in the way 'It's a wonderful life' did!
Thanks for this reference. I've heard of "The Machine Stops" but haven't read it - your comment might be the nudge I needed. The parallels you describe are fascinating. And I love the idea of "The Truman Show" becoming holiday viewing.
Heh. The fancy-future folks with their fancy techy meds did not do so well in covid. And we haven't even seen the end of that death spiral. I can see all those wanting to up themselves into the hard drive one way or another end up the same way.
Brilliant compendium. Kudos!
Josh, This is the best overarching summary of the history and the remarkable and very limited family associations that have driven most of what we see. Interestingly, as someone with more-than-passing relations with various old-line royalty (in the true sense) this is generally understood and many of these family actors are also tangentially wired in -- but not a one would ever mention it. But most "ordinary" people just refuse to believe how this is packaged and how it has progressed (because if anything sounds like a conspiracy theory, this would be it) so careful documentation with receipts is the only way to start to bring along the (right-place-to-start) skeptics.
The only weakness in the entire piece is the detail for the history is intricate and persuasive, but the instructions to "fix" things are high level, very generic, and essentially in the "sounds good -- can't see anything exactly to do here so I will keep on doing what I am doing" category. This issue is not specific to you -- it characterizes most people trying to imagine another path. But it needs more heavy duty actionable "do this now" steps to have the kind of impact it should have, I think. Wish I could tell you what they are -- that is why we read deep thinkers like you.
In any case, marvelous piece. Hope it gets picked up and republished -- it merits it.
Thanks, Dr. K. Coming from you, this means a lot.
I should mention that I was actually quite selective in what to include in this piece - as I've previously mentioned, I've been working closely with a team (including some of my closest friends) for the last few years, and it all runs much deeper than what I presented here. Candidly, it took me a while for my jaw to finally close but the connections are ubiquitous and obvious. Nonetheless, all I'm trying to is share a bit of my "map" for anyone else who may be interested in these topics but isn't sure where to start. Rather than ranting over a drink in a bar (as I tried for the last few years) I figured I'd start showing my/our work in writing.
As for your point about the action steps - you're absolutely right. The "what to do about it" piece is something I'm still working to crystallize. I try to be mindful about not being preachy with solutions (especially since I'm typing this on a computer, not exactly living like the Amish!), but I agree that more concrete next steps would strengthen the impact.
Thank you again for the kind words and encouragement.
OMG Josh where do you find the time & inspiration to produce such densely researched masterworks ⁉️
Had not yet finished marinating in your epic, multilayered #EngineeringReality 3-part series, and then U drop this on all of us…
Great minds think alike: You are helping *so many* travelling the same metapath (as with Benz, his rings, and the simultaneity of discovery?).
This OffGuardian piece popped up only this morning; thought immediately of sending it along. Serendipity!
Thank you, Jan.
The research is what takes the real time - years of digging and connecting dots with my inner circle. But once you start seeing the patterns, they stitch together naturally. It's like the pieces of the puzzle just want to come together.
Benz's work is absolutely extraordinary - he's been absolutely vital in helping people understand these mechanisms of control.
I'll definitely check out that Off-Guardian piece - thanks for sharing it. It's encouraging to see more people spotting these patterns and sharing their findings. That's the only way people will start paying attention to them.
Excellent piece. Thanks for bringing all the diverse threads together into this dystopian tapestry and its trajectory. Transgender is merely a step to Transhuman. Klaus even pontificates about a post-human world and a 'bio-digital convergence' as he and his elite friends 'steer humanity into the future.' As if we can't steer ourselves. My sense is the blind obedients in love with their servitude will be greater victims of the human cull. Those of us resisting this nightmare at least stand a better chance. It really is a battle of good against evil.
Thank you so much. You make an important connection - the normalization of technological body modification is indeed a bridge toward their stated transhuman goals. Schwab and others have been quite explicit about their vision of 'bio-digital convergence' and the post-human future they envision. This is a clear step in that progression. While I didn't get into the occult aspects in this piece, there's a direct throughline to Crowley's 'Do What Thou Wilt' - his influence on the Huxleys, Fabians and Tavistock circles adds another layer to this historical web of transcending human limitations.
A great piece but for several inclusions that reverse all of this nonsense. You are one of these as well as Robert Malone, MD, ALilyBit, Jenn McCarthy, Elizabeth Nickson and just go on down a long list of critical thinkers who hav found their voices amplified by the attempt to exert top-down control. There are thousands of us who have had our perceptions elevated to a high level that are now fully alert to the 'great plans' of world dominance they have been working many decades to effect. To know what is happening is to stop it.
Heh, I never thought I'd find myself mentioned in the same breath as Jenny McCarthy AND Dr. Malone - I suppose life can take some unexpected turns :-)
But thank you for these thoughtful words. And, you're right - the more people who understand these systems, the harder they become to implement. Thank you for caring about humanity's future.
I like it. Wish I could write so well but I got dragged into these topics due to something other than expertise. I do music and am an arborist. The only momentum I had by March '20 was skepticism due to a couple years anti-white reparations gibberish and some physical ailments I came to realize our healthcare experts were not up to admitting was outta their league and both agendas wanted to pilfer $ and sanity. I dug for troof. So this is a densely packed crash course on things I've had a lot of exposure to but does me little good frankly. Charlie Robinson has overviewed all of it to name only one source but I see you're also into solutions. Good. What audience do you think is ideal for you? It's time to advance. Spread out. We're off the beaten track so time to bust out the proverbial machete and clear some brush! Get in there! All this talk of technocrats and social planners has me drooling and my eyes are heavy. You want to make a difference and set yourself apart I found some shit in the weeds you might not have written about for those like myself in a consumptive rut and you won't need many big words, really. Who are the trillionaire bloodline families funding all of it? Not Rothschild or Rockefeller either. Keep going. Who do they answer to when there's a glitch in their system? Take us there. Find some way to *bring home* to the average fuk we're trying to recruit what it's like to head up these operations. The creeps in yahts and castles. Parse for us their humanity/psychopathy. If you think we're at war with someone you need to know who they are and what drives them to do what. Names dammit! The hidden. Or if you want to expound on what seems to be a previous reset the world's Fairs, orphans dispersed in droves at that time from who knows where, coveted tech secrets they had/have but didn't reveal. These old stone buildings in US we don't know how to build...The whole point in my view is to survive as humans which is going to require something normies can sink their teeth into and pay attention long enough to think critically about exactly who is doing what. Convince the sleepers something begs their attention. Get in there!
Worth watching:
Sabrina Wallace & Professor Engelstein re: (WBAN) Pt 1: | Wireless Body Area Network (WBAN) & Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN) Smart Dust -
Sabrina Wallace & Professor Engelstein re: (WBAN) Pt 2 | Wireless Body Area Network (WBAN) & Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN) Smart Dust -
Hi Joshua,
I'm working on a project that I think can demonstrate how filters like circulation numbers that are used by big media can be bypassed in favor of ones that allow news sources to be found based on content.
I would like to invite you to be included in a table of responses to 24 yes/no covid and great reset related questions. If you take one minute per question, that would be 24 minutes, but I bet you could do it in 5.
Note that you can respond with '?' to any question that you don't want to answer.
Your row in the table can be filled out by entering a comment there using the following template with answers of <yes/ yes (see comments) / no / no (see comments) / ?> where any comments can be in the comments section, then I will put your answers in the table.
These questions follow the Open World Assumption:
"The Open World Assumption (OWA) is the assumption that what is not known to be true or false might be true, or absence of information is interpreted as unknown information, not as negative information"
So an assertion of one thing in the list does not negate the assertion of another thing. People will have different interpretations of different things.
The questions:
1) Supports Trump
2) Trump assassination attempt faked
3) Trump is a Technocrat
4) mRNA is a bioweapon
5)All vaccines are bioweapons
6) Vaccines were always bioweapons
7) Covid was just poisoning
8) Covid was a military operation
9) Covid was dangerous
10) Covid response was dangerous
11) Covid was a pandemic
12) Covid was a bioweapon
13) Viruses exist
14) Viruses cause disease
15) Terrain theory is correct
16) Germ theory is correct
17) G3P is in charge
18) G3P runs Putin too
19) Global warming caused by humans
20) Supports Ukraine war
21) 5G is for depopulation
22) Chemtrails are for depopulation
23) Malthus was correct
24) The Earth is overpopulated
AI does not exist.
Hey Josh. Another well-crafted essay, thanks. However, in my mind you took a big step backwards. In our previous conversations you tacitly acknowledged the energy constraints that this is facing. A simple understanding of complexity theory makes clear that societies in energy decline/collapse cannot add layers of social complexity; they always shed layers of social complexity because complexity is a function of energy surpluses. I talked about all this before and you acknowledged my points.
I also specifically addressed the Club of Rome and Limits to Growth controversy, and concluded that the manufactured consent for repudiating the Club's findings was an obvious Elite psyop, and in your response you did not push back against that. Yet now you act as if that never happened and that the Club's findings themselves are the Elite psyop rather than the repudiation.
Population dynamics are hard science. And they are based on resource dynamics which are also hard science. Pollution dynamics are hard science.Yet you treat these sciences as nothing more than a psyop in service of some nefarious global genocide by the Elites.
How can you have just written "The Second Matrix," and then go on to present the second matrix as reality? In this article you are saying exactly the same thing as every other manufactured dissident, so what exactly IS the second matrix? Do you see what I'm saying?
The truth is always two layers deep, not one.
The final peak of Peak Oil Theory happened in 2018, pretty much exactly like the Club of Rome forecasted, because they based their forecast on an updated version of visionary petroleum geologist M. King Hubbert's forecast. You link Hubbert to the Elites in a convincing way then I'll grant you some leeway in wanting to willfully ignore the six-year-old structural collapse of this civilization. But I bet you can't.
Thanks for the thoughtful critique, Ben - though I'm struck by how you simultaneously advocate for nuanced, multi-layered analysis while presenting your own interpretations as absolute truth. You suggest the "truth is always two layers deep," yet seem quite certain there's only one valid way to interpret the Club of Rome and peak oil theory.
I'm genuinely interested in exploring how resource constraints and energy dynamics interact with technocratic control systems. These aren't mutually exclusive analyses - real physical limitations can exist AND be weaponized by power structures to advance specific agendas. The fact that a problem is genuine doesn't mean its proposed solutions serve public interests.
Your point about energy constraints limiting complex control systems is worth examining. But suggesting I've "taken a big step backwards" because my analysis doesn't perfectly align with your framework seems to contradict your own call for deeper thinking. Perhaps there isn't just one *second matrix* but multiple overlapping systems of control, each adapted to different populations and circumstances?
I'm open to learning more about peak oil theory and would welcome sources you'd recommend. But for someone so concerned with layers of truth and manufactured dissent, you seem remarkably comfortable presenting your interpretation as the One True Reality™. That's quite a neat trick - criticizing others for not seeing past the first layer while insisting your layer is the only valid one. Maybe the real *second matrix* is thinking there's only one second matrix?
Thanks Josh.
Notice that your reply is a strawman argument or, alternatively, attacking the messenger.
Instead of acknowledging that it is self-evident that Reality itself is, in total, a singular, objective phenomenon, and then trying to impersonally assess whether what I am impersonally saying is an accurate patterning of that one Reality, you decided to make the hypothesis that what I said about my patterned assessment has more to say about my psychological motivations rather than the ideas themselves.
Either this civilization has passed its limits to thermodynamic growth or it hasn't. Right? And given that civilization is just a glorified thermodynamic sinks, the very first thing that has to be ascertained, if possible, during times of civilizational upheaval is the current ability of the civilization to continue to sink ever more energy surpluses into the enterprise.
Complexity theory makes abundantly clear that, in times of energy collapse, civilization cannot add social complexity such as yet another layer of technological control because that would require even more energy throughput to build out the added layer while simultaneously maintaining the existing layer. It's just physically impossible. Had they the technological ability 40 years ago then they could have, but they didn't have that ability.
Willful ignorance is a problem of fear. It's fear-based. I'm not saying that's your problem but it is ultimately most peoples' problem, because being willing to see the elephant of Peak Oil in the room -- which takes some months of homework because it is a complex systems theory -- naturally results in a mourning period, because of the inevitability of a structural population collapse. Population explosion always results in population collapse across all species of biological organisms.
Nicole Foss is the all-time greatest analyst in my opinion, but she is not into conspiracy, just structuralism. But that's as it should be for any scientific examination. She's no longer active but you can find video content online and also her series of written primers at The Automatic Earth blog. As I mentioned previously The Honest Sorcerer stack does solid work. Gail Tverberg's Our Finite World blog has a highly active commentariat whose brains you can pick or try to outcompete in the marketplace of ideas and they will rise to the occasion.
Realize that Peak Oil is an affordability analysis and not a purely geological one. About half of the discovered oil will remain in the ground because the civilization has gone broke trying to get the last and worst of the first half of the oil out of the ground. THAT is the primary reason why global finance is fucked right now, they can't charge anymore for a barrel of oil because the marginal consumer can't afford it and all the while the average cost to bring a barrel to market goes up because every barrel gets harder and harder to extract and refine because the easiest fruit to pick is the cheapest fruit to pick, so it gets picked first.
The truth is out there Josh. And it's not about you or me. Let us merely be accurate vehicles for the truth. May the best ideas win.
First, I want to be clear that I never intended to attack you or your ideas. While your initial comment struck me as somewhat dismissive ('big step backwards,' 'manufactured dissident'), that wasn't my intention or approach.
I appreciate the perspective on energy dynamics - and you're right, I'm not an expert in this domain. However, given the documented history of suppressing technological innovations that threaten established power structures (from Stanley Meyer's water-powered car to Tesla's wireless energy transmission to alleged developments in zero point energy), I'm hesitant to accept any singular narrative about energy constraints. The same forces implementing technocratic control systems have actively shaped our energy paradigms for decades.
That said, my essay's core thesis remains relevant regardless of these energy debates. These aren't theoretical systems - central banks worldwide have publicly announced CBDC initiatives (with China already implementing the digital yuan), social credit systems are operational in multiple countries, and biosurveillance networks expanded dramatically during COVID. You may argue these systems can't be fully scaled due to energy constraints (or that they're a Second Matrix psyop entirely), but their development and partial deployment is documented fact, not speculation. The ultimate success or failure of their complete implementation doesn't negate their current existence, the intentions behind them, or the importance of understanding their architecture.
I laid out evidence for how technocratic visions from the early 20th century are manifesting today through specific institutions and technologies. You're welcome to disagree with this analysis or view it as secondary to structural energy constraints. I suspect the reality involves both dynamics - resource limitations AND systematic efforts at centralized control - interacting in complex ways that deserve further exploration.
I'm genuinely interested in better understanding how Peak Oil theory might impact these control systems. But I'd suggest we can examine these intersections without having to position either analysis as the *one true framework* we should consider. Either way, thanks for engaging.
I agree it needs more heavy duty actionable steps but I think those you list are good to begin with, along with spreading the gospel of an understanding of the monetary history, which is the story of power that reveals how our sovereignty was usurped by those who got control of the global monetary system (capitalisme) issuing money as credit/debt, a form of slavery. It is a centripetal force that with technologic control now becomes even more centralized. Reclaiming our sovereignty is reclaiming the power to issue the money, the most vital prerogative of democratic self-governance. As Frederick Soddy wrote in 1934, "To allow it (money) to become a source of revenue to private issuers is to create, first, a secret and illicit arm of the government and, last, a rival power strong enough ultimately to overthrow all other forms of government." This where we are, it seems and yet when their system crashes they come running to the sovereign to bail them out. I think your work as well as the work of others is helping to "lift the veil" on the crimes of the elite to bring about an apocalypse, and end to their world and the beginning of a new paradigm.
Thank you - you're absolutely right about the crucial role of monetary control. While I actually favor moving money outside of centralized control entirely (whether governmental or private), we agree that the current system concentrates dangerous power in private hands. The push for CBDCs represents the perfect fusion of financial and technological control - exactly what we want to prevent.
Fascinating research and articles, thank you.
I am working on "Mass Psychology in Geopolitics", I will be referencing your publications and ICE-9's extensively.
Thank you and best of luck. Tavistock is core to understanding what you're looking for.
You bet! and an interesting thing I discovered is that Rockefeller Foundation funded the establishment of Tavistock Institute:
Yep. These links may be useful for you to go a layer deeper...
Thank you!